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Hello my name is Whoolee and welcome to my Cafe. Lets set and talk awhile over a cup of coffee. This is all new to me and I not sure what to say?

Reporter: Well Two EE's Whoolee lets start at the begining is that fine with you?

Yes indeed that would be fine.

I understand you once said you didn't have a brain is that correct?

No your mistaken about that. I said: My New Theme Song which was if I only had a brain.

Sorry my mistake. Can we continue?

Sure, would you like a glass of tea?

Yes that is very thoughtful of you Whoolee nice of you to offer, thank you.

What do you think about this ICQ problem that it has been having lately?

It's just the way ICQ is. It goes through changes like life. You go from a baby to a small child and a teenager to an adult.

So in your opinion ICQ is just going through growing pains in a way?

Yes and we are all effected by it.

Well I wouldn't know since I don't have any childern.

Why is that?

I couldn't find anyone to put up with me that long rofl.

Well at lest you know where you can always come and talk with me.

Thanks Whoolee I am glad to know that.

Well I have things to do so we will have to continue to talk some other time ok?

Ok then then thats a wrap for the first part of our interview. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me Whoolee.

Your Welcome. I'll talk to you later then.

No thank you for taking the time to talk to me.