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Bobbie is Perfect Because

Rosie's Pictures!
Mystery Video?!?!
Have Fun!!

My first day dedicated to you!
My world....endlessly changing, presenting new challenges, you have been there to hold my hand every step of the way. How do you do it, say my name and make me smile? My Bobbie, you have made my life easier with your never ending assortment of advice, and wisdom. Through all of the many obstacles you have managed to continue to be there for me and if I die trying I will make it up to you!
Btw I miss U 2!!
<3 Rosie

Friday June 3rd, 2005 I hope I am doing this right!! So today is the last day you have before I am gone into the wide world of wilderness and what are you doing about it?? Your sleeping....Hello you have a most interesting girl here waiting paiently for your every move. I think I have the voice thing figured out and I promise I will remember to add it before I leave!! I am going to miss your voice every night it has become my bed time ritual to hear you say but My Dear I don't have any stories. I do not think it is creepy that you get to listen to me sleeping as a matter of fact I think it is quite cute and comforting to know I have someone there, in essence watching over me. I always said when I find the man I will marry it will be someone who goes to sleep only when he knows I am sound asleep and has checked all the doors, closets, and even looked under all the beds. You are my temporary a totally platonic way, you make me sleep easier knowing that you are there listening to me making sure I am safe. I will miss everythging about you, and next weekend I will be gone to and then I think you will be on your cruise...but I don;t like to think about that now, only that I will be back soon, and if you wake your butt up we can talk now!
Much <3
Btw I Always Miss U!!

Back from camping Sunday June 5th, 2005!BTW I MISSED U!!
Hey!!! I missed you while I was gone....I wish it was 900 already! I had a great time and our page looks great and I know you worked hard to do these things for me so I wanna say thank you!! I got lots of pictures from camping that I can put up so you can see some of my friends too, and especially my bestest friend! I can't wait to tell you everything that happened!!
Btw I really missed U!

June 8th, 2005
It has been forever since I posted something new so I thought I would drop by and let you know how amazed I am at your animations!! I love them you are doing an awesome job!! I got some kinda weird ideal job thing on myspace and i went to it and found out my ideal job would be a soap actor?!?!? I put in both your names Bobbie cuz that is what I call you and found yoru job to be a Mad scientist, then Robert which came up professional hippie, it reminded me of cody and how much he hates hippies which I thought was great. If you go to the page and it tells you your jobs are different when you put your name in don't ruin it for me by telling me =)~!! So how excited are you getting for the cruise?? I am scared for you cuz i think you will get hit by enormous waves, or by some weirdo terrorists!! Hopefully in ten years when we go together these things won't be on my mind!! I cannot wait to talk to you tonight, but I shall go read Harry Potter in the meantime.
Btw I always miss u!
<3 Rosie
P.S. Every time we thought you were making progress with your mom two days would pass and then shit would abruptly turn expect something exciting on Friday night/Saturday morning!!
P.P.S. Did you download my songs?? If you had time did you like them??

Thursday June 9th, 2005
I just wanted to say I am sorry for the way I have been acting towards you lately, I don't why I have been acting so mean. I can honestly say I have my doubts about your feelings towards me and why you have them, but I think that I should focus more on the postive...our friendship which is growing daily!! I am planning on playing drunken cs tonight, and you know you don't wanna miss that! I am sorry that we missed each other this morning, I thought that i was having conversations with you last night, I am not sure but I think I remember you telling me you were writing me a poem, which I loved thanks!! I will not ask you to write me any more poems, it seems like you have enough on your plate already without me. I think that you are doing great with the animations, and I know my name is first, but I am not a very creative person...maybe rats would be a fun map so you could save em from the ladders, I am not sure....if you need any help let me know I will gladly do anything you need! I had a good day I wish I could have said goodbye to you!! I hope that you had fun with your aunt and everything went well, remind me to tell you about the stupid construction worker, it was bad!!
<3 Rosie

