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Battle Record

This page is for any battles u want to be shwon to everyone in the clan and who ever visits this site

Here is a battle between kirk and I that was by far the best game I played with

If u want your debriefing screen on here just press the press the print screen button on your k/b and open the ms paint program and paste in to MSpaint and send it to me through msn messager and i will post it on here

this was a battle with NX-SG vrs USA and one mighty u can tell who the winner

kirk sent me this one to post he won

heres a game between akria,silencer,helburn,and I

The first and probably the last time that I have ever defeated Borgie. At least the one time I did defeat him, I creamed him. Borgie does have more ships than me, but thats because a lot of them are Akiras, about 430 of mine were Negs hehe. -Kirky!

It was a 3v3, my allies were doing bad, so I gave them a lot of dilith. Then they started to die, and surrendered. It was a 3v1 and I put up a good fight. -Kirky!

Akira and i played this game on 3/07/03 he did pretty good this time around -good game akira -=Borgie=-

i got my assed kicked in this game but i fought off 2 differnt attck fleets at once killed them than they brought more to finsh off my battered base.. can't win them all

node was playing on of those blood bath maps ewre the dil.&crew is set at 999999 easy win

1 on 1 with captin hoff. he tried his best but my warbirds were too much for him. good game hoff. and welcome back to NX-SG

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