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Queensborough Computer Club (QCC)

About this free website
Update/Version: 2009-01-01, Platform used for this update: WINXP
Free web hosting account: Angelfire.
Product used to modify this web page: MS WORD
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Most underlined words and phrases on this page are clickable html links to other pages and web sites.

Note: Recent/significant updates to this page are in red.
Change LOG
2009-01-01: Spring 2009 Meeting Schedule
2008-09-06: Updated for next meeting day/time/topic.

Spring 2009 Meetings:

Dates: Saturday 02/14/09, 03/14/09, 04/11/09, 05/09/09
Where: QCC Room LB26
9:30 to 10:00 AM: Unmediated group Q/A
10:00 to 12:00 AM: Topics and speakers to be determined

Please Bring: (1) laptops with power adapters and extension cords, (2) blank cds

Future QCC Meetings


We need volunteers to present these topics at future meetings (please contact Ameshugena):

Click Here To View Previous QCC Meeting Topics and Handouts

Announcements and Links



Detailed Instructions

Virtual Tour of QBCC Campus


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