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ST: The Lives of Dax MiniPedia

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The Star Trek: The Lives of Dax MiniPedia The ST: TNG Diplomatic Implausibility MiniPedia


abdominal pocket - located in the lower stomach of the Trill, it is the location of implantation when joining a host with a symbiont. (‘Second star to the right...’)

access code - Neema Cyl used Audrid Dax’s private access code to get into the sealed Symbiosis Commission files about Jayvin Vod, and learned the truth about his death. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

ace of clubs - when Tobin Dax was trying to trick Skon, the ace of clubs was the second card the Vulcan picked. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

ace of hearts - while Tobin Dax was telling Skon and the engineering officer about what had happened to the fourth Romulan, he ran through sleight of hand tricks and skillfully buried the ace of hearts. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

acelon - a rare pearlescent material found deep within the ice caves of Trill. In the council chambers, the leader’s podium and council members’ desks were made of acelon. (‘First Steps’)

acelon processing plant - located in the industrial neighborhood of the capital city, it was at the center of the L’Dira attack, but undamaged by it. (‘First Steps’)

adjunct - A person associated with another in a subordinate or auxiliary capacity; Ambassador Curzon Dax chose Ensign Benjamin Sisko to serve as his adjunct while they were on Pelios Station. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Advanced Interpretation - Joran Belar’s first class on his first day of his first year at the Tenaran Music Academy, he had been called on to perform. He chose to play T’saln’s Cicadian Suite No. 9. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

advocates - when the Trill ruling council held cases against someone accused of treason, they were not allowed to defend themselves, but were able to have advocates within the council hearings. Darzen Odan asked Lela Dax if he could be her advocate. (‘First Steps’)

Alpha Centauri - one of the first human colonies outside of the Sol system, Alpha Centauri was the destination of the Heisenberg when the ship was attacked by the Romulans. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Amber, Colonel - leader of the Regimental Volunteers during World War III at the Siege of Las Vegas in 2053. (‘Second star to the right...’)

andante - during the secondary interlude of the Cicadian Suite No. 9 performed at the impromptu concert near St’asla, Joran Dax noticed that what had been written as an andante had been performed as a largo. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Andorian - a male member of this race served as a judge at a gymnastics competition at Ole Miss, along with Emony Dax, a Vulcan, and a human woman. (‘Old Souls’)

Arbazian - a broad shouldered member of this race was the fifteenth gymnast to perform at the competition, following a female Bolian. (‘Old Souls’)

Arkarian - a member of this race was warming up for the gymnastics competition when Sinnit and Leonard McCoy arrived at the gymnasium. A few other Arkarians sat in the bleachers to watch the competition. A gray-maned Arkarian was scheduled to go before Sinnit, but started the second round of the competition. (‘Old Souls’)

Arts Board, the - Joran Belar’s older brother had been forced to seek patronage from the board to assure a full scholarship to the Tenaran Music Academy for Joran. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Arvid, Sinnit - a Tessma from Tessmata IV, he was Leonard McCoy’s roommate at Ole Miss. Sinnit had red eyes that seemed to burn from within and bronze, chiseled skin. Sinnit was from a prominent family, and he excelled at gymnastics. (‘Old Souls’)

Astian bi-tanle - a stringed instrument that can take two musicians to play, it was one of the instruments used during the impromptu concert near St’asla after Mehta Bren’s body had been found. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

astronomy - the study of the stars. Emony Dax asked McCoy if it was his field of expertise. (‘Old Souls’)

Azziz ambassador, the - a short, vaguely humanoid with black skin and featherlike bristles. The ambassador communicated with Curzon Dax through the use of the Poet. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Azziz ship, the - an organic space vessel that was rarely seen within Federation territory. Ambassador Curzon Dax and Ensign Benjamin Sisko were able to take a tour of the Azziz colony ship that arrived at Pelios Station. The interior of the ship reminded Sisko of heart valves. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)


Bactrica - an inhabited planet in the Pelian star system. It has over two million arable square kilometers and is ruled by a hereditary theocracy. The government is friendly to the United Federation of Planets, but was not a member at the time of Ensign Sisko’s assignment to Pelios Station. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Bactrican ambassador, the - Bactrican male with whom Ambassador Dax negotiated with. The ambassador was told of the “abomination” by Co-councillor Y’men, and insisted that it end. He also warned of the Prince Royal’s arrival, and accused Dax of blackmail. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Bactricans - the inhabitants of Bactrica, located in the Pelian star system. They are an Asiatic humanoid culture, ruled by a hereditary theocracy. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

bar mitzvah - a Jewish cultural celebration that Ensign Finok cited as a comparison for the Trill First Screening. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Bashir, Doctor Julian - the chief medical officer of Deep Space Nine. He and Ezri Dax began a romantic relationship shortly before the Dominion War ended. (‘Second star to the right...’) Doctor Bashir preformed several tests on Ziranne in an attempt to identify the symbiont within her biochemically. (‘Reflections’)

