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Scav Hunt 9-12

Be warned this will be a huge story once it's finished. (If it gets

Disclaimer: *sighs* Unfortunately, I don't own Voyager, but
fortunately Paramount doesn't own our imaginations.

Rating: If you are old enough to watch the show, you are old enough
to read this. Just some deep kissing and little romance. Have fun.

Therefore, I rate this as PG.

Scavenger Hunt part 9

by Lissa

Kathryn and Chakotay were greeted by silence. "Where to next?"
Kathryn asked Chakotay as she was putting the library cards in the

"Let's try next door," he said as he pointed to the door to their

"Let's," Kathryn smiled and took his hand. They walked the few feet
to their destination and Kathryn did the honors of opening the door.
There was nothing beyond the doorway but pure darkness. "Keep hold
of my hand."

"Be still my beating heart," Chakotay teased and grinned wickedly.
Kathryn laughed and stepped through the entrance. They walked on for
a few steps before the door slammed shut loud enough to make both of
them jump.

"I get the impression that we won't be getting any light any time
soon," Kathryn said as she tightened her grip on Chakotay's hand.

"Ditto," Chakotay said as he instinctively stepped closer to her. "I
guess we'll just have to wander around till we find what we need."

"We better start moving then." Kathryn automatically started leading
Chakotay in the general direction of the back of the room. Her
progress was halted when she tripped over a large unseen object.

"Are you okay?" Chakotay asked. He had managed to keep ahold of her
hand as she fell and he was helping her back up.

"Just a bruised shin, ouch!... and a sore butt." Chakotay laughed.

"Do want me to take the lead?" he queried mockingly.

"By all means! I can't be the only one with a bruise," she said
sarcastically, but sweetly. They laughed and Chakotay maneuvered
around the object that made Kathryn fall. They were making good
progress. Both of them were reaching out with their free hands and
taking searching steps. Soon there was a loud thud and a muffled,
pained noise that sounded rather masculine.

"Are you okay, Chakotay?" Kathryn asked restraining the little mean
laugh that wanted to be heard.

"Fine, fine," he said and exhaled sharply. Now Kathryn was a little
bit concerned.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I hit a sharp corner of something at hip level," he said with a
wince that was unseen by Kathryn, but she could imagine it. She laid
a soothing hand on his shoulder.

"Which hip?" she asked.

"Right," Chakotay said. Kathryn brought her hand down to his hip and
gently felt for a bump. Chakotay inhaled deeply and pulled away a

"You should get to sickbay after we're done. That already has a
nasty lump." Kathryn brought her hand up to his face and kissed his

"I'll be okay. At the Academy, I got one of those a week from the
desks," he said with a grin.

"Ouch, I remember those desks, I always had to run into the corner of
one each time I was in a rush," she laughed, "One time I ran into one
on my way to lunch. I was cursing a blue streak. I had thought I
was the only one still in the class. But, when I picked my books up
after my tirade, I noticed a guy in the corner looking at me with his
jaw dropped. I mumbled my apologies and left a dust trail behind me."

"You're not going to believe this, but I was the shocked guy in the
corner. You were always so proper in class that I was completely
surprised to her you saying that. You looked so mad! Your face was
flushed and I swear, on my own grave, that your hair turned a shade
of brilliant red," Chakotay laughed as he recalled her fit of temper.

"Oh, wow! I can't believe I didn't recognize you! But, then again,
you always seem to look like you know exactly what is going on," she

"I haven't thought of that for years. I'm surprised I didn't
recognize you either." Chakotay started to walk carefully again with
Kathryn trailing slightly behind him with a firm hold on his hand.
They laughed and thought about what the other was like way back then.

After a few more bumps and bruises, a faint illumination cast a blue
tint over the couple. "Kathryn, can you tell where that light is
coming from?"

"Not yet, but at least we can see the general outline of the things
coming up," she answered.

"True," he said. He didn't release her hand even though they could
see. Kathryn also kept Chakotay's hand in hers. They could now see
that the things blocking their progress ranged from lamps and tables
to stuff animals and entire beds. The light seemed to grow brighter
and brighter with each step until they thought they could be blinded.

Chakotay stepped around a wall sticking out at an odd angle, and
immediately brought his hand up to shield his eyes. Kathryn decided
to protect her eyes ahead of time and brought her hand up. When both
of them had rounded the wall, they were amazed to see a lamp that
looked like earth shining brightly.

"What do we do?" Kathryn asked Chakotay.

"I don't know. Let's investigate." They stepped closer, still
shielding their eyes. Kathryn took the hand that had been holding
Chakotay's and brought it close to the globe experimentally. Her
hand got closer and closer till it was laying on it.

