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Scav Hunt 5-8

Be warned this will be a huge story once it's finished. (If it gets

Disclaimer: *sighs* Unfortunately, I don't own Voyager, but
fortunately Paramount doesn't own our imaginations.

Rating: If you are old enough to watch the show, you are old enough
to read this. Just some deep kissing and little romance. Have fun.

Therefore, I rate this as PG.

Scavenger Hunt part 5

by Lissa

"Computer, time," Kathryn requested. She had gone to her quarters
after dinner to do look over some reports so her tomorrow would be
free. After she had finished them she replicated a pair of jeans
from about the 21st century and a pair of high top sneakers. She
also found an emerald green shirt in the back of her closet. It was
v-necked and long sleeved.

"It is 2134 hours," said Majel Barret's disembodied voice. Kathryn
was beginning to get antsy. She had replicated a cup of coffee that
was now cold. She sat down the cup and thought of something
useful. "Backpacks." She leapt up and practically ran into her
bedroom. Once at her bed, she laid down on the floor and started
reaching under it. When she was halfway under, still rooting around,
Kathryn felt a large, warm hand on the back on her knee. "Ahh!" she
exclaimed and bumped her head as she struggled to get out from under
her bed. Chakotay was chuckling as he watched her.

"It was to good to pass up," he said as she glared at him. "You
didn't hear me at the door, so I came in." He was crouching and
grinning like a Cheshire cat. With one deft motion Kathryn pushed him
off his feet and had his wrists held against the floor. Kathryn's
mouth had a teasing curve to it.

"Now, I get to have revenge twice," she leaned down so she was just
out of reach when Chakotay leaned up to kiss her. "Whatever shall I
do with you?" she smiled deviously.

"Well, you could lean down a few inches. That would be terrible
torture," he grinned very slyly.

"Hmm, you think?" She proceeded to torture him. Just as he was
getting involved, she leaned back up out of reach, eliciting a
displeased moan from Chakotay.

"That was mean. Why don't you torture me some more?" he pleaded with
a charming smile. Kathryn released his wrists and gave him a real
kiss. Chakotay wrapped his arms around her and they rolled over with
lips still locked. After a few minutes Chakotay pulled away and
said, "We should get going now."

"Now, that was really mean. We can go, after I get my backpack, on
one condition," she said as she locked her fingers behind his neck
and looked sweetly seductive.

"What is your condition?" Chakotay asked as he leaned down and began
kissing her neck.

"You have to be in the upcoming talent show," she purred as she ran
her fingers through his hair. He leaned up and gave Kathryn a
disbelieving smile.

"You won't give up, will you?"

"Nope, face it, Chakotay, you're going to be in it whether you want
to or not." Kathryn began trailing her finger along his tattoo.

"I give in, *this time*," he brushed a stray lock of hair out of her
eyes, "But, I will never, I repeat, never, be in another talent show

"We'll see," she gave him a spunky grin and wiggled out from under
Chakotay and resumed her search for the backpack. Chakotay sat up
and shook his head with a resigned smile. "Ah ha...eureka!" Kathryn
exclaimed and came out with her discovery in hand. "I knew it was
under here."

"Is there anything in it?" Chakotay asked.

"Only one way to find out," she said as she unfastened it and flipped
it upside down. A small piece of paper fluttered out and landed in
Kathryn's lap. "What do we have here?" she asked no one and flipped
it over in her hand. Her eyes widened and she said, "I think I'll
just hide this," and she quickly put her hand behind her back.

"What is it?" Chakotay tried to reach behind her, but she twisted
out of his reach.

"Oh, nothing, really. It's just an ancient picture. Nobody really
needs to see it." Chakotay laughed and starting reaching behind her
with both hands, one arm on each side of her.

