The Storm Raging

AUTHOR: Matt, March 2003
SUMMARY: Both outside and in there’s a storm raging
STATUS: Complete
DISCLAIMER: These characters are the property of MGM, Gekko et al, but the piece is mine so paws off.
ARCHIVE: SJD, yes please.
THANKS: To SaRa and Jo’Siris as usual for their great job. Any errors after the guidance they gave are my own.


He left the screen door open and they stood there, listening to the sound of the thunder. The lightning flashed across the horizon and with each burst of it she blinked. A particularly loud crack coinciding with one of the flashes made her jump backwards into the security of his arms.

“Tree,” he murmured.


“Yeah. I guess lightning hit a tree.” He rubbed his hands over her bare arms. “Come on, Carter. You’re the smart one here.”

She laughed even as she tried to control her shivers. “It just took me by surprise, that’s all.”

The storm had come upon them suddenly, forcing them indoors for the night. He’d disconnected anything remotely electrical – she couldn’t even use her laptop computer – and had coaxed her to the patio doors to watch. She’d protested, saying that she had seen thunderstorms before, but he had persuaded her and she had at last admitted that this was a particularly impressive one.

“Oh,” she gasped. Lightning cut a horizontal path across the sky, splitting it from left to right.

“That was a good one,” he commented.

His arms remained around her and it barely registered in her consciousness that it was unusual. Instead, she experienced a great feeling of safety, of belonging, as though she had always belonged there. When she shivered again, feeling the faint touch of rain against her skin, he held her tighter and continued his warming motions. She took the opportunity to lean her head against his chest and was instantly rewarded when his chin came to rest on her shoulder.

“I like it like this,” he said quietly, his breath rushing past her ear.

“You do?”

“Mmm. It’s nice not having to be out in this type of weather on some dead-end planet somewhere in the galaxy.”


“The company’s good too. I’m glad you finally took me up on my offer.”

His words combined with the feel of his warm breath only served to increase her shivers. “I guess I had to have proof that the fish were non-existent, Sir.”

Although his chin never left her shoulder he shook his head. “No Sir, Carter, we agreed. Just Jack.”

“Just Jack and Sam,” she corrected him.

“Sounds good, doesn’t it.” He didn’t say anything about his own error.

It did.

It felt even better when she felt his head turn just slightly so that he could place a light kiss on her skin. She arched her neck, allowing him greater access. Bursts of electricity were beginning to flow through her and she wasn’t sure whether they came from him or the storm. Succumbing to the moment she crossed her arms and placed her hands on his, pulling him closer to her body.

Lightning flashed again and for a moment she could see the lake, as clear as though it was day. The wind was getting up now and the chimes suspended on the deck were ringing like distant church bells. The thunder appeared to be a constant rolling now; the storm was increasing in intensity.

“I’m glad you’re here, Sam,” he whispered into her ear and she had no choice but to agree with him. Being here, at his cabin, felt so right. Being encased in his arms felt even better.

Her body told her she wanted him, but that didn’t come as a surprise. She had wanted him for a long time, but it had never felt as right as it did now. She pressed her body even closer, revelling in the physical response she received. One of his hands moved from her arm and he swept her hair back, placing gentle kisses along the nape of her neck. She moaned and uncrossed her arms, running her hands down his waist.

“I want you.” The words were so quiet that she wondered for a moment if she had dreamed them. “Is it so wrong, Sam, to want you so much?”

She twisted in his embrace, feeling the top of her hip rub against his erection. It was her decision, her move to make. “No, Jack,” she whispered, “it’s not wrong.” She lifted her head and placed gentle kisses along his jaw line. “How can it be wrong when I want you too?”

Without needing to say another word, she caught his chin in her hand and pulled his head down. The first kiss spoke clearly of wanting and longing and needing; it was a kiss born of desperation, yet full of relief that their time of being kept apart had come to an end. His tongue pressed against her lips and she opened her mouth, eager to let him in, while his hands swept down her back, clutching at her backside.

“Bedroom,” he finally broke away and said, gasping for breath. “I’m too old to drop to the floor.” He reached for her hand and silently led her through the cabin to the main bedroom. She stumbled after him, trusting him implicitly, her mind strangely blank except for the thought that she was finally going to make love with the man she had dreamed of for so long.

A flash of lightning illuminated the room showing clearly a large bed, made with a militaristic neatness. A bed that was soon to become the place of her surrender to him. A second flash revealed his face to her and she was momentarily caught in the dark depths of his eyes, eyes that burned through her with an intensity that she had never known the like of before.

Then it was dark again, and his body was against hers once more. Their mouths sought each other out as their hands clawed away at their clothing. His lips began to blaze an unknown trail down her body, leaving her shaking first at the cold air that hit her skin and then at the contrasting heat that he was generating in her. When his mouth latched onto a nipple she moaned loudly and pulled at his shirt, losing buttons as she freed him from it. The shirt landed in a corner of the room, where it joined other miscellaneous items of clothing.

They landed together on the bed, both naked. Skin burned skin as he slid up and down the length of her body, paying attention to every single inch that was revealed to him. His tongue reached into her and she jerked convulsively, grabbing onto his hair as he probed her depths like a man thirsting for water. When she came at the touch of someone else for the first time in what seemed like forever, she felt as though she might die.

But she didn’t and he slid gently up her body, plying it with delicate kisses until at last they were face to face again. “You okay?” he whispered softly and she almost cried at his concern.

“Please,” she pleaded, placing her hands on his back. “I need you so much.”

He needed no further urging and pushed into her, capturing yet freeing her at the same time. Capturing her forever with his touch, marking her as his for all time, freeing her from the bounds that had kept her from loving him for so long. For the first time in her life she felt whole, revelling in the joy she felt when he came, flooding her core with himself.

The storm was abating when at last they came down from their pinnacle. Lightning still flashed, revealing eyes full of wonder and love. “My god,” she murmured, breathless.

He chuckled. “Yeah, not bad, huh?”

“Not bad?” She crooked an eyebrow at him. “You knew, didn’t you. You knew it would be that good.”

His fingers caressed her cheek. “Didn’t know,” he murmured, “just hoped. And dreamed.”


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