Battle of Thermopylae - three hundred Spartans unsuccessfully defended a mountain pass from the Persian army; Doctor Bashir received a holosuite program of the battle shortly after the Dominion War ended. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Belar, Joran - the birth name of Dax’s sixth host. Before his joining, Belar did not have much of a sense of humor, and had been unable to laugh at himself. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

bell music - a popular form of music from Trill, Torias Dax played it while having dinner for with Nilani Kahn for background ambiance. (‘Infinity’)

Bes Maniv - located in the far east of Trill, it is the tallest mountain on the planet. After climbing the hill on Uncle Koal’s plantation, Jadzia felt like she had gone up Bes Maniv. (‘Reflections’)

Betazoid - telepathic, humanoid member of the United Federation of Planets. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Big Dipper, the - a constellation visible from Earth, it is made up of the seven principal stars in Ursa Major. Runaway slaves would often follow the Big Dipper to freedom centuries before Leonard McCoy pointed the constellation out to Emony Dax. (‘Old Souls’)

Big One, the - Vic Fontaine’s term for the final battle of the Dominion War. (‘Second star to the right...’)

biotech, a - a biology technician working in sickbay, he heard Ezri Tigan’s screams during her attack. (‘Second star to the right...’)

bloodwine - an alcoholic beverage common among Klingons, it has a very strong influence on humans. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Bolian - a female gymnast from this race performed after the Trill in the competition. (‘Old Souls’)

bonsai tree - a small plant that must be cultivated and pruned to grow properly. Ensign Sisko once dreamed that Sabbath Nile and Curzon Dax were clipping a bonsai tree while discussing philosophy, and the final image that the tree formed had a resemblance to his own appearance. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Book of Five Rings, A - written by sixteenth century master swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. It included nine corps precepts. The first was, ‘Do not think dishonestly.’ The sixth and seventh were, ‘Perceive those things which cannot be seen’ and ‘Develop intuitive judgment and understanding for everything.’ (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Bren, Mehta - the young female student that Joran Dax murdered two weeks after he killed the shuttle pilot as part of his new inspiration for composing music. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Burgwin, First Mate - the first officer of the Heisenberg. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Butcher of Balin, the - one of the four joined Trill killers that Gard had had to track down. At the time, it was believed that evil spirits had possessed the Trill. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)


capillary network - a series of tubes with a very small internal diameters. Ziranne’s body was forming the appropriate capillary network to support the symbiont. (‘Reflections’)

Cardassian reconstruction effort - the rebuilding of Cardassia after the Dominion War. (‘Second star to the right...’)

cargo hold, the - near the engineering section of the Heisenberg, it was the location where the crew was being held by the Romulans. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Caves of Mak’ala, the - after the L’Dira attack, the ruling council decided to increase security at the caves, as well as learn more about their galactic neighbors. (‘First Steps’)

Ceaser’s Palace - a gambling establishment in Las Vegas that was used as the operational command center for Colonel Amber’s Regimental Volunteers for two months in 2053. (‘Second star to the right...’)

cello - a stringed instrument from Earth that produce deep, rich sounds while Temzia Nirenn played it. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

changeling - another name for the shape-shifting Founders. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Chapel, Doctor Christine - human female, she was the physician at Starfleet Medical who examined Captain Torias Dax, along with Doctor Darheel. (‘Infinity’)

charge cycle, the - the first step to activating the prototype transporter aboard the Heisenberg, it involved activating the power generators and four large scanning units rising from their cradled positions on the perimeter of the chamber and locking into place. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Chateau Picard ‘28 - the wine ordered by McCoy and Emony at the French bistro, the waiter told them it was a good year. (‘Old Souls’)

Chin, Jon - human male, one of the four Starfleet officers aboard the Tereshkova scheduled to join Audrid Dax and her husband Jayvin on their expedition to the comet. Jon Chin was a security officer. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Cicadian Suite No. 9 - musical piece written by the Vulcan composer T’saln, the simple repeating melody piece was built by harmonies that became more complex with each repetition. It had been a favorite of Joran Belar’s, and he had performed it at his first class on the first day of his first year at the Tenaran Music Academy. During the impromptu concert near St’asla, this piece was performed after Dal’s Requiem Trio. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

clients - the hospital medic’s term for the patients in the mental ward at Gheryzan. (‘Reflections’)

