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Northern Thailand

From Chaing Mai we rented a jeep and headed for the hills. With our own car, we were able to get to several out-of-the-way national parks and do some amazing hikes. The jungle was hot and steamy and teeming with unbelievably loud insects - everything you'd expect and more. One afternoon we misjudged the length of the hike and ended up racing to get back to the car before dark - when you've seen a bright green tree viper cross your path, the last thing you want is to be stepping blindly down a leaf-covered trail.

We wound our way through some fantastic caves - occasionally we'd find a serene buddha and a holy stalacmite (wrapped in orange monk's clothes) waiting for us at the end. And we visited an elephant conservation center where we fed a 2-month old newborn (can't do that in American zoos).

temple stairs
a golden chedi

temple rising above the jungle
twisted tree trunks

lots of bug repellent was required on this hike
jess hiking up to the mouth of a bat-filled cave

cave buddha
john wipes the guano off his hands

jess feeds mama elephant
baby elephant with mahout

school children on their way home
chedi silhouette

"soil columns" seemed so much more interesting
in the guidebook

