
Part nineteen of "Little blue world" - an AU series
by Jinny W
August 2001

Disclaimer: Paramount owns all. I'm just playing.

Summary: The 'Fleeters return to the comfort - and the constraints - of a starship.


They traveled on foot from the Liberty's landing site on Jotham Four to the Maquis camp, which nestled among the highland caves of the eastern continent. By the time they reached the camp it was late afternoon. Chakotay arranged for Kathryn's message to the Tanazaki to be sent from a transmitter elsewhere in the colony. They received Lamond's response almost immediately. He would come to fetch them, estimating the Tanazaki would arrive in just over a standard day.

Kathryn spent her free hours exploring the Maquis camp. The colony itself had little to offer tourists. It had been established seventy six years ago. Unlike some Federation worlds there was no bold social experiment behind its settlement. Its population was a mixture of miners, industrial workers and drifters. Their sprawling progress along the coast of the eastern continent had left a scattering of small cities in its wake, for the most part unsavoury and unwelcoming places. Although financed by the Federation the mining companies had little love for Starfleet. Its ranks were drawn from independent operators who chaffed at Federation bureaucracy. The black market thrived, as did political dissent. This made the colony an ideal hideout for the Maquis. Locals asked few questions and paid little attention to strangers.

On their second day on the planet she spent most of the morning with B'Elanna and Harry, discussing the materials they would need for the cloaking device. B'Elanna had a convoluted list which she crouched over, swearing occasionally and looking troubled. That afternoon she left the camp on a procurement mission - to gather supplies, information and leads about possible new contacts. She told Kathryn this wasn't unusual but she still appeared nervous about the few unusual components she'd need to acquire. Hogan, who she planned to let in on the secret en route, went with her. Kathryn suspected Chakotay had chosen him for personal reasons. Hogan had been very close to Sam. Since her death he had almost completely withdrawn from contact with others. The mission with B'Elanna would, if nothing else, keep him occupied.

As they planned to be gone for several weeks they would miss the 'Fleeters departure the following day. There were many hurried farewells - both to the Starfleet crew and those Maquis who would be leaving in their absence. B'Elanna hugged Harry and Kathryn fiercely, telling them both to break some official noses if they were given a hard time during debriefing.

"You look after yourself, Starfleet", she said gruffly to Harry.

"You too", said the young man, obviously gloomy at her early departure.

"You'll always be welcome here", she whispered to Kathryn.

Kathryn had nodded but didn't respond further. She was already feeling more torn than she could have imagined. All the time she had spent planning for this moment did nothing to ease her anxiety. Despite having made her decision to return to Starfleet, and her gut feeling this was the right choice, it still troubled her to see familiar faces depart as their group splintered.

Tom Paris had already left them the same morning. He'd kept his farewell's short and had been annoyingly vague about where he intended to go. Harry appeared the most unsettled by his decision. Kathryn saw the two of them cloistered together over breakfast, Harry talking urgently while Tom merely listened, occasionally shaking his head. She had made no effort to change his mind, instead hugging him quickly and telling him not to lose touch. Tom even shook Chakotay's hand and managed a sincere sounding farewell. It was probably the most mature thing she'd seen him do in the past few months. She was sorry that the two men wouldn't have the time to properly mend the rift between them.

That night she and Chakotay again huddled together in their makeshift bed some distance from where the others were sleeping. As if by an unspoken agreement neither discussed her imminent departure. The knowledge that they had little time together permeated every touch. When she curled up against his warm still body that night Kathryn could almost silence the warring voices in her mind.

In the morning her own farewells were brief. As the Starfleet crew gathered together she hugged Chakotay once more, pressing her face against his shoulder so she wouldn't have to look at him.

"Take care", he said.

She let her arms slip from around his back. "I'll see you in a few days", she said quietly. He nodded, then in a curious gesture picked up one of her hands and kissed the tip of her fingers. With a final fleeting smile she turned and moved towards her charges.

"Alright, people", she said, somehow managing to find her old calm command voice again, "it's time to take you home."


Harry and Kathryn strode side by side as they made their way through the winding streets of Newcastle, the colony's main city. Harry glanced frequently at the fourteen men and women who followed them. When Kathryn turned to see what was catching his interest she noticed that Doctor Zimmerman and Kes walked at the front of the group. The Ocampan had recovered well in the past few days. She now looked almost healthy, only the tightness around her eyes differentiated her from the cheerful young woman they had first met. Kathryn eyed Harry thoughtfully. He too had changed over the past few months. She wondered if he realised just how much. As if sensing her scrutiny he gave her a questioning glance.

