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he year is 2373, and tensions are high in the Alpha Quadrant. The threat of an invasion from a newly

discovered race known as the Dominion looms large. While a full out war has yet to be declared, there have been

skirmishes within the Gamma Quadrant

involving the Dominion, and their warrior race known as the Jem'Hadar.  As the clock ticks on, the entire Alpha Quadrant is bracing itself and preparing for the worst...

                    ...while hoping for the best.

Lt. Cmdr. Owen Matthew Yates, Commanding



Deck Layout




Incoming Transmission…

Welcome To The USS Superb, NCC -1801.  An Excelsior Class Starship In Bravo Fleet's Task Force 192, The Superb Duty Record Is One With Years Of Distinction.  For Several Years The

Superb Has Been Sitting In Mothballs At Utopia Planitia, Mars, But Has Been Reactivated Due To The Growing Cloud Of War That Is Hovering Over The Alpha And Gamma Quadrants.

The Time To Act Is Now.  We Want YOU To Join Our Crew, And Protect The Alpha Quadrant From Destruction!

-Lt.Cmdr. Owen Matthew Yates, Commanding

"The only thing you take with you when you're gone is what you leave behind."
-John Allston

The Bravo Fleet - SciFi Banner Exchange
The Bravo Fleet - SciFi Banner Exchange

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