"I want to see. It can't possibly be that bad. Come on, let me see
it." He managed to get a grip of the picture and wrench it away
without tearing it. Chakotay turned so Kathryn couldn't reach the
picture and finally got to see what she had been trying to
hide. "Wow, you look gorgeous," he said softly. Kathryn blushed
slightly. The picture was of Kathryn in a blue swimsuit and faded
denim shorts. She appeared to be about seventeen and she was almost
doubled over laughing.

"You're too sweet," Kathryn said as she looked down at her hands.

"Can I keep this?"


"It's you, and you're smiling and happy," Chakotay stated simply.
Kathryn lifted her eyes to meet his and smiled.

"That was taken at our annual family barbecue. I had just done
something really funny to my sister." At this last phrase, Kathryn
got a wicked look on her face.

"What did you do?" Chakotay said in a half-scolding voice.

"Well, she was about thirteen, and she decided that she wasn't going
to swim and act stupid that year. We always played games at the lake
and had races and usually acted pretty silly. Since she wasn't going
to swim, she was wearing a dress she liked, that looked absolutely
terrible, by the way. It was too big and it had really garish shades
of green and yellow. About halfway through the barbecue, she had
been standing on the dock. I just couldn't resist."

"You didn't!" Chakotay laughed. Kathryn just giggled and nodded.

"She squawked *really* loud, and came up sputtering. Then she chased
me around the lake and through the edge of the woods until Mom was
able to convince her to get into some dry clothes...and that she
could kill me later," Kathryn laughed at the rage her sister had been

"Did she get even?"

"Yes, that night one of her friends was staying the night and they
decided to get even. I had stayed at the lake with the family to
talk and swim that night. I should have suspected something when
they complained of being tired. Well, anyway, they got into my room
and booby-trapped almost everything. They short-sheeted my bed, they
rigged the drawers to pop open and fly their contents with the barest
touch, I still found things that they had done three days later."
Kathryn looked happily reminiscent, while Chakotay was laughing hard
at Kathryn's rivalry with her sister.

"I can just picture you doing that. Remind me never to leave myself
vulnerable to your antics. You're almost dangerous." He stood up and
offered her a hand. "Shall we be on our way?"

"I guess," she said as she took his hand.



Scavenger Hunt part 6

The secret couple entered the corridor and walked towards the
turbolift. "Who do you think will be there?" Kathryn asked.

"I think Tom and B'Elanna will be there, as well as Harry. I'm not
sure who else will. But we know for a fact that Tuvok won't be
there. He disqualified himself even if he had been planning on
attending," Chakotay said, "He probably hadn't been. He knew that if
he had, he would have been paired with Neelix. Besides Tuvok has to
be practically ordered into a social situation."

"Quite agreed. Each to his own." Kathryn smiled at Chakotay as they
entered the turbolift. "Too bad, that the crew isn't supposed to
know about us yet. I'm in the mood to flirt."

"There's no law against just flirting," Chakotay grinned.

"True, but, I think I'll make you suffer for a little bit. It will
be fun. I can tempt you and you can try to stay composed and calm.
Tell me, Chakotay, can you resist flirting back?"

"Yes, I can resist whatever you throw at me." Now, Chakotay was
trying to keep from laughing. He wanted to show her just how
stubborn he could be.

"Care to make a wager on that?" Kathryn challenged.

"Dinner?" he answered.

"Sounds right to me." Kathryn edged close to him and batted her
lashes at him and said, "Let the games begin, until the hunt, of

"Of course," Chakotay was staring straight ahead, avoiding Kathryn's
alluring stare. Kathryn leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed

"Chakotay, have you been taking meditation lessons from Tuvok?
Normally, if I get this close, you're jumping out of your skin."
Kathryn was puzzled. Sometimes, all she had to do was look at him
and he would flush.