"Chakotay, feel this. It isn't hot," Kathryn said. Chakotay laid
his hand on the globe next to Kathryn's hand. The light began to
pulse. Kathryn gasped, "It's our heartbeat." The light was dimming
as lights over head were coming on. Soon the globe stopped pulsing
and was dim, but in exchange, the lights overhead were on at full
strength. A piece of paper fluttered down from nowhere.

Chakotay caught it and read what was written on it aloud, "The world
is a heart, easily broken, easily mended." He looked at Kathryn with
faraway eyes and smiled. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I'm
beginning to think that tonight was planned as a couples game and a
matchmaking plot."

"Then it seems we have someone in our midst that thinks we should be
together." Kathryn giggled and put her arm behind Chakotay's
back. "Let's get out of here. I'm tired of this course."

"At least this time we won't be blind to our surroundings," Chakotay
pointed out.

"True, true. But still, we need to get to the next one." They walked
out easily now that the obstacles were easily seen. When they got to
the door Kathryn spotted something that irritated her completely.
She scowled and walked over to the offending object. "A light
switch!" She flipped the switch and nothing happened. "Well, at
least we didn't waste any time trying to get it to work. I wonder
how many people will think to look for one and then get frustrated
trying to figure out what to do."

"I just wonder who was in on creating all this," Chakotay laughed.

"I bet we'll find out soon enough, if not, I'm sure that we can find
out with the help of the computer and a few innocent questions here
and there." They left the cluttered course with bright smiles and
went back into the main room.



Scavenger Hunt 10

Kathryn and Chakotay left the obstacle course and collided with Tom
and B'Elanna. "Oof," was said all round and each made their way to
the floor. Kathryn laughed and said, "I think we're all a little
eager to finish first."

"Definitely, Kathryn," Tom said somewhat cautiously. He didn't know
how she would react to being called by her first name. Kathryn
realized this and smiled wide for him.

"Chakotay, be a love?" Kathryn asked as she held her hand up to her
already standing partner. He grinned and popped her up high enough
to catch her. She giggled as Tom and B'Elanna did their best to look
like this was normal. Chakotay eased Kathryn down till she was
standing on her own two feet and let go of her. "Which one did you
just come from?" she asked.

"Down the spiral, to the left," B'Elanna replied. "Chakotay, I think
that shade is a little too pink for you," she jabbed sweetly because
Chakotay had a faint imprint of pink lips on his cheek.

"Oops!" Kathryn said and made a big deal out of wiping off his cheek
with her sleeve. "All gone." She smiled as she took Chakotay's hand
and led him to the staircase. "Have fun," she called over her
shoulder before disappearing out of sight.

As the door to the course they just left shut, Chakotay said, "Kathryn
you cruel, cruel woman! Embarrassing me in front of them and then
sending them to get several bruises!" He smiled and laughed loudly.

"I know. I'm a terrible person. It's part of my charm, isn't it?"
Kathryn said as she stepped closer with her eyes glinting dangerously.

"You bet it is," Chakotay replied as her swooped down to kiss her
teasing lips. She responded with wrapping her arms around his
shoulders and pushing him to the wall by the door. They were so
engrossed in each other that they failed to notice a nervous clearing
of throat. Kathryn pulled away from Chakotay with a 'caught with my
hands in the cookie jar' look. She and Chakotay looked sheepishly at
Joe Carey and Sam Wildman. Then all at the same time, they burst out
laughing. "I think each of us got surprised there," Chakotay said.

"I'm glad you two finally decided to give it a chance," Sam
said. "Every time there was a party, you two acted so possessive and
jealous when the other was paying attention to something else that it
was almost funny."

"You noticed. Oh, God, I wonder who else did?" Kathryn said as she
brought her hand up to her forehead.

"Pretty much the whole crew. You two fit together so well it's
unbelievable. There's even been a rumor going around that someone
was going to try to force both of you into a situation where you'd
have to admit your feelings," Joe said as he put his hand in Sam's.

"I get the feeling we're not the only couple standing here," Chakotay
said with a slightly uplifted brow.

"True. We started dating in secret a few weeks ago. Well, as secret
as possible, when you have to consider Naomi. She's one smart
cookie," Joe said with gentle smile.

"She actually sat us down to give her approval! I've never seen her
look so solemn," Sam laughed.

"I can imagine. We better be on our way. Good luck," Chakotay
called as Joe and Sam went up the spiral staircase. Kathryn opened
the door to their next course. They were greeted by a warm glow and
the crackle of fire. Kathryn gestured for Chakotay to enter first
and he obeyed.