"Do you remember the plan?" she said, more from the desire to make conversation than the need to go over their strategy.

Harry nodded. "I'll wait with the others while you and Tuvok go into the bar to meet Lamond. When you've explained to him where we've been, you'll bring him out to see us".

"Good", she said. "From what Chakotay told us about this place, I'm not so sure how thrilled the bar owner would be to see a posse of Starfleet officers march through the door. Even though we're not in uniform", she flashed another look at the group behind her, "we still scream 'military'. Let's try not to attract any undue attention. Do you have the coordinates of Sam's body?" she added.

Harry bobbed his head again in agreement. "Yes. The doctor gave them to me earlier. They can beam her straight to sickbay. I wish Tom had come with us", he said with a sigh.

"Tom will find his own way", she said quietly. "He was happy to take the offer of release from the Penal Colony for the Badlands mission, but I don't think he ever had any intention of staying with Starfleet after that."

"Will they believe us when we tell them he isn't joining the Maquis?"

She shrugged. "I don't know Harry. I don't know what they'll believe."

They lapsed into silence for a while.

"I wonder what Voyager's doing?" Harry said suddenly. "Who do you think is captaining it?"

Kathryn shot him an amused look. "I don't know", she admitted.

Harry shook his head. "It's weird, you know, I haven't thought about Voyager for a while now. I guess", he said, glancing around him, "being back in the Alpha Quadrant has reminded me of them. Of a lot of things."

Kathryn smiled at him in understanding. "Looking forward to seeing your parents?"

"You bet".

Kathryn grinned at him again. She knew Harry and his parents were close. The thought reminded her of her own mother and sister. She missed them too. Although she had been gone for longer missions than this before, they had spent the past few months unsure how many years it would be before they saw their families and friends again. Their luck with the wormhole only reminded them how long their journey could have been.

"I think they'd be very proud of you", she said.

"Really?" he looked surprised. "Why?"

"This mission isn't going to win you a quick promotion, Harry", she said, "but think about how much you've learnt. When you first came aboard my ship you were nervous even speaking to me." She nudged his shoulder with her own. "Remember how long it took you to get used to calling me by my name?"

Harry flushed a little at that, but nodded. "It was all quite overwhelming at first", he admitted.

"We had our rough patches", she went on, thinking of Seska's plot to incriminate him, "but you've come through. You're more confident, more assertive, more sure of the worth of your own ideas. All the modifications you and B'Elanna worked on together show your skill with ships' systems."

"If you say so", he said, blushing more deeply at the compliment.

"I do say so", she said, "and I'll be putting it in my official report."

"Thankyou", said Harry, who seemed too embarrassed to respond further.

Kathryn drew up as they sighted a sign for the bar. "This is it. Tuvok!" she called out.

The Vulcan, who had been walking at the rear, weaved through the others to reach her.

"Captain", he said, as he stepped up to her.

Kathryn blinked at him in surprise at his use of the term.

Tuvok looked at her mildly. "You instructed us not to use your Starfleet rank while we were aboard the Liberty. We are no longer aboard the Liberty and as that is still your designated rank I assumed that-"

She waved him to silence. "Yes, yes Tuvok, that's fine." She glanced at Harry, then shot a quick smile at the others, who were all watching her. "Keep an eye on the group, Harry. We're going in." She raised an eyebrow at Tuvok and indicated their direction with a jerk of her head. "After you, Commander", she said with another smile.


Euan Lamond recognized her as soon as she stepped through the doorway. He had only met Kathryn Janeway once, but had reviewed her file after receiving her recent message. He knew the tall Vulcan who walked a step in front of her from his file picture - her Chief of Security. Her eyes quickly scanned the room. When they lit on his uniform her mouth curved up into a peculiar smile. She said something quietly to the Vulcan, and he nodded, then followed her over to his table.

"Captain Lamond, I presume", she said, in a remarkably strong voice. "We met once, I don't know if you remember -"

"Yes", he said, standing and holding out his hand for her to shake. "I do. Captain Janeway. I'm very glad to meet you again."

