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november 2004

Hello, and welcome back to mottoncouthUSA! This months cover girl is Evelyn Minerva Furbish. She is the gifted and talented one year old artist featured in this months edition of mottoncouthUSA. See her art, and read her about her life in Evelyn Minerva Furbish: One Year Old Artist.

Learn about 5 philpin, guitartist, innovator, and scientist. Learn how this master musician created the new "Sound of Seattle", and bettered the world, and created his own Space In The World!

When strange tales author H. P. Lovecraft crafted his tale of a sentient, ultra inteligent, and (lest I forget) evil seacreature, I'm sure that he could never imagine what his legacy would become. Explore some of the webcreations Lovecraft inspired through his short story "The Call of Cthulhu"! To explore the wonderful world of Cthulhu click the link in the table of contents!

The live music scene in the twin cities of Saint Paul & Minneapolis, Minnesota, is alive with FLAVOR! mottoncouthUSA caught their show at O'Gara's in Saint Paul, 01 February 2003. Check out our review of the show.

The world is a library, and it's interactive. Check out our take on, which can turn your bus stop, restaurant, or even your doorstep into a library. By reading our review, you can find out how to FREE YOUR BOOKS!

Check out the official mottoncouthUSA sovenier shop! Share the joy of mottoncouthUSA with your friends, just like you would with any other vacation destination. Sign up sheet for the harbour tour (a.k.a. newsletter) is on the display case.

table of contents
My Solemn Testimony ||| the wonderful world of cthulhu ||| alive with flavor!
FREE YOUR BOOKS! ||| mottoncouthUSA: sovenier shop ||| back issues


5 Philpin: Pumpkin Eating Machine

Evelyn Minerva Furbish: One Year Old Artist

Furbish Clan Moves For Free State Project