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Worb Heavy Destroyer

Game Number: A0301
Steve Parrish (Worb) vs Hugh Bishop (Drex)

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Drex Unity Battle Destroyer

Steve Parrish in the Worb Heavy Destroyer
Hugh Bishop in the Drex Unity Battle Destroyer
Moderated by "Midnite"

Game Over
The Drex was destroyed by Worb phaser fire on impulse 5 of turn 3.
Congratulations to Steve Parrish for a decisive victory.

Turn 1
Turn 2
Turn 3
Latest Map


A0301.1.32.EOT SITREP: 
Steve Parrish - Worb Heavy Destroyer
Hugh Bishop - Drex Unity Battle Destroyer.
Moderated by Greg "Midnite" Bradburn

Turn   :  1
Impulse: 32

Units appearing in this game:
                          Start  Start  Turn/Impulse
Unit                      Hex    Speed  Launched
------------------------- ------ ------ -----------------
W  - Worb Heavy Destroyer 1701D     5   Turn:  1, Imp:  1 
D  - Drex Unity Battle De 2530A     7   Turn:  1, Imp:  1 

 IMP   W      D    
  1  1701D* 2530A* 
  2  -----  -----  
  3  -----  -----  
  4  -----  -----  
  5  -----  2529A  
  6  -----  -----  
  7  1702D  -----  
  8  -----  -----  
  9  -----  -----  
 10  -----  2428A  
 11  -----  -----  
 12  -----  -----  
 13  1703D  -----  
 14  -----  2427A  
 15  -----  -----  
 16  -----  -----  
 17  -----  -----  
 18  -----  -----  
 19  -----  2327F  
 20  1704D  -----  
 21  -----  -----  
 22  -----  -----  
 23  -----  2226F  
 24  -----  -----  
 25  -----  -----  
 26  1705D  -----  
 27  -----  -----  
 28  -----  2126F  
 29  -----  -----  
 30  -----  -----  
 31  -----  -----  
 32  1706D  2025F  

* denotes that unit was launched into this hex.

Final unit positions & speeds

Unit                      Hex    Speed
------------------------- ------ ------
W  - Worb Heavy Destroyer 1706D     5
D  - Drex Unity Battle De 2025F     7 


A0301.2.32.EOT SITREP
Steve Parrish - Worb Heavy Destroyer
Hugh Bishop - Drex Unity Battle Destroyer.
Moderated by Greg "Midnite" Bradburn

End of turn 2
EAFs for turn 3 due from both players by 12pm ET Friday, March 18th.
If you need an extension, let me know.

Turn   :  2
Impulse: 32

Position & speeds at start of turn:
                          Start  Start
Unit                      Hex    Speed
------------------------- ------ -----
W  - Worb Heavy Destroyer 1706D    10
D  - Drex Unity Battle De 2025F    16

 IMP   W      D    
  1  -----  -----  
  2  -----  1925F  
  3  -----  -----  
  4  1707D  1824F  
  5  -----  -----  
  6  -----  1724F  
  7  1708D  -----  
  8  -----  1723A  
  9  -----  -----  
 10  1709D  1722A  
 11  -----  -----  
 12  -----  1721A  
 13  1710D  -----  
 14  -----  1720A  
 15  -----  -----  
 16  1711D  1719A  
 17  -----  -----  
 18  -----  1618A  
 19  -----  -----  
 20  1611D  1718B  
 21  -----  -----  
 22  -----  1817B  
 23  1612D  -----  
 24  -----  1917B  
 25  -----  -----  
 26  1713D  2016B  
 27  -----  -----  
 28  -----  2015A  
 29  1714D  -----  
 30  -----  2014A  
 31  -----  -----  
 32  1814D  2114A  

* denotes that unit was launched into this hex.

Impulse activity this turn

Imp  Activity
---  --------------------------------------------------
  1  Worb Heavy Destroyer (W) changed speed to 10.
     Drex Unity Battle Destroyer (D) changed speed to 16.
 10  Drex fires the center HCH and 2xHCL at the Worb.
     Note: dice roll results shown are after -1 applied for crew quality according to G21.211
     Weapon     Roll    DAMAGE
     HCH         5        0
     HCL         1        3 
     HCL         4        0
     TOTAL DAMAGE         3
     REINFORCEMENT        3
     WORB: 24,24,24,20,24,24
     DREX: 20,20,18,16,18,20
 18  Drex announces the adoption of erratic maneuvers.
 28  The Worb increases ECCM to 3.
     The Worb fires SSR's A,B,C.
     Energy=6 each.
 29  Drex increases ECM by 2 points. Drex ECM, including EM and oustanding crew modifiers is now 9.

     Worb SSRs arrive at target

     Worb fires phasers (AP-1) 3, 4, 5, and 6
     Range = 3
     ECM differential = 6 (9-3) so there is a 2 shift

     Weapon Dice Roll Result/damage
     SSR-A   5+2 =  7 Hit/15 points
     SSR-B   8+2 = 10 Hit/15 points
     SSR-C   9+2 = 11 Hit/15 points
     Ph #3   4+2 =  6 Hit/03 points
     Ph #4   2+2 =  4 Hit/05 points
     Ph #5   4+2 =  6 Hit/03 points
     Ph #6   4+2 =  6 Hit/03 points
     Total damage:        59 points to #6 shield.
     Shield strength      20
     Reinforcement:        0
     Internals:           39

     Drex fires HCH-A (explosive), pw-1, pw-3, and pp-1
     ECM differential = 4 (for EM) - 1 (outstanding crew) = 3,
      offset by 3 ECCM so 0 shift.