Janeway shook his hand with her firm grip, then gestured to the Vulcan. "This is Mr. Tuvok."

Tuvok inclined his head. "How do you do", he said politely.

Lamond nodded at him. "Well", he said, gesturing to the spare seats, "I must say I was intrigued by your message Captain." He paused while they sat down, then continued. "After Voyager returned from its mission to the Badlands without its Captain and many of its other officers, we didn't know if we'd see you again."

Janeway smiled thinly. "I know that feeling."

Lamond folded his hands and rested them on the table as he spoke. "Commander Cavitt - after recovering from some rather severe phaser burns - had an interesting story to tell about being whisked away to the Delta Quadrant. Starfleet might not have believed him but for the sensor logs which clearly corroborated his story. He said the entity returned Voyager to its previous position while you were not aboard. Now it seems you returned by a different method." He smiled at Kathryn, but there was little warmth in the gesture. "A wormhole, so your message said."

"Yes", Kathryn said. "We traveled for two months in the Delta Quadrant before we found it."

Lamond noticed that the Vulcan's eyes flickered over to his Captain as she spoke, but there seemed no hint of deception in her tone.

"Where are the rest of your officers? And the Maquis? Did they return with you?"

Janeway smiled at him tiredly. "My officers are nearby, Captain, waiting to be transported back to your ship."

Lamond's eyes narrowed. "And the Maquis?"

Kathryn paused, wondering if there was anything significant about the intensity of his gaze. "Further away", she said. "We were not their captives, Captain, despite what you heard. A - " she paused to think of the right expression, "- a renegade from their crew was responsible for the attack on Commander Cavitt and their kidnapping in the first place. The Maquis Captain would have returned the Starfleet crew, but by the time he discovered what had happened the array which brought both ships to the Delta Quadrant had already sent Voyager back."

"A renegade amongst renegades", Lamond murmured. "Interesting. This entity did not send the Maquis ship back?"

"No", she said, "he was very ill, and died before he could do so." She glanced at Tuvok, then added, "At the time, despite our predicament, we were glad that most of Voyager's crew were returned to safety."

Lamond nodded. "You know, Starfleet thought it possible the array Cavitt spoke of had returned the Maquis ship as well - that they were in hiding, with you and the others as prisoners."

Kathryn stared at him. "No," she said. "I hadn't thought of that. That's not what happened."

"Then you traveled together for the past two months?"

"That's right. When we came through the wormhole, their ship brought us here, after determining that there was a Starfleet vessel near enough to recover us."

"Ah", said Lamond, running a hand along his greying temple. "Then they deposited their cargo and left."

"More or less", Kathryn said vaguely. At Lamond's raised eyebrows she added, "There is much more I must tell you, Captain. On behalf of the Maquis crew I have a proposal I wish to discuss with both you and Starfleet command once we return to your vessel. But first, I would like to get my crew to safety."

Lamond considered her for a moment, as if deciding whether to question her further, then nodded curtly. "Of course, Captain." He gestured to two stocky security guards who were hovering conspicuously nearby. They moved towards him. "Take me to them."


Kathryn beamed at the terminal in front of her as she came to the end of her message.

"It's good to talk to you, mom", she said. "I don't know how quickly we'll be getting back to earth. I have a few hair-raising stories to tell you, but I don't want you to worry any more. I wasn't a prisoner, despite what you may have heard. We had to work together to get all the way back here." She had the distinct feeling she'd be repeating those sentences many times in the weeks to come. "I have to go now. I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay and that I'll be seeing you soon. Goodbye."

Kathryn terminated the recording and ordered the computer to send it to Earth. She shifted impatiently on the comfortable couch, thinking about what to do next. She ran a hand through her newly washed hair. It was lovely to be able to take a sonic shower and not have to worry about power consumption. And to be able to order from the replicator at will. She glanced at the empty mug on the coffee table and considered ordering another. She wondered idly what the others were doing. No doubt the same as she was - enjoying the starship's conveniences once again.

It had been half a day since their arrival on the Tanazaki. The Captain assigned them all comfortable quarters and allowed them access to subspace communications so they could send messages to their families. She had taken Lamond aside to discuss the amnesty plan almost immediately, but since then had not seen him. His reaction to her proposal gave her no clues as to what he was thinking. By the look in his eyes she could tell he was surprised, but beyond that, nothing.

"A real poker face", she muttered to herself.

