Pitt Crew Pictures

Sping Break 2003

Hey All!!! Here are the pictures from this year's "Hell Week". Use them however you see fit and however you would like (blackmail he he). Feedback of any kind is welcome and would be appreciated. Enjoy.

Ok Folks! Here's the rest of the pics in a little easier format than last time so they should handle better. Click on a link to view a picture and then hit "Back" to return to this page. Enjoy!

  • Neck and Neck
  • Tim And Tom
  • Novice Men 4
  • Novice Men 8
  • Varsity Men 4
  • Our Fearless Leader
  • Trailer Monkeys!
  • Hark! O Foolish Novi
  • Fog Horn Please
  • Novice 8 Again
  • Captain Kelby
  • Trailer Loading
  • Chris And Basher
  • Coxwain Jason
  • Ben And Kim
  • Christina
  • Sexy!
  • Sexxy!
  • Sexxxy!
  • Laura And Carrie
  • The Other Carrie
  • Nice Shades Matt!
  • Luke
  • Forrest Gump
  • Martha And Renee
  • Mike (Jones)
  • Cap'n Dick
  • Look at These Panseys
  • Greer
  • Dirty Thief
  • Near Fort Summter
  • Damm Yankees!
  • Nice Shades Matt!
  • Goodbye Charlston

  • Questions? Comments? Sinde remarks? Email Ben Sacksen.
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