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Sharon Lao
BIO: Born and raised on Trillus Prime, Sharon was guided to becoming a host early in her childhood by her mother - the recent host of the famed Avarice symbiont. Sharon Tanis was guided throughout her life by her parents ambitions for her including a career in Starfleet after the tradition of her human father, Paul Tanis. After joining as an engineer, Sharon realized she had a gift for computer specifics and began training in this field. As a cadet fourth year, Sharn was posted aboard the USS Prometheus as a junior engineer. After graduating and recieving promotion to ensign, she served aboard the Prometheus for several years. Upon transferral to the USS Lily, she was given a position as assistant chief of engineering for her exemplary duty aboard the Prometheus. Eventually, her application for a symbiont, placed at an early age, was asnwered by the Trill Sybiosis Board - she would recieve the Lao symbiont. Joining herself with Lao, Sharon recieved the memories of three previous hosts. After promotion to full lieutenant and chief engineer, Sharon quickly recieved promotion to lieutenant commander a year later and transferral to the USS Vancouver as executive officer. After a short service aboard the Vancouver she was promoted to full commander, and a year later would see her make captain after the Trigis Maneuver - answering the call of duty, Sharon Lao accepted that she would never again see her family or her home when accepting the position of the NX-T1 and CO of Mission Andromeda.
COUNSELORS' PROFILE: Sharon Lao is a confident woman and a motherly captain - after she recognized that Mission Andromeda was nothing less than a generational mission she began to realize that the NX-T1 crew were a family more than co-workers. She operates her ship as a community and not merely a military/exploratory starcraft. She is a giving person but will not accept those who take advantage of her generosity. In the opinion of Counselor Verona Vai, she is the perfect commander for such a mission as the USS Marie Celeste has been sent on.