If Euan Lamond had taken time off for personal reasons he seemed to have conquered his demons. He appeared to be a dynamic man. His eyes were sharp, his questions probing. He took her brief account of their journey at face value. Despite his initial surprise, he offered no comment either way about the amnesty plan. He simply listened to her proposal, asked additional questions, and examined the outline Harry had prepared.

"This is extraordinary work", he commented, glancing up from the padd. "I'm sure Starfleet will be very interested."

If he disapproved he had hidden it well. Still, there was something in his manner that Kathryn found unsettling.

She slipped off the couch and made her way to the window. From it she could see the planet below. The Tanazaki remained in orbit over the colony while they waited for a response from Starfleet. She tapped two of her fingernails against the window as if sending a message.

"Chakotay", she whispered. "What are you doing right now?"

One question Lamond had asked her, his eyes bright. "Their leader... Chakotay. Does he wish to take this amnesty?"

She stared at him dumbly, then shook her head. "No", she said, "no, he doesn't".

Lamond had raised his bushy eyebrows but only grunted. "Mmm", he said. "Too much to fight for, that one."

The door chime saved her from further rumination on that subject.

"Come in", she called out, turning away from the window.

Lamond strode in, a polite smile on his weathered face. "Hello, Captain. If I'm not disturbing you, I was wondering if you'd like to have a drink with me?"

"Not at all", she said, moving towards the replicator. "I was about to have some coffee. Would you like some?"

"I'm a tea man myself", he said, moving to join her. "Tea", he told the replicator. "Lamond special blend, number six".

"Coffee, black", Kathryn ordered.

They both took their cups and sat down on the couch.

"Not much coffee in the Delta Quadrant, I suppose, Captain", Lamond said, watching her take a deep sip.

"Please, call me Kathryn", she said. "No, there wasn't. One of the passengers we carried for a while, the Talaxian I mentioned in my report, kept trying to mix up coffee substitutes for me. He was never very successful." She smiled at the thought of Neelix. "I wonder what he's doing now."

"I've had time to review your preliminary report", Lamond said. "I must say, I look forward to reading the transcript of your crew's debriefing." At Kathryn's pained face he added, "As the subject, I'm sure you're not quite so excited about the process."

Kathryn shook her head. "I'm happy to do what the regs require. It's just going to be quite -"

"Deathly boring?" Lamond suggested.

She grinned. "I was going to say time consuming. Those bureaucratic hearings always are."

"You must be looking forward to spending time on Earth again", he said. "I know it hasn't been that long, but still, the thought that it might be years before you return..."

Kathryn nodded at his understanding. "I am", she said.

Lamond took a sip of his tea. "I see from your report that Admiral Paris' son chose to part ways with you on the colony."

She nodded. "As far as the terms of his release went, I didn't have the authority to bring him along to the debriefing if he didn't want to come."

"Mmm", he said. "I've also met the Ocampan, Kes. An interesting young woman."

"Yes, she is." Trying to forestall a listing of her entire crew, she said, "No word from Starfleet yet?"

Lamond shook his head. "No."

Kathryn took another drink. "If I remember correctly you have a son in Starfleet. How is he?"

"Dead", Lamond said quietly.

"I'm so sorry".

He grunted. "Not your fault. He died in a shuttle accident six weeks ago."

Kathryn opened her mouth to say something further but Lamond's communicator chirped.

"Captain", a voice reported, "we're receiving a transmission from Starfleet Headquarters. Priority one."

Lamond straightened in his chair and put his half drunk tea down on the table. "Thanks, Nguyen. Put it through to the terminal in Captain Janeway's quarters", he ordered.

"Aye sir. Transferring now."

The terminal beeped and the image of Admiral Nechayev appeared.

"Captain Lamond." She smiled tightly at Kathryn. "And Captain Janeway. Welcome back. It's good to see you are well."

"It's good to be back, Admiral", Kathryn said, putting her drink down as well.

"We have reviewed your message and considered the offer it contained. Although this is highly irregular, we are willing to agree to the proposal."

Kathryn let out a small sigh of relief.

"We are willing to provide amnesty for the Maquis crewmembers", the Admiral went on, "in exchange for the complete schematics of the transwarp drive, plus any additional work their engineers have done on translating the specs."