"Just a deep breathing exercise." Chakotay was thankful that he knew
that exercise, too. Kathryn was warm and very comfortable being this
near him. He had to use all his will power to keep from sliding his
arm around her waist and kissing her. Finally, the doors swished
open to Deck 15. Chakotay breathed a sigh of relief, now that
Kathryn had stepped away. They walked down the corridor, side by
side. Kathryn's eyes would slide over and make a second's contact
before slipping away. Chakotay fought against the smile that was
struggling to form on his lips. He could not believe that his
Kathryn was being so coquettish. It was tempting to take her hand
and spin her to him and completely lose the bet.

"Here we are. Chakotay, can we end this bet and say you won? This
just isn't any fun now that you're being as stoic as a Vulcan." She
pouted ever so slightly.

"Sure. Let's join the rabble." They entered the Hydroponics Bay and
were greeted by several people. In a semi-free area there were
portable holoprojectors set up. They were attached by a few cables
to a console a few feet away. The console had a countdown timer on
it. When Chakotay spotted it, the timer was at 00:07:29. Kathryn
and Chakotay milled around, occasionally saying "Hi" and taking note
of the competition.

"I count twenty-two people, not including us," Chakotay whispered in
Kathryn's ear, causing her to shiver. Chakotay grinned at her
reaction. Often, when he had tried to get a reaction out of her like
that before, she was able to stay still and in complete captain mode.

"We have a lot of clever people here. This could be hard." Kathryn
had made a good recovery. She hated it when he did that. She
usually had to bite her tongue and hold her breath to keep her
composure. Kathryn had spotted Tom, B'Elanna, Harry, Joe Carey, Sam
Wildman, and many others that could be hard to beat.

"May I have your attention, please," a smooth voice with a Scottish
accent asked. Everyone turned to face this new voice and Tom
immediately started grinning. Before them was noneotherthan the best
007, Sean Connery. He had been the hologram that the console had
been timed for. "Thank you. Well, I see that we're all here. Let's
begin, shall we?"

Tom shouted, "Yes!" with his hands cupped around his mouth. There
was some laughing at Tom and affirmative mumbling.

"Good. Now, first things first, to continue on to the next level,
everyone must put 15 replicator rations into the pot, so to speak.
If no one wants to, then leave." He looked around, and since no one
left he said, "Okay, now all of you need to authorize a transfer of
15 credits into this game account." Sean Connery pointed to the
console where instead of the countdown being onscreen, there was an
account labeled "Game Winnings". Everyone lined up and did as told.

"After we are done here, you will all go to Holodeck 1. Each team
will have obstacle courses to run through, games to play, and riddles
and questions to answer. You need to get 12 of the 15 courses
completed. There is no time limit. But a word to the wise: keep
moving. There will be a siren for each time a team has gotten
through twelve courses and gotten back to the start. You are all
against each other, no helping each other out," Sean Connery growled
the last. "Now," he clapped his hands together, "for the prizes."
First place will receive 60 replicator credits each. Second place
gets 45 credits each. Third will get 30 credits each. Fourth
receives 25 each. And, fifth will get 20 credits.

"And the rest of you will be out 15 credits," Sean Connery gave a
smile that rivaled Chakotay's dimpled best. Everyone laughed good
naturedly. "Any questions?"

"What if there's a tie?" and ensign near the back asked.

"We have a few courses set up for such an unlikely occurrence."

"Can there be more than one team on a course at once?" Kathryn asked.

"Only in the tiebreaker. As soon as two people enter the course,
the door is sealed. It can only be opened for an emergency." Sean
Connery looked around the room. "Any other questions?" he asked, and
was met with silence. "Well, then, you all go to Holodeck one and
I'll meet you there."



Scavenger Hunt part 7

Since they couldn't all take the turbolift, some people waited for
the turbolift in turns, some took the Jeffries tubes, and the smart
ones (Kathryn & Chakotay) had a site to site transport. The
aforementioned couple materialized right outside the holodeck doors.
They entered and were awe struck at a monstrous castle, that was
occasionally illuminated by a lightening strike. Kathryn began to
get a little skittish, even if it was only a program storm.

"Holographic rain or not, I say we get inside the castle before we
get soaked," Chakotay said as it started to sprinkle.

