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mitzie65's HOME PAGE

The Woods are dark and deep
and I have miles to go
before I sleep.

May the road rise up to meet your feet.

  • This Is Mitzie 65

  • I lived most of my life in South Jersey in the same town. I attended Audubon High Scool and had one good time. Wonders !!! ? I Graduated. Went to work for what was Ma Bell at that time. Now Eastern Bell. Love my work there. I have two sons, Robert and Delbert ( Butch ) I took off from work for a few years to see them get their start. Then I went back to work.
    I have three wonderful grand children. Matthew 11 years old. He lives in Pennsylvania. Brian 7 years old and finally a precious little grand daughter Elizabeth who is 5 years old. They lived overseas with their Mommy and Daddy. Now they live just 6 miles from me.
    My second son still lives and works in Del. He has remarried now, He has a lovely wife and stept-daughter. My Other grand son is Matthew is 11.

    Seven years ago we moved to Maderia Beach, Florida. I belong to the Logger Head Turtle Assoc. In May to August, we patrol the beaches at dawn to find new nests and mark them. We also watch the nests at hatching time to keep watch for the new turtles. To count them, and make sure they go in the right direction. Hard for them with house and street lights. I spend most of the winter here out doors and most of the summer inside.

  • Up-dates

    No Up-dates at this time

  • What I Like

    Honesty, Animals, Winter, Reading Books, Star Trek, Travel, Music and Dancing, Lobster.

  • What I Dislike

    Deception, Cruelty to Animals, Hot Summers, Liver.

  • My Favorite Emblems

    We are a Navy family
    My husband and my father and son.

  • My Dreams

    My dreams for my Sons and grand children are happiness and peace. And peace for the world in my time. I think my grand children will live to see my dream of a Star Trek life come true.

    I have added two pages. They are photos that I took in South Korea in April 1999. The flight took 21 hours of flying time and I guess you know, it's difficult to keep Mitzie in one seat that long......LOL The other page is photos taken in England

    Korea Photos
    England Photos

    And now, a parting Blessing
    to each and everyone of you.
    Narrated by Roma Downey.

    Roma Downey

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