Welcome to the USS Nile Pre-Application Page!

Thank you for taking interest in our PBeM. Before you start playing, there are a few things I’d like you to read over and understand. It’s important that all new applicants read this first, before applying to the USS Nile crew.

First off, in this game, we use a stardate system to keep track of our daily posts and real–life time compared to game time. The system goes as follows: Game year, (2393), then the actual month and the decimals are the actual day of the month. If it is August 23 in real time, then the Stardate for your post would be 239308.23.

At the beginning of every post, you need to post a few things to make it easy for all players to understand the message. At the top of each post, please post your name, rank, position, the ship’s name (USS Nile), the title of the post, the Stardate, the mission day, and the mission time. A personal quote is recommended to make your character unique, but it is not required. When no mission is taking place, label the day Idle day, and Idle time. Here is an example:

Captain Shasta Mace
Commanding Officer
USS Nile
“Hate keeps us alive – but love makes that living worthwhile.”
Stardate: 239308.23
Idle Day: 1, 0800 hours

Posts on the main game board are expected by each player at least once a week (acceptation’s apply, of course). Posts on the Personal Log board are requested, but not required, at least twice a month (again, acceptation’s applied). Personal logs add only to the story line, informing other players of what direction you want your story idea and character line to head towards. If you post it in your personal log area, other players can decide to follow it or not. This does not mean that other characters can read your personal logs. Only the character’s controllers. It cannot be filtered into the story line, that so and so read your personal log and knows exactly what’s going on. It’s simply a way to shift around ideas. When your application has been accepted, you’ll be sent the Yahoo! Group invitations to both e-mail boards at whatever e-mail you put in your application. Also, the Personal Log board is used for Out Of Character discussion. Please do not use the main board for any OOC discussion.

Please note. Changes in the major story line will not be permitted, without the consent of one of the GM’s, namely the XO and/or myself. If you have a suggestion, notify me by private e-mail, or by the Personal Log board.

Please also take note that this is a R-rated game. Anyone over the age of 16 is welcome to join, but maturity is a MUST. Excessive cursing and extremely graphic scenes are greatly discouraged, as is literacy pornography. If you have a questionable post, please run it by myself, or by the XO. If you have something to post that you think might offend others, please put warning at the beginning of your post and a brief discription of the posts happenings at the end. Use common sence when determening what would affend someone.

Single posts, done by you alone, are accepted, but JP’s, or joint posts, with other members of the crew, is preferred. AOL instant messenger will be our primary instant messaging system, but I will also be available on MSN, Yahoo! Messenger, and ICQ.

Players are allowed to invent NPC’s for their own personal story lines. When new players come, they can either take over these old characters, or make their own. Until they have a player, however, NPC’s can be killed, maimed, taken advantage of, whatever you want, as long as it’s not too illegal. Or talk with me, Captain Mace, about how to enter your character.

In one-person posts that involve other players, you CANNOT play characters owned by someone else without their permission. Instead, post in the manner you wish the story line to take, and leave a space for them to reply. Put a '*NM*' above the 'new material', and put a '*OM*' above the 'old material' of the post. When you want someone to reply, put their name inside of <> and allow them to add in their reply. See example below.

Example 1:


James smiled softly at Jesse, and slid up slightly beside her. "So... Jess... what do you say? Dinner at eight?"

< Jesse >

"Great! I'll pick you up then!"

And here is how Jesse would reply.

Example 2:


James smiled softly at Jesse, and slid up slightly beside her. "So... Jess... what do you say? Dinner at eight?"


Jesse smiled back, and giggled a bit. "Alright... I'll go to dinner with you. Eight..."


"Great! I'll pick you up then!"

Players are allowed to have up to three characters for the USS Nile, but it is requested that you spend at least two weeks getting aquainted with our way of posting before inventing your second character. Some acceptions may be made.

If any player is offended by anything posted on the board, please do not hesitate to contact the XO, or me. We will see if we can’t do something about it. I don’t want my crew quitting on what can be fixed.

Other than that, I expect you to all follow the Golden Rule: Treat others with respect!

Thank you.

Note: No god characters will be aloud. This included genetically enhanced individuals, Borgs, or Bloodroyals - includes, but does not limit to. Some acceptions will be made, but it must be cleared with me first. Use common sence - no unfair advangages.

Welcome aboard!


Captain Shasta Mace
Commanding Officer
USS Nile