When inside the door creaked softly shut as the couple explored the
room. There was a large fireplace and two sets of snow clothes on
the wall a few feet away. The large door had a small pane of glass
at eye level and windows on each side of the door. Outside was a
winter wonderland of untouched snow and icicle covered trees. "I
suppose we should bundle up," Kathryn said as she walked to the
outfit in blue tones and started to pull on the jacket. Chakotay
smiled and grabbed the green jacket. After he got himself bundled
up, Kathryn was trying to figure out where she had put her scarf.

"Chakotay, where did I put the blue scarf?" she asked while picking
up her backpack to check under it. He stepped close to her and took
ahold of something and held in front of her face. They laughed and
Kathryn said, "If it was a snake it would have bit me." She snatched
it back and flicked it in his face.

"Let's go brave the cold," he said and pulled on the green hat.

"Only if we have to," Kathryn sighed.

"Come on. It'll be fun," he wrapped his arm around her and coaxed
her outside with kisses. The door opened to a harsh gust of bitter
air. They walked around to the side of the building where the wind
was blocked. There were mounds of snow piled against the trees
canopying them from the white sky. Suddenly, Kathryn fell backwards
into the snow. She began making a snow angel while looking into the
painful sky with squinted eyes.

Chakotay laughed and followed suit. Kathryn stuck away behind a tree
and made a huge snowball with Chakotay's name almost printed on it.
She waited in her hiding spot until she heard him stand.

"Kathryn? Where did you disappear off to?" There was a shuffling,
crisp noise, that Kathryn didn't hear this since she was busy
commencing a surprise attack. It smacked him square in the
forehead. His missile hit Kathryn in the shoulder. Chakotay went
slightly cross-eyed for a split second, and then shook his head and
ran for cover. "You've got a vicious right arm, Kathryn."

"Don't you know it," she laughed. She weaved in and out of the trees
with two giant snowballs in her hands. Kathryn paused for breath at
a large tree and listened for movement. Her heart was pounding so
fast and so hard that she didn't hear Chakotay behind her on the
other side of the tree. Kathryn heard a twig snap near her and she
swung around. She was immediately engulfed in the warm arms of
Chakotay. He smiled widely and looked deep into her eyes.

"I love you," he whispered with twinkling eyes.

"I love you," she whispered back. She dropped the snowballs and
kissed him passionately. Kathryn came up for air and said, "We
better find a solution to this course or my butt is going to freeze

"Well, we wouldn't want that, would we?" Chakotay asked as he placed
his hand on the aforementioned body part.

"Nope," she smiled and began to walk back to the side of the cabin.
It was as they left it. Two snow angels and two sets of
footprints. "Snowman time?" Kathryn asked.

"Sounds like fun," Chakotay said with a grin. They started pushing
snow into a pile and squeezing it together. Soon they had a decent
sized bottom section. Then they built on top of that until the
middle ball was the right girth. Kathryn knelt down and began
building the head. Soon she deemed it fit for use and persuaded
Chakotay to heave it on top of the other two.

"What are we going to do for the face?" Kathryn asked.

"Go find some acorns and I'll get an icicle," Chakotay said as walked
to the cabin and reached up for one.

"Don't poke your eye out," she called to him. Chakotay laughed and
covered his eyes with his arm before he grabbed an icicle of the
edge. Kathryn walked over to the trees and began sweeping snow away
to find some acorns. After she found enough unbroken ones she walked
back to the snowman and Chakotay. He was busy comparing a few
icicles, then discarded them all. Kathryn raised her eyebrows and
leaned against a tree to watch. Chakotay reached up, covered his
eyes, and grabbed about four more icicles.

"Picky, picky," she said as he discarded all of the icicles but one.

"They were too crooked," he grinned at her.

"Uh, huh," she laughed and handed the acorns to Chakotay. He placed
the icicle in the top giant snowball and put two above about two
inches away and about three apart. Then he made a crescent with the
rest of the acorns under the icicle.

"There you go," he put his arms around Kathryn and said, "Let's go
warm up. My nose is numb."

"Okay. My rear is in danger of getting frostbite at this rate
anyway," she laughed.

"Then by all means, let's go!" he teased. They walked into the warm,
cheery room and spotted the door out cracked open. Chakotay, walked
over to the window and pulled down a sparkly, lucite snowflake
ornament. "Here's our trophy," Chakotay said. Kathryn smiled and
began to pull off the winter garments. Chakotay gladly took off his
coat and hat. He stood for a second trying to fix his hair.

