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Gunung Chamah (2171 M)

       Gunung Chamah is one of the harder mountains, because of getting there (to the start of the trek) as well as the trek itself. However, it is also one of the best treks , as the place is rather untouched and beautiful (at least it was when I was there in '97). Be careful, as tigers still roam around the treks there. The trip will usually take about 5 - 6 days. The toughest days are on the first and third days. Expect loooooong , tiring trekking on those days, and be prepared mentally as well as physically.
    To get to the start of the trek , Kampung Rantau, an orang asli village in Perak, you first have to go to Grik, then take a car / van ride to Pengkalan Trojan for a two hour boat ride to Pos Kemar. From there, it is a 30 minute 4WD ride to Kampung Rantau. There, there is a big hut specially made for trekkers to spend the night, but you'll have to pay about RM3.00 per night, per head to use it.

First day

    On the first day , it is advisable to begin as early as possible , as there is a loooooooong way ahead. The first campsite, which not many people can reach is after climbing Gunung Biong. At the peak of Gunung Biong, there is a small view point. The campsite is at the bottom of Gunung Biong,on the other side, and there is a small stream with the coldest water I've ever touched.


Second day.

    The second day will not be as tough as the first day, but will pass some logging roads. The trek is rather gradual, and not as steep as the first day. The campsite on the second day is next to a big , fast flowing river about 1 hour after exiting left of the logging road. The campsite is not very big, but should be able to accommodate about 20 people.

Third day.

    The third day, the day you'll be reaching the peak will be quite tough. Water will have to be brought up , and once you reach the ridge, you'll be walking up and down small peaks until you reach Gunung Chamah, which unfortunately is at the very end of the ridge.

Fourth day.

   On the fourth day, You'll be camping on the logging road, slightly after the place where you camped on day 2.

Fifth day.

    The next day , day five will be at the same camp site as day one, at the small cold river. The sixth day will take you back to Kampung Rantau, where the "luxurious" bamboo bungalow awaits you. Enjoy the hot roasted tapioca , handicraft selling orang asli and your "pain in every movement" legs.........

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