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Seduces Me

Disclaimer: Paramount owns our dearly beloved show, but not our imaginations.

Rating: G

Notes: *_* is Chakotay's thoughts. ~_~ is Kathryn's thoughts. This is what happens when I listen to Celine Dion. ttfn,lissa:)

Seduces Me

by Lissa

~I'm restless. I need to go do something.~ Kathryn walks to the holodeck, carrying ice-skates over her shoulder. She is wearing a deep, blue, crushed velvet dress. It has long sleeves and cutout on the back with crossed straps. The skirt is mid-thigh and flows with her movements. When she enters, she keys in the access panel the description of a program.

Instantly, the holodeck becomes brilliant white. There is a frozen pond surrounded by blankets of untouched snow. A full moon is shining down from a clear starry black sky. ~So beautiful.~ Kathryn sits on a nearby log and begins to lace up her skates. Then she stands and does a few exercises on the ice. When she is ready, she glides to the center of the ice. Then she calls out, "Computer, play the song "Seduces Me" by Celine Dion.

As the music begins, she glides gracefully in an arc. The holodeck doors hiss open, but Kathryn cannot hear this over the scraping of the blades on the ice. *What is she doing? It's freezing in here.*

Everything you are

Everything you'll be

Touches the current of love

Kathryn goes into a graceful spin. Her eyes are closed, so she can immerse herself in the music.

So deep in me

Every sigh in the night

She pulls out of the spin and glides around the iced pond.

Every tear that you cry

Seduces me

Chakotay sighs as he watches her move, his eyes taking in every curve and nuance.

And all that I am

And all that I'll be

Means nothing at all

If you can't be with me

Kathryn glides backwards, raising her arms and moving gently with the beat. Chakotay touches his lips and thinks, *So beautiful.*

Your most innocent kiss

Or your sweetest caress

Seduces me

As the music builds, Kathryn gains in sped and power. She spins fluidly and effortlessly.

I don't care about tomorrow

I've given up on yesterday

She glides back and puts one hand behind her in preparation.

Here and now is all that matters

Right here with you is where I'll stay

With the lyric, she pops up into a short, but powerful jump. She spun once, easily and landed as if she did it everyday. *I hope she doesn't do that often. Kathryn could really hurt herself if she makes on little mistake.*

Everything in this world

Every voice in the night

Every little thing of beauty

Comes shining through in your eyes

Kathryn begins to build her speed again. Her hands move with the melody, her hips to the beat.

And all that is you becomes part of me too

'Cause all you do seduces me

She readies herself for the jump, controlling every little thing precisely. *Another one. Please, let her luck hold out.*

And if I should die tomorrow

Kathryn jumps and lands into a rapid spin, with a satisfied look about her. Chakotay releases the breath he'd been holding.

I'd go down with a smile on my face

I'd thank God I've ever known you

I'd fall down on my knees

For all the love we've made

She comes out of the spin to go into moving along the ice to the music. Her face has a wistful frown on it. Her eyes are still closed. *Why is she frowning? That was wonderful.*

Every sigh in the night

Every tear that you cry

Seduces me

And all that you do... Seduces me.

Kathryn slows to the center of the pond as the music fades and slowly opens her eyes. She looks at the night sky. ~Oh, Chakotay. Why is it like this? Does it have to be like this? Maybe things will change someday.~ Kathryn rubs her neck and skates toward the log.

She suddenly spots Chakotay. She instantly stops. ~How much did see? Oh, this is great, Kathryn. You must remember the privacy lock. I don't think I'll ever stop blushing.~ Blushing she was. A very deep that Chakotay could not ignore. This in turn made him embarrassed.

He began to flush. *Please, don't shut me out again,* he pleaded mentally with her. She skated casually to the log and sat.

"How long were you watching?" she asked with a low controlled voice, without looking at him.

"Just that song," he replied as he sat by her. She gave a brief sigh and began unlacing her skates. "You skate very well. Where did you learn?"

"When I was a little girl. We would go to Maine to visit family, and there would always be snow and ice. Phoebe and I would skate together, struggling to stay upright and failing miserably. We always had so much fun that we never noticed the bruises," Kathryn said with a smile that spoke of memories.

"Would you be willing to suffer a few bruises to teach me?" Chakotay smiled charmingly. Kathryn smiled back. She couldn't have resisted even if she had wanted to.

"Sure. I can't see any reason why not." She favored him with a wry grin, "But, you get to explain the bruises to the Doctor, I for one won't be going anywhere near sickbay. He'd probably knock me out for those tests he's forever making me sit still through."

"I can deal with that. I hope." They laughed.

*I think I'm safe.*

~I think I'm safe.~

Each gave inward sighs of relief. Kathryn continued unlacing her skates till she came to a stubborn knot. She gave a small growl under her breath as she worked on it. Chakotay chuckled.

"May I help?" he offered. She swung her leg up so her ankle was resting on his leg. Chakotay grinned and went to work. After a bit, he felt a pair of intense eyes staring at him. He quickly met Kathryn's eyes. She looked away, ashamed of being caught. Chakotay moved closer to her and lifted her chin so she would look at him. Her lips parted as he caressed her cheek. They leaned into one another. Their lips met gently at first. The kiss deepened as he lifted her closer to him. They stayed locked in place forgetting everything but eachother. They separated with hesitation, afraid of losing the moment.

Kathryn searched his eyes for what she knew would be there. They smiled. Chakotay slowly tugged Kathryn's skate off. "What now?" he asked.

"Dinner in my quarters?" she offered. Chakotay grinned and kissed her again, not with the urgency of their first kiss, but the same passion. They wanted to savor this newfound relationship. Kathryn stood and held her hand to Chakotay. They walked out of the holodeck with lightness that filled everyone and everything they encountered.

"~*I love you,*~" was all they said when they finally were alone.


The End.

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