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Here's our Granddaughter, 
Monica Marie
Junior Prom     May 3, 2003 2003 - Becoming Sweet Sixteen, Junior Prom and Mom's wedding to Tom kept Monica involved in many things.  She now has two step-sisters and is in a new home.  When school activities and the wedding were finally over, Monica went to Mexico with a school group.  She will spend the remainder of the summer working as a camp counselor.

2002 - Sophomore Monica was vice president of her class.  She attended a summer leadership camp at Stanford with students from all over California.  Monica 

Monica at wedding of Gail and Tom
worked full time throughout the summer as a camp counselor, so has already visited the world of taxation.  She took a trip to Disneyland, and enjoyed several limo trips into San Francisco when friends celebrated 16th birthdays.  In December she and her mother traveled in Spain seeing the sights in Barcelona, Madrid, and the Costa del Sol. 

2001 - In September Monica began high school and was elected Vice President of her Freshman Class.  She made the freshman soccer team, and that with her leadership classes took up any time she had left after studying for regular classes. 

Monica and a friend joined her mother in New York City in August for some sightseeing and to see a Broadway show.   In June Monica was graduated from the eighth grade following a busy year of studies, soccer, basketball, volleyball and time with friends.  She spent part of the summer as a camp counselor after a few weeks of enjoying some leisure with friends.  Volleyball camp was a challenging part of her summer program. 

2000 During the summer she worked as a camp counselor and then joined her grandparents in Vancouver, B.C. for a week of sightseeing southward to Portland.  She returned home in time to leave with Mom for a trip to Europe visiting Uncle Paul and seeing the sights in Germany, France, Belgium and the Czech Republic. 

Mom & Monica
Gail and Monica at Gail and Tom's wedding    May 2003
W/new sisters
Nicole, Monica and Shelley - May 10, 2003
May 2003
Big Prom Dates - 5/2003
Prom participants getting ready for big night    5/3/2003
Christmas - 2001
Homecoming 2001
Freshman - 2001
Monica's freshman photo   September 2001
Graduation 6/2001
Middle School graduation   June 2001
Thanksgiving 2000
w/Uncle Paul 
Belgium 9/2000
At Mt. Rainier
Vancouver w/Grandpa
& friend  8/2000
With Mom - 1999
With Dad
19 97 Grad
Graduation Day - June 12, 1998
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 Last Updated June 20, 2003 by the Tennison Family Webmaster