"Allow me," Kathryn said and went over to smooth his hair. He closed
his eyes to her touch and linked his hands behind her. She brushed
her fingers along the bottom of his tattoo and said, "All done."

"You should play with my hair more often," he opened his eyes and
gave Kathryn a dimpled smile.

"Maybe later. Let's go, soldier," she left Chakotay's arms and put
the snowflake in the backpack. Chakotay opened the door and held it
open for her. She smiled and went into the main hall.



Scavenger Hunt part 11

by Lissa

This time, they looked both ways before venturing out of the finished
course. Luckily, no one was around to help them greet the floor.
Kathryn and Chakotay stepped out to take a look around. "Is it your
turn to choose, or mine?" Chakotay asked.

"No clue," Kathryn replied. "You go."

"Let's go next door," he said as he gestured so. Kathryn walked to
the door and pulled it slightly ajar to peek in.

"All clear," she said as she let it swing open. She looked at
Chakotay and a soft smile touched her lips.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing," Kathryn said as she slipped through the doorway. Chakotay
followed her into a crisp autumn night.

"Tell me," Chakotay said as he took her hand. They were walking on a
smooth sidewalk in a picture perfect neighborhood.

"Well...alright. I remember the first time I saw you look at me like
that. I melted. You are too incredibly charming for your own good,"
Kathryn said half-embarrassed.

"I know," Chakotay said as he smoothed back his hair. "You know, you
are very charming as well. All you have to do is laugh and I have to
smile," he said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and looked
at their surroundings.

"Hmm, tell me, how did I charm you at first?" she asked innocently.

"One day you came on the bridge in a very bad mood. So, after you
went into your readyroom, I came in with some reports. You were
drinking coffee, and looked ready to glare down anything in your
way. Then, I accidentally spilt your lukewarm coffee all over you.
You looked furious, and then you burst out laughing. I didn't have a
clue as to why you were laughing. But you said everything was
alright and told me you were being too serious anyways. You laughed
again and thanked me. It charmed me to know that you weren't in
absolute control of everything. You give the impression of having
everything completely worked out." As Chakotay said these things, he
was walking with Kathryn and running his fingers through her hair.

"That is what made you fall for me?" Kathryn laughed. "I should have
known it would be something like that." The couple had walked to a
house with no lights on. The end of the front walk had a full
plastic sack carelessly tossed on it. Kathryn crouched down and
opened it up. Immediately, a devilish grin spread over her face.
She pulled out two flashlights and handed one to Chakotay. "Have you
ever gone teepeeing, Chakotay?"

"What is teepeeing?" he asked with a slightly baffled look.

Kathryn laughed evilly and whispered, "It's something that teenagers
did as a prank. You take rolls of toilet paper and throw them at
trees until there covered. And cars and bushes are also fun."

"Are you sure that is what we're supposed to do?" Chakotay asked.

"Uh huh, this entire bag is filled. Before we start, we should
decide on where we could run if we get caught. How about behind the
blue house?" Kathryn asked as quietly as she could.

"The yellow house, too. And the green vehicle."

"I think we should get started," Kathryn took a roll out and handed
it to Chakotay. "Do as I do," she took the end and started to
unravel it. Chakotay did the same and followed her to nearest tree.
She threw her roll up really high, and Chakotay watched as it reached
its peak and came down with a long piece stuck in the branches. He
grinned and got to work. Kathryn soon disappeared and came back
burdened with rolls she dropped them on the ground. "Don't you just
love Halloween decorating?" she quietly asked.

"Maybe we should decorate Tuvok's quarters," Chakotay said with a
roguish grin.

"Not even going there! His revenge would be Vulcan poetry at the
next Talent Night, and I don't think I could take that!" They
laughed quietly and used all but seven of about ninety rolls on the
front yard.

"Let's get the vehicle!" Chakotay whispered into Kathryn's ear. She
grinned and nodded. "Somebody left their windows down." The covered
the car, going around and around and around until they were dizzy.
Then they went about enshrouding the inside. When they had finished,
they stood back at their masterpiece.

"Get ready to run, I'm going to ring the doorbell," Kathryn whispered
excitedly as she zipped up her back pack from putting the flashlights
in it.

"Where to?" Chakotay asked.

"See that big oak in front of the blue house? That should hide both
of us pretty well," Kathryn grinned wickedly and said, "Move that
cute butt, already."

"Well, if you put it that way," Chakotay smiled and did as told.
Kathryn took a deep breath and snuck stealthily up the front steps to
the door. Then she slammed the doorbell and took a flying leap over
the steps and hightailed it to Chakotay. When she got to him she was
breathless with running and giggling combined. They both watched the
yard they just left intently.

