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Disclaimer: Paramount owns Voyager. *sigh* But, *g*, not our imaginations! Therefore: Thhhppptttt!

Rating: eehh, I'm not good at this, but I'll say.... G.


by Lissa

Chakotay was pacing the turbolift ever since Kathryn ordered him to come there. He was frightened. He didn't know what was going to happen. He kept on asking himself if she would ever forgive him. She had been turbulent for the past month, acting normal one minute, deathglaring the next. He exited the lift like a flash when the doors parted. Chakotay practically ran into the room. When he got there Kathryn started in.

"I hate you! Don't you ever, and I mean ever, come near me again! You can eat Neelix's food for the rest of your life, because your rations account is canceled!" As Kathryn said this rapidly, Chakotay just stepped close to her and took her hand. "Let go of me! How dare you!" She twisted away and bit her lip hard. Chakotay took her hand again and smiled.

"It's going to be okay," Chakotay said gently, comfortingly brushing her hair out of her face.

"Stop it! You're going to be busted down to crewman if you don't leave!" she screamed. She had a sheen of perspiration on her face and she looked like she was in agony.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to be right here, through it all," he kissed her forehead. Kathryn's eyes teared up and she smiled blearily until another contraction hit. Her face twisted with pain, and she groaned with the effort.

"One more, Captain, one more, and your little girl will be here," The Doctor said, sounding unusually happy. Tom wiped Kathryn's brow as she relaxed before the next hit. She was breathing rapidly and heavily.

"I love you, Chakotay." She smiled and brought Chakotay's hand to her lips. He kissed her head again.

"I love you, too. You're doing so well, I'm very proud of you," he said this just as the contraction hit. She pushed, she gasped, she moaned. Then it was over. A new life was welcomed to Voyager. Kathryn was smiling ecstatically. Chakotay was beaming. As the Doctor put their little girl into Kathryn's arms, they cooed at her.

"Hello there, gorgeous! You really must have wanted out! Oh, Chakotay, she's beautiful!" Kathryn said, almost oblivious to her pain.

"She looks just like her mother." Chakotay grinned and kissed his wife and daughter. "Little one, how does Jennifer Kes Janeway sound to you?" The little baby cooed and everyone laughed.

"I think it has everybody's approval now," Kathryn laughed softly. She leaned down and kissed her baby's nose. "Chakotay? I think it's your turn, for a little while. After all, I've been holding her for almost nine months."

"Okay. Come here, little Jen. Come to Daddy." The new parents were glowing with happiness. Chakotay held his daughter tenderly and sat by Kathryn as she slept.

The End.

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