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Star Trek: The Stand - Cast of Characters

The United Federation of Planets

Admiral Jaana Lasko, Federation President - Allison Janney
Flag Admiral Herbert Cassius McWarren, III, C-in-C, Starfleet - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Commanding General Anatoliy Mikhailovich Britanov, C-in-C, UFP Army - Alfred Molina
Brigadier Admiral Francis Drake Ramsey, Deputy C-in-C, Starfleet - Gene Hackman
Fleet Admiral John C. Yocum, Jr., Chief of Military Operations - Himself
Fleet Admiral Karl Ruprect Kroenen, Director, Temporal Defense Dept. - Kenneth Branagh
Commanding General Tesia Marie Mackenzie/Major Lani E. Mackenzie, SFMC- Michelle Rodriguez
Admiral James Tiberius Kirk, XO, Temporal Defense Dept. - William Shatner
Admiral John Curtis Harriman, Commandant, Starfleet Academy - Jurgen Prochnow
General Jackson Zeus "Jax" Dane, XO, SFMC - Samuel L. Jackson
General Tyrus Cassius McQueen, XO, UFP Army - ?
General William Scott McWarren, Chief of Operations - Kevin Costner
Lieutenant General Daniel James Longstreet, SFMC - John Noble
Lieutenant General Christopher "Bane" Cannon, UFP Army - Michael Biehn
Major General Mikhail Alexandrovich Britanov, UFP Army - Rade Serbedzija
Rear Admiral UG Victor Reinhardt - Ron Perlman
Rear Admiral UG Lancaster "Lance" Allenton - Robert Patrick
Captain Herbert Cassius "Ace" McWarren, IV - Thomas Jane
Captain Kiran Joshmaul, Jr. - Bruce Campbell
Colonel Suzanne Anderson, MD, UFP Army - Terran Ghost from "StarCraft: Ghost"
Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Ross, UFP Army - Sean Pertwee
Commander Thomas Jonathan Jackson Underwood - Jesse Bradford
Commander Dhaisona "Dice" McWarren-Cannon - Alanis Morrisette

The Reydovan Empire

His Majesty the Emperor, Kiran Joshmaul I - Brad Dourif
Lady Nyssha Caploncerion-Joshmaul, Martriarch of Xeron, Empress of the Reydovan Empire - Shannon McRandle
Chancellor-General Jeremiah Robert Neill - Stephen Lang
Grand General Celest Katherine Devaneaux, Warmaster of the Reydovan Military Body - personal artwork
Grand Admiral Joshua Wardell Underwood, C-in-C, Imperial Navy - Michael York
Marshal Dietrich Schaeffer, C-in-C, Imperial Guard - Gabriel Byrne
Marshal James Frederick Barnes, C-in-C, Imperial Marine Corps - R. Lee Ermey
Demon-Kieran Devaneaux, Imperial Minister of State - personal artwork
Dr. Edward Jonathan Kealty, Imperial Minister of Justice - William Forsythe
Navy Captain Harold C. Barnes (Ret.), Imperial Minister of Defense - Peter Coyote
Dr. Gregory House, MD, Imperial Minister of Health - Hugh Laurie

Other Notable Characters

Warmaster Kieran Elias Devaneaux, Supreme Commander of the Imperial Union - Lucan D'Lere, "EverQuest II"
General Chang, President of the Klingon Republic - Christopher Plummer
General Martok, Commander of the Klingon Defense Forces - J.G. Hertzler
Admiral Shinzon, Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire - Tom Hardy
Warmaster Artimus Lucanus Devaneaux, Leader of the Obsidian Axis - King Arthas from "WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne"
Generalissimo Erasmus Meridius Tycho, Overlord of Xeron - Jeremy Irons
General Robert Gerald Durant, Supreme Commander of Axis Military Forces - Larry Drake
Ernst Toht, Advisor to Generalissimo Tycho - Ronald Lacey