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Most downloads will go to Zephyr's download page, or to the LIB group made by Centurian.


Name Version Size Author Description
FTRON DFAN (Upload not complete) 0.5 13 MB zipped (Yahoo Groups) Speedy FTRON LIB, DFAN storyline. Check out the Author's LIB, timeline section to get an idea of what's up. Basically still FTRON, but greatly improved.
Music Pack 1.0 5.87 MB zipped (Angelfire) Speedy Music Pack I LIB, modifies Fighters Anthology music
Corneria Music 1.0 973 kb zipped (Geocities) Speedy In-flight music from Star Fox's Corneria. Press Ctrl+V to activate.
Dangerzone Music 1.0 2241 kb zipped (Geocities) Speedy In-flight music from Top Gun's Dangerzone. Press Ctrl+V to activate.
Dreams Music 1.0 3407 kb unzipped (Geocities) Speedy In-flight music from Van Halen's Dreams. Press Ctrl+V to activate.
Cold War Fighters Remake (Currently Unavailable) ? Will be up to 10 MB zipped Speedy Remake of the CWF LIB made years ago... more information later


Name Version Size Author Description
714th LIB Beta Build 11 1.45 MB zipped (Zephyr) Gregory Pierson and the 714th This library enhances the flight models of Fighters Anthology aircraft and helicopters, and also adds new aircraft and weapons. Both lib files in the zip must be in your Fighters Anthology directory.
AlexLIB 1.5 840 kb zipped (Zephyr) Alex Stoll This library adds many new aircraft and weapons to Fighters Anthology, and modifies many default aircraft and weapons for increased realism.
Angel Lib 1.0 1.33 MB zipped (Centurian) Hawk-513 Pending
ATF_Shapes 0.8 10.3 MB aced and zipped (Zephyr) Zephyr This library contains all shapes and textures that ATF /w NATO has, and differ from those in Fighters Anthology.
Cold War Fighters 1.0 1.39 MB zipped (Zephyr) Wedge, Stryker, Hawk, others This library adds many new aircraft, weaponry, vehicles, sounds, new HUDs, etc., with an emphasis on the Cold War era. There is a campaign based in the US Midwest. There are also four new maps: Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the Middle East; Southern California and Arizona; the corners of Colorado, Nebraska, and Iowa; and Iceland
Desert Storm 3.02 3.09 MB zipped (Centurian) Centurian This is a Desert Storm addon for Game Remod. It requires the Game Remod Base Lib, and takes the place of the Game Remod Part B Lib. It adds many Desert Storm specific objects and a Desert Storm Campaign. See the site, site.
Icelib 3.01 1.71 MB zipped (Centurian) Iceman Pending
Icelib Non-Nukes 3.01 1.71 MB zipped (Centurian) Iceman Same as 3.01, just without the nukes
FA Futures 1, 2, and 3 3.00 5.55, 5.68, 15.6 MB zipped (VNFAWING) CAG Hotshot VNFAWing FA Futures Korean Summer Theater. This total modification of FA modifies the default Korea map with new textures and scenery objects, adds many new aircraft, weapons, vehicles, and ships, and modifies all default aircraft, ECM, weapons, radars, vehicles, etc. See the site.
FA MP 1.0 1.26 MB zipped (Centurian) Manoj This library modifies most aircraft, ships, vehicles, weapons, helicopters, AAA, SAMs, etc. It also adds many objects, concentrating on Indian and Pakistani equipment..
FA Plus Unknown 243kb zipped (Centurian) Unknown Pending
FlopDog McSporran Airlines 4.2 1.78 MB zipped (Centurian) Rick R. Mortis Many new aircraft, flyable helos, modifications of errors on most of FA's aircraft. Lots of new shapes and skins for new aircraft, as well as improved versions of some old ones. More realistic radar ranges and performance, more powerful ECM. Many new ships, 3 new aircraft carriers, ships are capable of surface-to-air and surface-to-surface combat. More SAMs, AAAs, Tanks, AFVs, Radar Vehicles, lots of new weapons including many Russian and Chinese missile systems. Improvement to many FA weapons, longer ranges, more accuracy, more realistic performance. New sound effects, and more scenery items like bushes, trees, and especially the Camel.
Game Remod Base Lib 6.03 1.72MB zipped (Centurian) Centurian As the title implies, this library is a complete remod of FA, modifying and updating all objects and adding lots more, including aircraft, weapons, ships, vehicles, carriers, etc etc
Game Remod Part B Lib 6.03 3.84 MB zipped (Centurian) Centurian Part B of the above library. Adds additional objects and changes to default FA campaign files.
Global Tribunal Patch 53 5.0 MB Executable (Global Tribunal) Galen Thurber Open source realism patch for FA, with aircraft flight model changes, mods for weapons, ECM, vehicles, ships, etc.
Gunfighter Series 1.0 372 kb zipped (Centurian) Dagger Great LIB with WW2 fighters, and as the title implies, it's the age of the gunfighters. Good multiplayer LIB.
IAF Lib 1.0 645 kb zipped (Centurian) Wrench Aircraft, weapons, vehicles, etc involving the IAF and its neighboring enemies.
Israeli Air Force 0.5 2.93 MB zipped (Centurian) Hawk, Stryker, Wedge Fly Israeli Air Force fighters in a futuristic campaign over a completely new FA map of Israel. LIB includes new aircraft, weapons, textures, and aircraft HUDs. (HUDs have some problems, however...)
