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not just North Queensland, it's Far North Queensland

In mid-July we finally arrived in the real tropics. Far North Queensland (FNQ, to her friends) may be home to pristine rainforest and stunning coastline, but it also hosts a seemingly endless list of deadly creatures. Apart from the obvious snakes, sharks, and crocs, this country hosts deadly spiders, fish, octopus, plants, jellyfish... even picking the wrong shell up off the beach can be fatal. The constant threat to our lives, however, seemed a small price to pay for the beatiful, sunny weather and fabulous landscape.

a nice guesthouse is a welcome change after a month in the campervan
Brad Pitt is only the most recent celebrity rumored to have bought property around the laid-back town of Port Douglas

our Aboriginal tour guide, Hazel, shows us that there is always "plenty to eat" in the Daintree rainforest
the mangrove swamps are an important part of the ecosystem, but the sandflies around them are hurty

a good, distant place to view the mouth of the crocodile infested Daintree River

lounging with the locals

even this picture of the box jellyfish (deadliest of its kind!)
scares the bejeezus out of John
