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Wow. Bangkok is unlike any other city we've seen - a sprawling, crawling mess of 10 million people where just leaving your hotel feels like a life-or-death venture. The heat, the traffic, the crowds, the smells are each overwhelming, in combination they induce a culture shock that we're only just recovering from (6 weeks later). We felt a little sheepish when we fled the city after only 5 days, but soon learned that most people spend only 2 or 3 - everyone seems to agree that Bangkok is best taken in small doses.

(throughout site, click on small images to enlarge)

profile of one of Bangkok's hundreds of temples
this demon gaurdian at Wat Arun seems consternated

a statue in the courtyard of Wat Po demonstrates the
questionably beneficial techniques of Thai massage...

more temple guardians
chedi spires

special sections are reserved for monks on Chao Praya river ferries
"longtail" boat

masks for sale at a Bangkok festival
Thai food is spicy!

john considers a five-headed Naga serpent at Wat Prah Keo
scooters haul everything - in Cambodia we saw an enormous live pig strapped to the back of a 50cc Vespa