Israeli Air Force Hud Fix 0.5 fix 178 kb zipped Easyspace Hawk, Stryker, Wedge This fix disables the custom HUDs of IAF verison 0.5, replacing them with original FA HUDs and thereby re-enabling the in-flight map. (Original HUDs caused a white screen)
JKPFA 4.55 2.98 MB zipped (Zephyr) Zephyr Improves all objects and adds many more features to Fighters Anthology, including new and more accurate aircraft, weapons, ground vehicles, ships, structures, ECM, seekers, etc.
Kapset 1.0 1.63 MB zipped (Centurian) Kaptor Library makes all default FA helicopters flyable, and adds many more, all with new and improved flight models. Many new vehicles and weapons have also been added, along with new aircraft.
Kapset 2.0 5.73 MB zipped (Kaptor) Kaptor This is a complete overhaul of Fighters Anthology, making helicopters flyable, and adding drivable SAMs, tanks, and other ground vehicles. Weapons, aircraft, flight models, ships, etc. have all be modified for added realism and improved gameplay.
Let's Roll Noseart 1.0 92 kb zipped (Zephyr) Frenchfri Library adds new "Let's Roll" noseart that was applied to USAF aircraft following September 11th terrorist attacks.
>Nuclear Forces 1.0 2.48 MB zipped (Zephyr) Zephyr Improves all aircraft, weapons, ground vehicles, ships, structures ECM, structures, seekers, and adds many new objects with an emphasis on Cold War and nuclear weaponry and delivery systems.
Planes.Lib 1.0 2.30 MB zipped (Centurian) Spike and Alex121653 Adds many new aircraft to FA, edits many existing aircraft, and primarily adds many new textures to FA. Some new weapons, ECM, and interesting vehicles, such as the Titanic are also included.
Project: Blue 1.0 325 kb zipped (Centurian) Plato "Mad Dog" Mok Adds new paintschemes that the aircraft the USN Blue Angels have flown in, USAF THunderbirds, and RAF Red Arrows paint schemes.
Project: Delta 1.15 1.28 MB zipped (Zephyr) Plato "Mad Dog" Mok Enhances default aircraft, vehicles, ships, weapons, etc, and adds new objects and features.
Project: Delta Patch 1.2 Patch 883 kb zipped (Zephyr) Plato "Mad Dog" Mok This patch requires Project: Delta version 1.15. It adds and improves objects, and adds missions.
Project FA 1.0 62 kb zipped (Zephyr) Colonel Raptor_77th_USA This library makes nearly all helicopters, tanks, AAA vehicles, SAMs, and ships in Fighters Anthology flyable by the player. It also adds a few new aircraft.
Project: Navy 1.0 1.1 MB zipped (Zephyr) Pillip R. This library adds new ships with new textures, modifies default FA ships, and adds new aircraft and weapons with an emphasis on naval warfare.
Project: Romeo 1.2 1.86 MB zipped (Zephyr) Tiger This library adds many new aircraft, advanced weaponry, sound effects, and some driveable vehicles to Fighters Anthology.
Sabre vs MiG 1.0 426 kb zipped (Zephyr) Fetch This library adds the F-86 Sabre and MiG-15 to Fighters Anthology for Korean War dogfights. Some guns and flight models have been modified.
Swing-wing patch 1.0 697 kb zipped (Centurian) Homer This library fixes the shapes of the swing wing aircraft in Fighters Anthology, and the destroyed shapes for these aircraft.
Thunder 1.0 285 kb zipped (Zephyr) Frenchfri Adds a USAF Thunderbird F-16 paintscheme
UK Lib 1.0 849 kb zipped (Centurian) Jeff White, Ihabia, Britton, and Airborne LIB that has a lot of stuff for the United Kingdom.
Varklib 2.1 1.40 MB zipped (Zephyr) Vark111 The latest of Vark111's Jane's Combat Simulations libs, this innovative modification has substantially edited aircraft, weaponry, vehicles, ships, ECM, seekers, etc.
Vietnam Lib 1.3 966 kb zipped (Centurian) Jeff White Vietnam war era LIB, adds plenty of new fighters, weapons, etc.
Viper Lib 3.11 2.60 MB zipped (Centurian) Viper Complete overhaul of FA, with almost all objects modified, many new fighters and weapons, drivable vehicles, etc.
Yugo 1.0 570 kb zipped (Zephyr) B.T. Ace This in-depth library focuses on the Yugoslavian Air Force.


Name Version Size Author Description
Afghanistan 1.0 570 kb zipped (Zephyr) Raptor_77th_USA Replaces Pakistan with a map of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The Balkans 1.0 31 kb zipped (Centurian) Plato "Mad Dog" Mok Replaces the Fighters Anthology default Pakistan map with the Balkans.
FA Map Pack 0.9F 2.54MB zipped (Hitman]RS[) Hitman ]RS[ Replaces the default Fighters Anthology Baltics and North/South Korea maps with maps with improved textures.
Florida 1.0 27 kb zipped (Centurian) Cade "Rebel" Moffett Replaces the Fighters Anthology default Korea map with Florida.
Iceland 1.0 253 kb zipped (Centurian) Wrench Replaces the Fighters Anthology default Falkand Islands map with Iceland.
Panama Canal 1.0 3 kb zipped (Centurian) Rick R. Mortis Adds the Panama Canal to the default Fighters Anthology Panama map.
Sweden 1.0 772 kb zipped (Centurian) Dan Miller Replaces the Fighters Anthology default North Vietnam map with Sweden