Saturday, June 11th, 2005
I just wanted to say goodbye before I left!! I hope you have a good weekend and I will talk to you as soon as I get back! Sorry its so short but I am running late as usual!! I put up new pictures for you, but I took the other two down, not sure if I can only have 3 pics up at once!!
Btw I miss u more and you know it!!
<3 Rosie

Just aying hi from cali!! Much <3

Tuesday June 14th, 2005
Hey Bobbie...I finished Harry potter three today and as I finished it dawned on me that Ron will die. I think the author may have been giving hints as to him dying in the end. I will have to tell you about it tonight if you remember!! I miss you I hope you had a good day, I did my hair looks better and I cleaned the whole house today and am sitting down with a drink now. I will prolly be having some fun in the game when you come in tonight. I can't wait to talk to you!!
Btw I will always miss you more then you know!!
<3 Rosie

June 19th, 2005
I miss you already do you really have to go? Thank you for teh countdown on the front page, it was super cute today. My sister laughed and she says thanks!! I am going to a bbq for my sisters birthday/fathers day, but I am going to try my absolute hardest to get back by 900 my time, I know you wanted to be asleep by then, but you generally get on at around that time. I hope if I am home by then I will get a half an hour or so to talk to you!! I added a new voice thingy for you at least I think I can put it on your ipod in case you forget what I sound like!! I hope you had "fun" last night!!
BTW I will miss you everyday until forever!
Much <3 Rosie

June 20th, 2005
My Bobbie things here seem to be rapidly changing and I do not know what I can do to calm myself down. There is an overwhelming feeling that seems to be taking over my entire body. I miss you more then you know, and even more then I would like to admit. As I talk to the new guy I told you about I am left with a feeling of anxiety, he makes me think of you and that scares me. I wonder how any one on earth could have the nerve to want to get to know me. I get aggitated knowing that there is no one in this world who knows me better then you. I tell you everything that is going on with me, and I feel completely comfortable in everything that I do with you. I guess it is the lack of your presence that makes me turn to someone else and say hey what about you. It seems to be that I am trying to give myself a you but in an appropriate way....basically you but of age and here in reno. I wonder what will come of us as this next year goes by, I hope that you will continue to be my psychologist, and that I too can help you in some small way.
My Bobbie I miss you now more then ever
<3 Rosie

Tuesday June 21st, 2005
I cannot wait for my suprise tomorrow!! I have so much to talk to you about and it seems more important as the days go by. I know you have only been gone two days, and hearing your voice from the airport meant the world to me. I cannot express to you the way you make me smile when I hear your voice. Through the small words you say to me, I can hear every emotion you are feeling, and I can too feel every emotion I could ask for! My Bobbie I miss you more then the moon and the stars.
<3 Rosie

Tuesday June 21st, 2005 if an old man stands above the ground watching us slowly move through our lives. He knows that with possesion of time he can make a heart break, or two unite. He tempts the most divine, and glorifies the most evil. He allows the strongest to break and the weakest to stand tall. He watches me as I sit here carrying on my daily activites and he teases me, with the thought of your return. He watches as all of my problems build, and enjoys his time, for he knows in a few short days he will watch his magificance reuinte the unbreakable destiny that has become us!
Btw I miss "our" time
<3 Rosie

Tuesday June 21st, 2005
Yes I am writing you for the third time in one day...what can I say I miss you lots!! I am faced with the a huge problem. I miss you and someone seems to be taking your place. In my mind my heart belongs to you it has from day one. Who else on this earth can know exactly how I am feeling by just listening to my breath. You know me for who I am and you have been my mentor at only 17. So what do I do when another man enters my life and tries to steal my heart from you?? It is not fair you were not here to keep him from easily sweeping me off my feet, and for the first time in a long time you weren't the one who comforted me when I cried. I need you back now so I can short out all of my feelings, I need you to be here to ask me if I will be deicated to you for the next year. I guess that is why I am in this position in the first place, because you did not ask me that but instead said you wanted me to be happy, and you didn't care who I dated or went out to look at what you have caused..
BTW I miss you so much I refuse to cuddle with anyone but my headset!!
<3 Rosie