Their patience was soon rewarded. A middle-aged man in slippers and
a robe came out. He was raging. So much so, that he was beet red in
the light of the now on porchlight. "Oh my God!" Kathryn exclaimed
and then stifled the coming giggles.

"What is it?" Chakotay asked.

"We just teepeed Admiral Paris!" Chakotay had to cover his mouth
with his hand to keep quiet.

"I wonder if Tom's been to this one?" Chakotay said.

"I'll try to lead him to it. Let's go while we can, he just went
inside." Chakotay took Kathryn's hand and they ran back to the magic
door. On the handle was a big furry spider. Kathryn quickly took
off her backpack and stuffed the spider in. They opened the door and
tried to calmly walk back into the main hall.



Scavenger Hunt part 12

Then main hall was overly bright after their dark adventure. They
squinted and looked around before coming all the way out. "Your
turn," Chakotay whispered in Kathryn's ear. She pointed to the door
on the other side of the nearest spiral staircase. Chakotay nodded
and grinned. This time he opened the door. A loud beat and disco
lights pulsed through the portal. They went in and let the door
close behind them. It was crowded and hot. Across the room there
was a stage and a banner above that said "Karaokoe Night". Chakotay
tried to open the door, but it was no use.

"You go up there, Kathryn. You have a nice singing voice," Chakotay
said as he tried to gently nudge her towards the stage. Kathryn
grinned mischievously.

"I'll go up, if you come with me and help me choose the song,"
Kathryn said. Her eyes were twinkling dangerously.

"Deal," the poor fool said. Kathryn went to the stage and found and
empty table and set her backpack down. Then she and Chakotay found
the organizer of the event. He pointed to a machine in the corner.
They stood in front of a jukebox and sorted through the list of
instrumental picks for popular songs. "I think Tom picked all of
these. They're all from the 20th century. Wait, stop, I recognize
this one. Tom would not stop playing at the last party."

"I recognize it, too," Kathryn grinned wickedly and punched the
button. Then she stepped on stage followed by Chakotay. "The next
song is going to be sung by Chakotay," Kathryn yelled the room. To
Chakotay she said, "Just watch the monitor if you get lost. Don't
give me that look, I want to hear you sing." Chakotay resigned
himself to it and took the mike just before the song began.

(The Best Thing by Savage Garden, but definitely not in those notes)
((use your imagination))

never want to fly
never want to leave
never want to say what you mean to me
never want to run
frightened to believe
you're the best thing about me

sometimes I feel like this is only chemistry
stuck in a maze searching for a way to
shut down turn around feel the ground beneath me
you're so close where do you end where do I begin?
always pushing and pulling
sometimes sanity takes vacation time on me
I'm in a daze stumbling bewildered
north of gravity head up in the stratosphere
you and I roller coaster riding love
you're the center of adrenaline
and I'm beginning to understand

never want to fly
never want to leave
never want to say what you mean to me
never want to run
frightened to believe
you're the best thing about me

walk on broken glass make my way through fire
these are the things I would do for love
farewell peace of mind kiss goodbye to reason
up is down the impossible occurs each day
this intoxication thrills me
I only pray it doesn't kill me

never want to fly
never want to leave
never want to say what you mean to me
never want to run
frightened to believe
you're the best thing about me

you're the center of adrenaline
and I'm beginning to understand
you could be the best thing about me

never want to fly
never want to leave
never want to say what you mean to me
never want to run
frightened to believe
you're the best about me

you could be the best thing about me
what if you're the best thing about me?

At the end of the song, Chakotay has his arm around Kathryn.
Everyone is applauding hard, especially Kathryn. She gets on her
tiptoes and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Never do that again,"
Chakotay said with a smile as he put the mike away. Kathryn only
grinned. "Is it your turn?" he asked.

"Nope, the door is open, now," Kathryn laughed as they left the stage
and got the backpack. Kathryn knew what Chakotay was doing for
Talent Night. "You have a very nice voice. Where have you been
hiding it?" she asked.

"Where I hide everything," Chakotay replied mysteriously. The
managed to shove their way through the crowd and get back to the
door. Before they reached it, the organizer approached them.

"Heya, feel free to come back," he said as he slipped a matchbook
into Chakotay's hand. Then the man just walked away. Chakotay read
the name on the matchbook to Kathryn.

"Bluefire," he said once he was able to make it out. They smiled and
Chakotay put the matchbook in the now rather burdened backpack. He
opened the door and held it open for Kathryn. She grinned and went
into the main hall.



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