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Korean Pics

Hey I have some pics up!

Asan Hospital Performance 2002

Group tai chi sword performance.
Laoshi Gan performing tai chi sword. She is Laoshi Men's mother.
Yang Seong Chan performing Yang tai chi. Laoshi Men's husband.
Some guy performing staff.
Group picture of performers. Everybody is looking in a different direction. ^^
Laoshi Men Gan Hong and me. Mmm...I'm wearing hideous make up.
The kids and me.
The kids. hahaha...

Yongsan US Military Base Demo

Me performing with Double Spear. I don't have my belt on cause I forgot it.
Another Double Spear pic. I am wearing the scary makeup again thanks to Laoshi Men.

YoungJuu National Student Wushu Competition

Group picture of us at the YoungJuu comp. I blinked in this picture.

I may put some more up after I develop my pictures...