"This is creepy," Kathryn said as they made a mad dash for the
entrance, seeing as the sprinkle was becoming a downpour. Chakotay
laughed and took her hand in his. When they got into the main hall,
they were partially dry. "Looks like we'll be the driest ones here."

"Everyone else will be completely soaked to the bone." Chakotay
noticed that Kathryn was shivering and he stepped to her and opened
her jacket and wrapped her in it against him. She immediately
stopped shaking and favored Chakotay with a sly smile.

"My plan worked," Kathryn said as she snuggled in even closer (if
such a thing were possible) to him.

"Break it up you two," Sean Connery said with a gentle, teasing
smile. "You better get started. Just pick a door, and you've begun
the hunt."

Kathryn looked up into Chakotay's eyes and said, "You pick first."

"Okay, how about the third from the left?" There were 11 doors on
the lower level and two staircases leading to the second level that
also had 11 doors.

"Works for me. Why are there 22 doors instead of 15?" she asked 007
as she let go of Chakotay.

"Some are tricks and some are sealed for the tie-breakers."

"Makes sense to me. Let's go, soldier." Chakotay and Kathryn went
over to their choice and opened the door. Through the doorway was a
stone labyrinth. Sunshine poured through into the main hall and
covered them in warm radiance. They cautiously stepped in and the
door slammed loudly behind them.

"No turning back," said Chakotay.

"Chakotay, I've got an idea. Help me up here," said Kathryn as she
walked over to the nearest wall. He complied with a slightly
confused look. Kathryn got her feet under her and her bearings
straight before she even attempted to stand. "Now, that I'm up here
I can see what's around us."

"Outside the box. I think you're the only one who would think of
that." Chakotay smiled proudly.

"I hope...Okay, come around to my other side and help me down." She
crouched and waited for Chakotay. When he got there, he put his
hands on her waist and Kathryn put her hands on his shoulders and
hopped down.

"Where to next, milady?" Chakotay grinned. Kathryn took his hand and
led him through a few tangled paths.

"Help me up?" she asked sweetly when they arrived at the next wall.

"As you wish." Chakotay put his hands on her waist and lifted her
with ease to her new perch.

"Thank you, dear sir," Kathryn said as she slowly stood. "I can see
the heart of the maze now. It's not far." She sat on the wall and
let Chakotay help her down. She led him through many dizzying twists
and turns. "Once more should do it." Chakotay smiled and helped her

"Yep, let's go," In her eagerness she jumped down without any help
and took Chakotay's hand and was practically running to the center.
Suddenly, they burst out into the center. On a pedestal in the
middle, there was a crystal ball on a metal stand. "I guess this is
what we're supposed to take." She took off the backpack and
unfastened it. Then she picked up the orb and dropped it in. A
rumbling started and the ground began shaking.

"The walls are moving," Chakotay said over the din.

"Looks like we get an easy route out." Kathryn put her backpack on
and took Chakotay's hand. They ran to back to the entrance without a
hitch and went back into the main hall.



Scavenger Hunt part 8

They burst out into the hall to see many sopping wet people. "You
already finished one? How did you get here so fast?" B'Elanna asked.

Chakotay grinned mischievously and said, "Site to site transport,"
as he wrapped his arms around Kathryn from behind. "Where to next,
love?" he whispered into her ear and kissed her cheek, reveling in
his public display of affection. Many jaws dropped, Harry Kim's

"How long have you two been together?" Harry stammered.

"Not long," Kathryn smiled at Harry. "How about that one?" she asked
Chakotay and pointed to the middle door at the back of the room.

"Okay." They walked with Chakotay's arms still around Kathryn. When
they arrived at their destination, Kathryn opened the door and was
greeted by a brick wall.

"Sam and Joe are already in there. They went in just before you came
out," Tom called as he and B'Elanna were heading up a staircase. All
of the other teams had gotten mostly over their surprise and were
picking courses.

