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Gunung Chabang (1711m)

    Gunung Chabang stands in Simpang Pulai ,Perak. This mountain is relatively unknown and not many people climb it. The trek is quite steep and passed old unused logging roads which have been overgrown with young secondary forest. You can see some leftover tree stumps and eroded logging roads along the way. There is not much to be seen along the trek , not many nice plants, and the scenery from the mountain peaks are somewhat marred by the scars of logging, which is still going on now. It takes two days to finish the trip, one day to go up, and another day to go down. 
    The trek begins from an orang asli village just beside the Simpang Pulai - Cameron Highlands highway, which is yet to be opened to the public. If your're coming from the North - South highway, exit at Simpang Pulai and head to the new highway. You'll pass some quarries along the way. Once on the highway, continue until you reach a barricade across the road, which is guarded by an orang asli. Tell him your intentions and he'll lift the barricade and allow you to pass. Go further up, for about 4-5 minutes, and you'll see a metal bridge leading to a small orang asli village somewhere perched on higher grounds on the right. Drive up the bridge and look for a parking space around at the top. If you need a guide (you should) you can go and visit the headman and ask if he can get someone to bring you to Gunung Chabang. You'll be expected to provide food and tent/flysheet for the guide plus about rm40-50 per day. The headman also will ask for "duit kopi". 

First Day
    Assuming you reach the orang asli village early in the morning, you can probably make it to the ridge campsite by afternoon. The trek up to the campsite should take about 4-6 hours. The trek begins from behind the orang asli village and up a steep slope. You'll continue on along the shady logging road for about 1-2 hours, until you reach a small stream. You can stop here for a quick lunch or short refreshing dip. This will be your last source of clean water. There is another water point further up, about 1 hour away, but the water is stagnant and is full of mosquito and other insects' larvae . After the river, you'll be trekking through untouched jungle, until you reach the last water point, the dirty one I described above. You will the reach a small summit with a small clearing. From that small summit, you can see a few more summits in front of you. The campsite is the third summit (if I am not mistaken) . The campsite is rather small and the ground is not very level. You'll have to rough it out there a bit. The campsite is also quite exposed and should there be strong winds, you'll be in trouble. Please bear in mind that this campsite is not the summit proper. The real Gunung Chabang is about 40minutes - 1 hr away from this campsite. Make sure your guide doesn't con you and tells you that the campsite is the actual summit (like I was). The real summit has a Beirop (metal pyramid).

Second Day
     On the second day, get up early and check out the sunrise. Then get ready to trek to the summit of Gunung Chabang. The trek to the summit passes some other smaller peaks, and is relatively walking along the ridge. The Beirop is hidden among tall trees. There some space , perhaps enough for one or two tents. After the mandatory group photo, you head back to the campsite, pack and head down . You should take about 3-4 hours to reach the orang asli village. Make sure you take the right trek, especially when you're close to the village, because if not, you'll end up somewhere further up along the highway. At the orang asli village, you can freshen up at a nice stream which is across the highway. Ask the villagers where it is. It is more private than to bathe below the metal bridge. 



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