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FAQ for Mrs. Puff's Boating School

1. How can I get a signature for my messages?
Go to "My Control Center," then click the button that says "Edit
Preferences." Scroll down to "Custom Signature," and add your signature
in the box. Hit Enter if you want to begin a new line. After you have your sig,
under the "Custom Signature" box there is a small box labeled "Use custom signature." Make sure this box is checked, and then click "Save Changes" at the very bottom of the page. Now your sig will show up every time you post.

2. Now that I have a sig how do I add a link?

You have to use EzCodes in your sig because HTML will not work unless you're an EzSupporter. Type in the following code:

[]my blah blah blah blah site[/link]

If you leave out the my site part, only the URL will show up.

3. How do I add a pic to my sig?

Add the following code:


4. I want my name, link and picture all centered in my sig. How do I do that?

Here's what the code for something like this would look like.

[center]My name is Jeff (hit Enter twice)

[]MY SITE[/link] (hit Enter twice again)


5. What is the difference between a personal pic and an icon?
It is important to know the difference between a personal picture and an icon. A personal pic is the image that will appear under your user name. It can be small or large, but Ezboard will not allow it to be bigger than 200x200.
An icon is an image that appears NEXT to your user name, so it should be pretty small. Large icons make the forum really wide, so make sure the size of your icon is no bigger than 50x50. If your picture disrupts the forum tables in a real blatant way, your post will be deleted.

6. How do I get my Personal Pic to work?
To get your personal picture to show up, go to "My Control Center," and then click on "Edit Profile." In the box labeled "Personal Photo URL," enter the web address (URL) of the picture you wish to use. Make sure the small box that's labeled "Use Personal Photo" is checked, so your picture will appear every time you post. NOTE: ezBoard will automatically reduce the size of your picture to 60x60, unless you add width and height tags. After your photo's URL is typed in the box, add a space and "width=? height=?" (without the quotation marks) after the URL, and substitute the ?s with numbers.

7. How do I get my icon to work?
To get your icon to show up, go to "My Control Center," then click on "Edit Preferences," NOT "Edit Profile." Go to "Personal Icon," and enter the URL of your icon into the box. After you have done that, make sure the small box labeled "Use personal icon next to my user name" is checked. Remember, the size of your icon should be no greater than 50x50.

8. Why is there a red X where my pic/icon should be?
An X means that something is wrong with the URL you entered. Go back and recheck your URL for any typos or missing letters. Also, check the file extension you have entered. If the picture you want to use is spongebob.JPG, then spongebob.GIF will not work.

Also, make sure you have uploaded your picture to your own server. One mistake that many people make is linking to a picture on their computer. For example, linking your image to C:\My Documents\spongebob.JPG will not work. Your picture MUST be uploaded to a server.

Finally, your picture might not show up because it was uploaded to a server that does not allow direct linking. Some places like GeoCities do not allow you to link to images you host there from a different server besides their own.

9. Why aren't the emoticons showing up in my posts?
Before you hit the "Add Post" button, make sure that the box labeled "Emoticons" is checked. Also, make sure the box labeled "HTML" is UNchecked.

A few rules to note

1. If you are going to do a test, start your own thread. Do not tag onto someone else's test. If you've started a test thread don't run your test again in a new thread. Keep it all in one thread.

2. Sarah has some wonderful pics on her site, but please do not directly link to her site as this causes bandwidth problems. Save the pic to your computer the upload it to your own server.