Cochrane Institute of Alpha Centauri - named for warp design pioneer Zefram Cochrane, the institute enlisted the help of physicists and engineers, including Tobin Dax and Skon of Vulcan, to work on a project that would change space exploration. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

comet, the - Audrid Dax got her first look at the comet from the Tereskkova’s shuttle, since she was too busy gathering equipment to study a visual survey of it. The comet was fifty-four kilometers in diameter, with its gaseous tail stretching out over a hundred thousand kilometers behind it. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

comparative biology - a course that Jadzia took prior to her joining with the Dax symbiont. Klingons were one of the species she learned about. (‘Reflections’)

constable - Odo’s rank/title while Chief of Station Security for Deep Space Nine. (‘Second star to the right...’)

contact wires - slender wires stored underneath the tables at the bar on Pelios Station. Patrons could attach the wires to their temples, and feel the effects of Sabbath Nile’s performance, as well as the reactions to other patrons in the bar as she performed. (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

control room - adjacent to the simulator room at Spacedock, it is where the scientists observed the tests and recorded the data from them. The action taking place in the simulator can be viewed through a one-way window from the control room. (‘Infinity’)

coolant system - Tobin Dax planned to disrupt the flow of the coolant system in the intermix chamber to cause a warp core breach and escape from the Romulans. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

council chambers - the meeting place for the Trill ruling council, it is the largest single room on the planet in one of the oldest buildings of the capital. (‘First Steps’)

counsellor - Ensign Ezri Tigan was training to be a counsellor in Starfleet when she became joined with the Dax symbiont. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Creator of All Things, the - for Trill, the Creator of All Things greets them in the afterlife. After she was attacked, Ezri Tigan thought that it was strange that the Creator of All Things looked like Franklin Solon. (‘Second star to the right...’)

crew accommodations - the standard rooms for the Starfleet crew of the Excelsior, there was a clear difference between the crew accommodations and the guest quarters aboard the ship. (‘Infinity’)

criminal psychology - the study of the criminal mind and its motivations. When Gard had been investigating the Butcher of Balin, there had been no such thing as criminal psychology. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

crooner - Earth slang term for singer. (‘...and straight on ‘til morning.’)

cybersculpture - since Ziranne had a flair for art and Jadzia excelled at mathematics, while Jadzia attended Ziranne’s math courses for a year, Ziranne produced an impressive collection of cybersculptures signed with Jadzia’s name. (‘Reflections’)

Cyl, Deilas - joined male Trill, one of the Cyl symbiont’s previous hosts before Neema. He was a quiet, soft-spoken man with a gentle wit. Tobin Dax once heard him speak at a botanical conference on Halii. He had a presentation about light alternatives. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Cyl, Neema - joined female Trill, the daughter of Audrid Dax and Jayvin Vod. After Neema joined with the Cyl symbiont, she became a gifted science teacher. (‘Sins of the Mother’)


dabo girls - the hostesses for the dabo wheels, they were skimpy costumes to distract the gamblers from the game. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Dal’s Requiem Trio - an overused mourning piece performed by two young women with an Astian bi-tanle and a joined professor playing a dulcimer at the impromptu concert near St’asla after Mehta Bren’s body had been found. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Dareel, Doctor - the Trill doctor in residence at the Trill embassy on Earth. He examined Captain Torias Dax after each test of the emergency transporter suit, and cleared him each time. (‘Infinity’)

Daystrom Institute, the - scientific research and development facility named for Doctor Richard Daystrom. Doctor Nilani Kahn, Professor Pokano and Lieutenant Lahra began working on the transwarp engines at the institute, and the Infinity transwarp shuttle was built there. (‘Infinity’)

Dax, Audrid - joined female Trill, she was the fourth host of the Dax symbiont. Audrid had two children, Neema and Gran, with a joined male, Jayvin Vod. She was also the head of the Trill Symbiosis Commission for over fifteen years, until she stepped down on her fifty-sixth birthday. (‘Sins of the Mother’)

Dax, Curzon - joined male Trill, he was the seventh host of the Dax symbiont. When Verjyl Gard learned that Curzon would be a diplomat, he actually laughed out loud. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’) In the twilight of his career, Curzon Dax led the Federation team that was negotiating with the Bactricans for the chance to study the energy weapon known as “God’s Tooth.” (‘The Music Between the Notes’)

Dax, Emony - joined female Trill, she was the third host of the Dax symbiont. Emony distinguished herself as a gymnast, which included becoming a three-time latinum medalist at the 2224 Olympics at Aldebaran. At the competition, Emony defeated the favored Argelian athlete. (‘Old Souls’)

