old news

The PhD is done, and I'm a free woman again. To celebrate, here's the first new installment of 'little blue world' for some time, Deja vu. The parts should come much more regularly now. Thanks for your patience!

Hold on to your hats, folks, it's a new fic! I've just posted Seasons of the Heart, a story co-authored with JinnyR. You can probably tell by the use of nifty colours and graphics that she did all the html work.

OMG! I added something! The next part of little blue world, Deceit, is now up. It's a little shorter than usual, but that's the best I can manage during this hellish October ;)

I've just added a new link. Janna Wolfen has kindly written an epilogue to my epilogue for This Distance, so anyone who was not satisfied (I know you're out there!) can go and check it out.

Another quick note about story delays. I don't want to give Little Blue World a half-assed ending just to rush it through, & my PhD submission date is approaching - 2 months now! So please understand if stories are slow, or non-existant, for the next little while. Hey, four years ago becoming Dr. Jinny seemed like such a good idea... now this house is just full of madness. Stay tuned, the series will be finished.

Welcome to my new site! I've tranferred all my old stories over to this new abode. Please let me know if you have any trouble with broken links or missing stories - or if your computer does weird and unreadable things to the colours I've been playing with - and I'll make the changes ASAP.

The astute reader with note that Bodie's stories are missing. Bodie has given up the joys of fanfic after only a brief flirtation, but I will post his old stories when I have a spare minute.

~  Jinny's stories   ~   Jinny's place   ~