Friday June 24th, 2005
I Have had some of the most confusing days since I last posted...since I last turned on my computer I have almost died in a car accident, have drank way too much, have been asked out twice, have cried constantly, have wrecked my car, gone to a rodeo, a concert, bowling and to play pool..I miss you I have so much to tell you about everything, but you know how much I like typing so I am going to go see if your on. I know that I wanted to write to you everyday this week and it didnt quite work out like that but again I have been busy!
Btw I know now I will always miss you!
<3 Rosie

It seems like forever since I have gotten the pleaseure of listening to you all night, words cannot express the way I feel for you and nothing even a relationship will ever change that. My bobbie you have shown me so many things in my life and it still amazes me that you are only 17. I hope that with all the new things happening in my life we do not loose touch. I do not think that I would be me without you and I honestly know that without you I could never feel normal again. My bobbie I miss you more now then I ever have!!
<3 Rosie

This day that I am mad!!
I came on last night specifically to talk to you and you were no where to be found, I stayed on skype all night waiting for you to get on, but you never came however I see you posted on here after I was home and on skype, but neglected me! Thanks.....I wont be on tonight, I am going to farmers market but I will be on tomorrow!!
BTW I miss you
<3 Rosie

I love what you did with the floaties on our pages it is awesome. I did get onto aim to see if you were there I got home at 1100 my time maybe 1130 latest you were not on anything I stayed on aim for about a half an hour and then signed on skype assuming you would im me if I was sleeping. Yes Ron knew about the 40 days and actually he was very supportive of me in accomplishing it. I hope that we can talk soon, I am going to a concert, but it seems as though I miss you more then ever even though I have so much going on in my life. I need you to tell me that I am doing right and that I will be ok!
Btw I miss you more then the moon and the stars
<3 Rosie
Ps have you ever heard the song she will be loved? You should it reminds me of a certain someone I know...hint hint!

So it has been way too long since I posted last....I miss you!! Today I saw this quote "love is not what makes the world go round, it is just what makes this ride tollerable." I think how can that be..going back to wether or not love even exists I find it even harder to believe that it is possible for love to make this crazy life tollerable. If that is the case then what about those who are not in love, or who have never experienced love I wonder how on earth will they be feeling. Are they constantly depressed, unable to hold onto the ride any more, waiting and wanting to puke and then exit the ride. Silly talk becuz I am so tired, I got in a fight with a speed bump and a mud puddle all within a period of 5 minutes, both won..I hurt my knee pretty bad, I fell directly on the kneecap. We are definately going to talk tonight cuz I miss you!! I tried to im you on msn but you wont answer back so I guess you are sleeping or something! Talk to you soon!
<3 Rosie

Hey your not on msn where are you?? I hope that you are on by the time I get home I really wanted to talk to you and it seems like now is about the only time I am going to get to before I leave. I am anxious to hear the good news, and I loved the animation, btw!! Come back soon!!
I miss u the absolute most!
<3 Rosie

My bobbie you know me better then anyone I have ever known, from the day I met you I have been completely open with you and told you everything about me, you are my best friend and have always been there for me. Now I don't know who I am anymore I am lost in a tunnel a never ending darkness that everyday surronds me. I have tried in time to do everything that I can to escape the darkness, I have literally been on my knees begging god to save me, but nothing happens I am still lost I am still falling. I seem to have gotten myself here, I must have so why can't I just turn around and walk back the way I came. I guess that is life, you can never turn back retrace your footsteps and change so that in the future you don't get lost, you can only take the things that you have learned about life and use them when you are lost. I think I must have learned something in my world of mistakes to help me now, and yet I still sit dying inside wondering what I must do to save myself. SO my bobbie when I met you I was depressed, and for a short time you made me forget the darkness, like a small crack in the tunnel to allow the smallest bit of light into my life, but even now so long after i met you those cracks have become non-existent and I sit once again in darkness wondering and waiting when I can leave this thing people call life, which to me has become nothing more then exsisting for the people who have somehow learned to love what they refer to as the mystery I exude. I once said to you that no one can make you happy and no one can make you sad, you make your emotions, but now for the first time in my life I want to be wrong, I want someone anyone to save me.....