"Pick another," Chakotay said.

"How about straight up?" Kathryn craned her head around to see
Chakotay's face.

"Works for me." They walked a short distance to a spiral staircase
in the corner. Slowly, Chakotay let go of Kathryn as she mounted the
steps. Once at their second choice, Chakotay opened the door.
Immediately, their noses were assaulted by a musty, stuffy, mildewy
odor. Chakotay led the way in. As Kathryn walked in she gasped.

"An old fashioned library!" she said with amazement. "The only one I
was ever in, was that disorganized horror not far from Starfleet
Academy." The door swung silently behind them.

"Ssshhhh!" hissed a bitter-looking old man as he point at a no
talking sign. "Whispers only!"

"Sorry," Chakotay whispered as loudly as he could get away with. To
Kathryn he whispered, "All the libraries were considered obsolete
after the computer revolution was mostly done with. I do agree about
the library near the Academy. It was terrible."

"Any idea what we're supposed to do here?" Kathryn asked as quietly
as she could.

"Only one idea for finding out comes to mind. Let's volunteer to put
books away," Chakotay was leaning close enough that Kathryn could
hear him and that he could feel her body heat. Kathryn nodded her
agreement. They walked over to the counter that the old man was
behind. "Can we put away books?" Chakotay asked softly.

"Oh, taking pity on me, are you? In that case, no, go do what you
came to do." The man had a bitter streak for sure.

"We used to volunteer in the library in our old town. We were hoping
that since we moved, we could volunteer here as well," Kathryn
fibbed as sweetly as she could.

"All right, you can put away the books on that rack over there," the
old man said grumpily and gestured to a rack that was stuffed with
books of all shapes and sizes, but it appeared that the books were
placed so with care.

"Do you know how a library is organized?" Kathryn asked Chakotay in
hushed tones.

"Yes, do you?" he asked.

"Vaguely. I can muddle my way through I guess," she gave him a
spunky grin and grabbed about six books out of the pile. Chakotay
laughed quietly and took some off the rack as well. Fortunately, the
bookcases were labeled as to which portion of the Dewey Decimal
system belonged there. Soon, Chakotay and Kathryn had cleared the
rack of all the books on it.

"We're finished," Kathryn whispered to the old man who had been
watching them like a hawk, or buzzard, depending on your view.

"You did a good job, I won't deny that. I made sure you two put them
where they went...Would you like library cards? I think you both
know how to treat good books." The old man was still gruff, but he
had softened considerably since they had come in.

Kathryn's eyes gleamed and she said, "Please, we would love to have
library cards for here." She realized that the cards were what they
needed to obtain.

"Okay, then," he thumbed through a box of cards and pulled out two
pale blue cards. "Print your names on these and then put your
signature down," he said not unkindly as he placed the cards on the
counter in front of Chakotay and Kathryn. They did as instructed and
handed them to the old man. "Cha-ko-tay?" he asked. Chakotay nodded.
"Kathryn Janeway?" he asked. Kathryn also nodded. "Well, now that I
know your names, I guess I should tell you mine. Folks around here
call me Jacob Meyers. But, since you can help me out once and a
while, you can call me Jake." He smiled and began writing down their
names in a Rolodex.

"Thank you, Jake," Kathryn said quietly.

"Thanks. This is a nice library," Chakotay added.

"You're welcome and thank you. I do my best," Jake said modestly
with a smile. He handed the library cards back to Kathryn and
Chakotay. When Jake's hand had released the cards, the door to the
library swung gently open.

"Bye," Kathryn said as she took Chakotay's hand and turned towards
the exit.

"Goodbye, Jake," Chakotay smiled.

"Come 'round sometime again, soon," Jake ordered them good-
naturedly. Kathryn and Chakotay headed for the door and took one
last look at the old man. He was absorbed in an old, battered copy
of "The Phantom of the Opera". They smiled and walked back into the
main hall.



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