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At Parliament...

In the Peace Tower, this is what the ceiling looks like in the observation deck. I think it's kinda funky.

The "Parking Story". We head back down to the parking lot where we parked the car. There were tons of people milling about. Apparently the office building (government) across the street had a bomb threat (it was a hoax). Anyway... We get to the parking lot and I go to get my keys. I ask the guy how much for the parking. He punched it in and says "$17.00" ... Me: "WHAT!?" I thought he was joking. We were only there for three hours. Then I find out that the rate is $3.00 per half hour. SHEESH! Ah well, I had to pay. Parking in downtown Ottawa just sucks. Hmph.

That evening we went to Rideau Carleton Raceway to see (and bet too of course) some harness racing. (I didn't come out ahead, btw. I think Mennie did. hehe)

Yeah, I actually came out $10 ahead. Before we left, however, I bought that much in scratch lotto tickets. Didn't win, so actually you could say that I broke even. We went to Harvey's, a fast food chain there, afterwards. The food was messy, so you know it had to be good, heh.