So what do you do when you know what you want isn't what is best for you. If your thinking I am talking about the sex or the alcohol or ron or any other of my numerous problems I'm not, I am talking about you. I know that we will never be more then what it is now, but at some point in time I wonder why it is that way. I know that what is best for not only me but for both of us is to remain close friends, considering the age, distance, and outside forces. Yet still it hurts sometimes, I wonder why you don't feel the same, I wonder why couldn't it happen why not people do it all the time, and besides I already love you for you, and we have already come so far. I guess I just feel like I am being pushed to the side a lot lately, you have always been there for me when I needed you it just sucks not having you here now. I know you are busy, and I know you have been put on the back burner a lot in the past, I just kinda needed you now. I don't really know what this post is about, since you have already explained to me why you have been so agitated lately, it is just hard for me not to think it has something to do with me, when you are constantly grumpy with me, and it is also hard to believe you want to be there and help me when last night was the first real conversation we have had in a while. It seems like whenever I come on to talk your just sucks that you have a life. When we first started talkyou would always write me poems, or do anything you could think of to make me smile, I smile less now, between parents, the clan, animations, photoshops, and friends you have become more distant to me then ever before.....if there is something that I have done wrong, please let me know so that I can explain myself in the appropriate way. If not ill talk to you when you have time.
BTW I Miss the ADDICTED Bobbie
<3 Rosie

Dossapointment isn't even a word that can possibly describe how I am feeling. I have not read your post from last night, because I know you must hate me. I have failed to last even two days in this and it angers and frustrates me, I know I am better then this, I know I can accomplish more in my life. I pray that you will still be there for me, and understand that I am not perfect, but I swear when this is all said and done, I will be normal!!
BTW I miss U singing to me in another language!
<3 Rosie

I am not worried...I know that you had a hard day yesterday, with so many mixed emotions I can see why..I hope today is going better. I am sorry I didn't take any new pictures, by the time I was done watching videos and got Ron home it was already 1130. I have been highly debating starting a clan with you, we have to talk about it more in depth and see what we want to do, yesterday before you came in I mentioned something to taurus about being in the clan, and he said he might be interested in league playing. I know we need to have at least 10 people, I think that the server holds ten so that would be perfect, these people have to be reliable though, we can't have people flaking out on us wednesday night at 745 before a match starts, and we have to have dedicated people that are willing to practice a lot!! I think that we can recruit some good people, and if you work on your concs which I will teach you how, i think that we have a scout. I am not sure what I will play, probably soldier, but I would like to work on all my classes so we can have a fall out person in a match, taurus is good at demoman and at solly so we will see. I think that we can do this together, tell me what you think!! Also we will need a website, and I have no idea how to build a website, so we might have to look for some outside help, I dunno how good you are at that stuff. I hope your first day of school is going good, I saw that you posted on the website, you seem to be ok with the idea of going back to school, and obviously you made it there safely!! I'll be here on the computer all day so I will be able to talk to you as soon as you get home!!
Btw I miss the available you
Much <3 Rosie

It is midnight here I am gonna be so tired tomorrow and forgive me for my spelling and what not cuz im tired now. I went to sleep about 20 minutes ago and must of had a bad dream, becuz I woke up freaking out and then remembered i forgot to post oin here and thought omg hes gonna hate me so I got outta bed and turned back on my comp to write to you. I miss you talkingt o me until I fall asleep I cant even explain how comforting that was to be, I have a hard time sleeping now. I wish that we could talk later, and more, like we used to, but ya know I guess it ois time for you to move on. I promise I am gonna do everything I can to get you a gf this year, you definatelky deserve it!! I wish I could type more babe but im so tired!! I love you soooo much and ill talk to you soon!
BTW I miss falling asleep to yoru "stories"
<3 Rosie