Dax, Ezri Lieutenant - joined female Trill, the ninth host of the Dax symbiont. She is currently assigned to the crew of Deep Space Nine, as the station’s counselor. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Dax, Jadzia - joined female Trill, she was the eighth host of the Dax symbiont. After her joining, Jadzia joined the crew of Deep Space Nine under Commander Benjamin Sisko, and served as the station’s science officer, as well as the pilot of the USS Defiant. (‘Reflections’)

Dax, Joran - joined male Trill, he was the sixth host of the Dax symbiont. Joran was a musical composer who specialized in playing the syn lara. He also murdered at least three people. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

Dax, Lela - joined female Trill, she was the first host for the Dax symbiont. Lela was the fourth woman elected to the Trill’s ruling council. (‘First Steps’)

Dax, Tobin - joined male Trill, he was the second host of the Dax symbiont. His work as a physicist gained the attention of the Cochrane Institute of Alpha Centauri. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Dax, Torias - joined male Trill, he was the fifth host of the Dax symbiont. Six months after leaving the Symbiosis Institute, Torias and his wife, Nilani Kahn, worked with Starfleet to develop a transwarp engine. (‘Infinity’)

Dead Man’s Hand, the - when playing poker, the hand that contains the eight & ace of clubs and the eight & ace of spades, taken from ‘Wild Bill Hickok and the Dead Man’s Hand’. Tobin Dax tried to use a card trick to force Skon into picking the Dead Man’s Hand, but it failed. He also ran through the Dead Man’s Hand to calm his nerves before using the prototype matter transporter. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

Death Valley - a harsh desert environment on Earth. Vic Fontaine believed that Tobin Dax would have been happy spending his life in Death Valley. (‘...and straight on ‘til morning.’)

Dedderac - a female member of this race was warming up for the gymnastics competition when Sinnit and Leonard McCoy arrived at the gymnasium. McCoy was able to identify her by her bowed legs and zebralike stripes. She followed Sinnit’s performance at the competition. (‘Old Souls’)

Deep Space Nine - Cardassian-built space station in Bajoran space, administered by Starfleet. The station’s loading docks were at full capacity twenty-six hours a day because of the Cardassian reconstruction effort. (‘Second star to the right...’)

defense grid - it was the main defense of the Trill, but the L’Dira attack punched through it without a problem. (‘First Steps’)

Destiny, USS - Ensign Ezri Tigan’s assignment before becoming the host of the Dax symbiont while transporting it to Trill from Deep Space Nine. She first saw Deep Space Nine through the open door of the Destiny’s main shuttlebay. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Devritane Museum - Trill museum, it was where investigators found the shuttle pilot’s body after he had been murdered. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

dilithium crystals - material that makes warp drive possible for Starfleet. The warp frequency can sometimes fluctuate within the crystals when under stress. (‘Infinity’)

diplomatic ferry - Trill vessel that was equipped with a proper medical bay for Doctor Darheel to remove the still-living Dax symbiont from the host body of Torias after the failed transwarp flight test. (‘Infinity’)

disruptors - notorious energy weapons used by the Romulans when they attacked the Heisenberg, they could shake matter apart rather than overheat it like Terran lasers. (‘Dead Man’s Hand’)

dissociative catatonia - according the Doctor Bashir, this condition is a few steps above a vegetative state. Verad’s medical records showed that he was suffering from dissociative catatonia, a common facultative disorder among Trills. (‘Reflections’)

doll - the nickname that Vic Fontaine has for Ezri Dax, sometimes expanded to ‘dollface’. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Dominion War, the - a conflict between the powers of the Alpha Quadrant and the Dominion that lasted two years. It involved the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, and the Cardassian Union. Deep Space Nine was on the front lines of the battle. (‘Second star to the right...’)

Dopterian - a member of this race sat in the bleachers to watch the gymnastics competition at Ole Miss, along with several humans and a few Arkarians. A Dopterian followed a human in the gymnastics competition, and conducted an error-free performance. (‘Old Souls’)

drug, the - Bethan Roa sold Verad a perfected version of the drug he used to improve his mental stability at the cost of his link to the symbiont within him. Verad was able to use the drug on Duhan Vos to gain a symbiont and a new identity. (‘Reflections’)

dulcimer - a joined professor from the Tenaran Music Academy played this instrument at the impromptu concert held near St’asla to mourn the murder of Mehta Bren. (‘Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor’)

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The Star Trek: The Lives of Dax MiniPedia The ST: TNG Diplomatic Implausibility MiniPedia
