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Before you finish your tour of my " Savannah State of Mind", I would like for you to
see what our LadyReb's did while our men were on the battlefields.
The Georgia Ladies Gunboat Association raised funds and built three Ironclads.
The CSS Georgia was built in May of 1862 and was Georgia's first ironclad. She was scuttled
the night Savannah was evacuated due to Mr. Sherman's March to the Sea. This was done
to keep her from capture by Union forces. She now rests just off shore of Fort Jackson.
Plans to deepen the Savannah River in the near future may help us
with the salvage of this unique ship.
The CSS Atlanta was built in November of 1862 and was taken by the Union on the
St. James River in Virginia.

And last but in no way the least was my CSS Savannah, which was built in June of 1863
and was the Flagship of the Savannah River Squadron.
With her Rebel Flags flying and her cannons blazing against the Union shore batteries
in occupied Savannah, she was later destroyed on the night of
December 21, 1864, to keep her out of Union hands.
Two more ironclads under construction were also destroyed.

Thank you for visiting my " Savannah State of Mind"…If you haven't been there, then you
don't know what you are missing …If you have then you know what it means.
It's not just a place anymore. It becomes a feeling you never forget!!
