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I would like to welcome you to Lugnut. This is the private docking slip for the TBG ship Lefthand_Thread which is conned by Captain Seth. The Lefthand_Thread has been flying around the galaxy since Turn 732. The goal of the Lefthand_Thread and her Captain is to simply see as much of the galaxy and do as much as can be done.

I am currently a Chosen of the Mighty One. As such I shall endeavor to to provide protection when needed as well as help others . As a Chosen I shall support the Prophet of the Mighty One and hope to help more youthful ships learn more about the TBG universe. Such ships may feel free to email me at any time. If I cannot answer your question I will find an answer for you.

My SOP is as follows:

I will hail larger ships. I expect to be hailed by smaller ships. This is a custom of courtesy that has been in effect since I became a Captain and I support it whole heartedly.

The Lefthand_Thread is a peaceful ship and loves to help younger ships. In the past I have given either modules or information or energy to ships that could use it.

I have posted some links that can be quite useful. These webpages have been created by others with greater proficiency than I, in such matters, and I would like to recognize their hard work and dedication to what is a truly wonderful game.

Email Addresses

TBG Links

The Mondo Links Page
Aurora Borealis, Mighty Prophet