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Regulation Characters
1-A No character name can already be in use in the world of fiction -- be it literary, film, or television. For example, there is already a "Harry Potter" from the popular juvenile literautre; an "Indiana Jones" from the "Indiana Jones" movies; and a "Notch Johnson" from the "Son of the Beach" television program. Therefore, there can be no Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, or Notch Johnson in the fleet. However, you could have an Indiana Potter or Notch Jones if you wanted. However, if a ship bearing one of these aforementioned characters applies to join and is accepted into IDF, an exception to this may be made for them.
1-B A character can be from any intelligent species in Star Trek. However, there can be no assimilated Borg or characters from the Q continuum. Players can, and are encouraged to, create new races. Keep characters believable -- no God-like powers. Also, This is a Star Trek Simulation. There should not be any Jedi's or lightsabers. Keep it Trek please.
1-C No player can have more than one character on a ship. Players are permitted to have multiple characters in the fleet, but they must be on different ships. Multiple characters must have different names and their ranks should not correspond. Also, please refrain from having more than 3 characters within the fleet at any given time. This will cause you to get bogged down and all of your simms may suffer due to it.
1-D No commanding officer may have another command position on any other vessel within Independence Fleet. These command positions include, CO, XO and 2O. Example, Captain Al of the USS Bumpkin, cannot also have a character as CO, XO, or 2O of the USS John.
However, this may be waived on an individual basis, when reviewed by the DRD and DPR.

Regulation Posting
2-A All ID Fleet sims are rated PG-13 (unless otherwise rated "R", clearly stated on the sims website). Do not use extensive violence, profanity, or sexual content in posts. Be mindful of our content rating.
2-B Players cannot destroy the ship or kill off another player's character without the CO's permission. Players are permitted to kill non-player characters and to destroy other ships.
2-C Players are not to start or end a mission for their ship without the CO's permission. Writing a mission and posting a "Genesis Post" are greatly encouraged. Ask your CO about more information and for permission.
2-D Players must use the posting format endorsed by their ship (be it Script or Novel style). Some ships use both formats -- the correct format should be used at the correct time as outlined by the ship's CO.
2-E All characters must post at least once every two weeks. Unless otherwise required by your CO. Once violating this, your character might end up being "killed". LOA's are excuseable, please tell your CO when you are in need of a LOA, they should be more than happy to accomodate you.
2-F A character cannot post twice in a row in less than 24 hours. If done so, it will only be counted as 1 post, with multiple parts. a,b,c,etc.
2-G Some simms have minimum requirement for a post to count. (ie: 150 words or more) Please make sure to check this out before posting.

Regulation Miscellaneous
3-A All players must respect the chain of command and follow the orders of their CO and XO.
3-B Have fun! Star Trek is about discovering new things and going to the edge of our imaginations. Don't get bogged down with technicalities, be creative and have fun!
3-C Harassment of anykind will not be tolerated on, but not limited to,any simm within IDF. As simmers, noone has the has the right to harass any other player for any reason at all. Regulation 3-B was created for a reason. We are here to have fun, not to bash others. Harrassment will NOT be tolerated in IDF.


Regulations were originally created by the fore fathers of IDF. The Regulations were amended in July of 2004, by Vice Admiral Richter Hiron, Director of Fleet Development.