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Here is a list of some of the research findings that have been found to be associated with spanking

It helps in the short term only

It increases the risk of child abuse

It is associated with anti-social behavior and aggression

It has been linked to spousal abuse later in life

The more physical punishment that occurs, the higher the risk of developing these problems above

Despite all of these findings from experts, many people these days still believe that spanking is an effective way to discipline their children.  Here are some more of the findings that go along with the use of physical punishment.

        Older parents use less physical discipline than do younger parents 

Mother's engage in corporal punishment more often than fathers

Toddlers are hit more often than older children

Boys are spanked more often than girls

The more stress a parent feels, the more likely they are to engage in punitive discipline    

High-stressed parents are more likely to act out of anger and to look for a quick fix to their child's misbehavior than to be focused on the intention of disciplining their child

Parents of lower Socio-Economic Status have been known to use corporal punishment more often than others.  This may be from the higher level of stress they encounter.  However, some research shows that there is no difference between the levels of Socio-Economic Status and the amount of spanking the children receive.

There has also been contradictory findings about ethnicity and spanking.  Some research shows that minorities, especially African Americans, practice corporal punishment more often, others say that Whites use this type of discipline more.

It is clear from these two above findings that more research needs to be done in this area.


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