
Never thought this would happen, but happen it did. Can you believe that the first episode I ever watched of Buffy the Vampire Slayer was Chosen? I was only interested in seeing how such a major feature of pop culture would end. The next episode I stumbled onto was from season 5, and that Spike just caught my eye. By this time he was into his obsession with the Slayer, and the first scene I remember was of him in her bedroom having a confrontation with some guy. (That 'some guy' turned out to be Riley Finn.) I never watched an episode of Angel until Spike began appearing in it. So, I've been in this fandom an incredibly short time and I hope you will forgive me for it.

Admittedly, my work has taken on a decidedly 'spuffy' slant - which just kills some of my friends *g* The simple fact is that I want to write Spike fic and Buffy just happens to be the one he went nutso over. Oh, plus, I could never write Dru to save my life!

Okay, now that I've made excuses for myself, here's what you'll find on this site!


ASHES TO ASHES - Every night, after dark, a hospital patient receives a visitor. Future fic. Character death. Forget Chosen and all those Angel eps since then – this piece doesn’t exactly fit that chronology. PG November 2003 complete

WITH FEELING - “See if I care. You go patrol and when you get home your friends will be waiting for you, all of a twitter, wanting answers to questions that are best left unasked.” Set immediately after the end of Once More With Feeling. PG January 2004 complete

NOT THE PERFECT REUNION - Set in a future after Chosen when the gang are aware that Spike’s back, Dawn invites him to stay with her and Buffy. There’s just one small development that no one predicted. PG February 2004 Complete

NOCTURNAL VISITATIONS - At night time she comes to him. Set after The Gift. PG March 2004

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As you can no doubt tell, I'm graphically inept. I know what I'd like, but I can't get it down. So, while reading this site please imagine that there is a transparent picture of Spike as the background. Maybe in a light gray although that would mean changing the text colour. But really, any picture will do, I like to imagine a profile shot where he's wearing that lovely battered duster. *sigh*

All feedback, site comments, etc., can be sent to Matteabrit@hotmail.com
Site created February 26, 2004 and updated March 23, 2004.