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Robert E. Murphy



Thank you for coming to my very first Web page. This is going to be an ongoing work in procress as I get more proficient in adding some context to this page. Please feel free to add comments to the site so that I can know what you think of the site so far. Please keep in mind that I am a very new to this and will most likely make numerous errors as I go along, that is why I want your feed back on the progress of the site. I do have big shoulders and will be able to take all of your comments both good and bad. I do plan on adding more pictures of myself and other material as I am able to upload it to my site and see what it looks like, and as I get better hopefully I will be getting better and get a worthwhile site. This is another reason why I am using Angel fire as it is a free site, so you will have to put up the ads on the site. I also will be using Tripod, Geocities and Sympatico (I will like to those other sites) as these are free also so I am going to have more than one site. Again thank you for visiting my homepage and I am looking forward to you opinions.