"Admiral", Lamond said, "don't you even want to try another -"

"I understand your position, Euan", Nechayev said crisply. "But this decision has been taken at the highest level. These people are not high on our priority list of wanted criminals. And this technology is too important to risk losing."

"Thankyou, Admiral", Kathryn said. "I'm sure that-"

Nechayev interrupted her too. "But we have a condition. Before we agree to give these individuals amnesty they must be brought aboard the Tanazaki for an interview. This transmission includes a list of questions to be asked."

"Admiral, they will object to this", Kathryn said, trying to keep her voice neutral. "They won't give you any information about their colleagues and I believe it would be wrong to -"

"Captain Janeway", Nechayev said smoothly, "I appreciate your input in this matter, but the decision has been made. We will not be asking them to betray former comrades. We simply want to make sure they are who they say there are. We don't want to repeal arrest warrants on those Maquis who are still active members."

Kathryn gritted her teeth. Did this woman never let anyone finish a sentence? "Their Captain informed me that the crew do not want to be transported aboard. I'll take a shuttle down to the surface, and collect them."

"No Captain, you won't." Nechayev stared at her coldly. "Starfleet is concerned that your experience aboard the Liberty be documented in great detail. We wish you to stay onboard and prepare your notes for the upcoming debriefing."

"I have already -" Kathryn started.

"In addition to the material you may have already prepared", Nechayev said, "this transmission also contains detailed questions and areas we wish you to concentrate on."

Kathryn glared at the screen but did not reply.

"I have reviewed your preliminary report", Nechayev continued, "and I wish you to send Ensign Kim in your place. He has also established trust among the Maquis and will be able to perform this duty equally as well."

"Yes, Sir", Kathryn said tautly.

"Then I look forward to your next report", the Admiral said, ending her transmission.

Kathryn sat glaring at the terminal screen for a moment longer. This was a stumbling block she had not anticipated. After a moment she stirred and looked at Lamond. His face was once again set into the carefully detached mask he had worn earlier.

"I'd forgotten how that woman can get under my skin", she commented.

Lamond grunted in agreement. "Yes", he said. "She certainly has a way with people." He glanced at her sharply, his eyes again seemed to be measuring her. "Do you not trust Ensign Kim to perform this task?" he asked.

"What?" She shook her head. "No. I mean, yes, I do. Harry is very capable. I just -" she broke off, unwilling to explain why she wanted to return to the surface.

"You're not used to being ordered around, I suppose", Lamond supplied.

She nodded and forced a smile to her face. "Yes", she said, "That's it. It's strange how quickly you get used to that kind of independence. I feel like I've been scolded by a schoolteacher."

Lamond gave her a thin lipped smile, another peculiarly cool gesture. "Well", he said, "I'll let you inform your officer, so he can contact the Maquis on the surface. I'll have a shuttle prepared for launch."

"Thankyou", she said.

After Lamond left the room she remained immobile for a while longer, the Admiral's words still smarting. They wanted her to sit here and answer their inane questionnaires while Harry went down to the surface. She slapped her communicator and hailed him.

"Harry", she said. "I need you to come to my quarters. There's been a change of plans."

"I'm... I'm in the middle of something", Harry's voice came back. "I'll be there in five minutes."

"Alright. See you then. Janeway out."

Kathryn stood up and began to pace agitatedly. This morning the knowledge that she would be returning to the camp soon had made it easier to leave. Her farewell to Chakotay had been brief, even perfunctory. Although a part of her brain questioned what more she would have said if she'd had the time, she was still vexed at the thought that she hadn't said enough. Now she wouldn't be seeing him again until - until when? After the debriefing was over another mission would take its place. Would she take leave to seek him out? How would she find him? Would he even want to see her for such a cursory meeting?

Her stomach began to churn at these questions that she hadn't considered before. She'd been so caught up in the decision of leaving or staying, then so convinced of the rightness of her leaving that she hadn't thought much about the reality of what that meant. Even her parting from Chakotay had been put off. While she treasured the last few days they had spent together, she kept telling herself she would see him once more. When she left his room the other morning, she knew she'd see him on the planet; when she left the camp, she thought she'd be returning to pick up the other Maquis. Now it seemed unlikely she would see him again anytime in the foreseeable future.

She stopped pacing and stalked back to sit in front of the terminal.

"Computer", she snapped, "I want to record a message".


end of part nineteen

~ read part twenty ~

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