     Weapon Dice Roll Result/damage
     HCH-A      5     Hit/12 points
     PW-1       5     Hit/03 points
     PW-3       4     Hit/01 points
     PP-1       3     Hit/05 points
     Total damage:        21 points to #6 shield.
     Shield strength      24
     Reinforcement:        0
     Internals:            0

        39 Internals to Drex

        Roll  System destroyed        Roll  System destroyed
        ----  ----------------        ----  ----------------
      1   6   F. HULL              21   4   R. WARP
      2   2   BRIDGE (CPU)         22   5   R. WARP
      3  11   TORP (HCH-A)         23   3   IMPULSE
      4   9   L. WARP              24   2   DAM. CON.
      5  10   PHASER (PW-3 #5)     25   2   A. HULL
      6   7   F. HULL              26   4   R. WARP
      7   2   SENSOR               27  10   L. WARP
      8   3   DRONE (HCL-D)        28   8   A. HULL
      9  10   TRACTOR              29   7   BTTY
     10   9   F. HULL              30  10   L. WARP
     11   6   F. HULL*             31  12   PROBE*
     12   3   PHASER (PP-1 #3)     32  10   L. WARP*
     13  10   L. WARP              33   3   IMPULSE
     14   6   IMPULSE              34   8   A. HULL
     15  12   AUX CON (CPU)        35  12   R. WARP
     16  11   PHASER (PW-1 #1)     36   3   IMPULSE*
     17   4   PHASER* (PW-2 #2)    37   4   R. WARP*
     18   7   BTTY                 38  11   TRACTOR*
     19   4   TRANS                39   6   LAB
     20  12   SCANNER            

     * denotes last hit of that type available

     WORB: 24,24,24,20,24,3
     DREX: 20,20,18,16,18,0

Final unit positions & speeds

Unit                      Hex    Speed
------------------------- ------ ------
W  - Worb Heavy Destroyer 1814D    10	ECM/ECCM: 0/3
D  - Drex Unity Battle De 2114A    16	ECM/ECCM: 9/3 (includes EM)



Steve Parrish - Worb Heavy Destroyer
Hugh Bishop - Drex Unity Battle Destroyer.
Moderated by Greg "Midnite" Bradburn

Turn   :  3
Impulse:  5

The Drex ship is destroyed by Worb phaser fire.
Congratulations to Steve Parrish on a decisive victory.

Units appearing in this game:
                          Start  Start  Turn/Impulse
Unit                      Hex    Speed  Launched
------------------------- ------ ------ -----------------
W  - Worb Heavy Destroyer 1701D     0   Turn:  1, Imp:  1 
D  - Drex Unity Battle De 2530A     0   Turn:  1, Imp:  1 (destroyed 3.5)
d1 - Drex Shuttle #1      2114D     6   Turn:  3, Imp:  2 

Position & speeds at start of turn:
                          Start  Start
Unit                      Hex    Speed
------------------------- ------ -----
W  - Worb Heavy Destroyer 1814D    16
D  - Drex Unity Battle De 2114A     8

 IMP   W      D      d1   
  1  -----  -----         
  2  1915C  -----  2114D* 
  3  -----  -----  -----  
  4  2015C  2113A  -----  
  5  -----  -----  -----  

* denotes that unit was launched into this hex.

Impulse activity this turn

Imp  Activity
---  --------------------------------------------------
  1  Worb Heavy Destroyer (W) changed speed to 16.
     Drex Unity Battle Destroyer (D) changed speed to 8.
  2  Worb pivots both turrets to the left.
     Drex Unity Battle Destroyer launched shuttle #1 (d1) in 2114 facing D, speed 6.
  4  Worb fires SSR D at Drex, range=3, rocket is enroute to the target.
  5  Worb SSR arrives at target. Roll=8. Hit for 20 points of damage to Drex #4 shield.
             4 Internals to Drex
             Roll  System destroyed
             ----  ----------------
           1   9   Lab (last one)
           2   6   Sensor
           3   9   Hcl (E)
           4   8   Aft Hull (last one)

          1 Internal assessed to Drex for late penalty.
          Roll=12, System destroyed=CPU (last one)
          Drex ship is now uncontrolled.

     Worb fires phasers #3-8 at the Drex.

     Range = 3

     Roll   Dmg
	 ----   ---
       3     6
       4     5
       6     3
       2     7
       5     4
       5     4
     Total  29
     29 points of damage through the Drex #4 shield.
     29 Internals - BOOM!
     The Drex ship is destroyed.

Final unit positions & speeds

Unit                      Hex    Speed
------------------------- ------ ------
W  - Worb Heavy Destroyer 2015C    16
D  - Drex Unity Battle De 2113A     8
d1 - Drex Shuttle #1      2114D     6



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Current Map