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Niz's Very Small Tallest Red Shrine

Annoyingly, this site WON'T be updated until I get more time, and that probably won't be until Summer Vacation... ar, sorry ^^;

Guten Tag! I am Tallest Niz, and this is my very small shrine dedicated to Tallest Red! I was browsing the internet last night, when I realized that there are probably a million online shrines dedicated to various cartoon characters. That made me wonder "Do they not know what a shrine is?" A shrine is a temple or building that people have set aside to worship certain gods and goddesses. So I said "Well, Red IS an Almighty Tallest, so he needs a shrine, too!" Um, so here you go, Red. A shrine, because I love and adore you and worship the ground you hover on. Okay O_o

That's all, folks! ^_^ So, Niz... Who's Tallest Red?

WHAT? You mean you don't know?! Okay, I'll enlighten you, because I am so very nice. There is a show called Invader Zim, and if you've never seem Invader Zim, I suggest you leave now to go watch it, because I'm not going to explain the whole show =P Anyways, Tallest Red is the leader of Irk... well, and Tallest Purple, too, but this isn't about him. Rank on the planet Irk is determined by height, so the tallest get to boss everyone around. There was a really short little Irken named Zim, whom the Tallest really didn't like that much, so they sent him on a fake mission to planet Earth so he'd go away. And it worked, so little Zim isn't on Irk anymore. And the Tallest really seem to like junk food. ALOT. Whenever you see them on the show, they're either eating food or doing something puppet-related. They really like puppets, too. But that's okay, because puppets rule! Red and Purple have completely different personalities. Red's the more mature one, while Purple whines alot. They both looked really different at the beginning of the show than they do now. On the first episode, Red had pink-red-ish eyes and a light/dark red uniform, though in later episodes, his eyes are red and his uniform is red and black. On Earth terms, the Tallest aren't very tall, when you compare Zim to adult humans and then to the Tallest, you'll find they're only about five and a half feet. That's how tall I am. And they are really extremely old. Zim is older than any human alive, and the Tallest are the same age as Zim(isn't that creepy?) Okay, and what posessed me to waste all this time on a shrine for this guy? Because, I love him! Yes! One day in the future, when it will be possible to create genetic mutations and such, I'm going to pay a million dollars to create a real Red, and we are going to get married! And all the other Red obsessees online will be sad, because I... am... ULTIMATE!!! *evil laugh* Okay, I'm not really ultimate, but I do love Red ^_^

Yes, I DO love Red... It's trek/ilovered because originally I was going to have this be a Red/Star Trek shrine. But that would take a while to make, and I know nothing about making websites =P
Ee! Chip switch! Little click things that lead to other sites... a.k.a. Links
A toast to you, my dear Niz! *^^* Aww... Ain't it kewte? ^_^
Augh! I love this picture of Red, but it was too big to put on the page!!!
This is the background I have on my desktop. It's a collage. It's in PNG format, so I don't think you can use it unless you have Microsoft Picture It. But it looks really cool when you put it in tile format ^_^

Invader Zim episodes featuring Red

My obsessive things! Check it all out NOW!!!

The Poem of Red and Niz
Things That are Red
Beauty of the Night
Call Me Red (parody of Mr. Blue by Garth Brooks)
Tallest Red (parody of Melanie by Weird Al)
Leading My Dreams
In Another Language (aka The Sugar High Poem)
My Online Diary - Daily Doses of Red-filled Insanity
Script of the cancelled Zim episode 'The Trial', from TV Tome
*NEW* You Know You're Obsessed With the Tallest When...
*NEW* My first Tallest Red music video, to the song Mr. Wonderful
