Gigi Sinclair

Archer/Tucker Star Trek Enterprise slash fan fiction


Five First Dates :: PG-13 :: February 2004

You have to kiss a lot of frogs…

Tomasu :: PG-13 :: May 2004

Lorian has issues. No, other ones.

Tradition :: PG :: June 2004

Trip's wedding.

Hot Water :: NC-17 :: August 2004

Jon and Trip in an AU hot tub.


Kiss Me, Commander :: PG-13 :: February 2003


Perchance to Dream :: R :: January 2003


Two For One :: "Getting Away From It All" and "Business Lunch," G/NC-17 :: January 2003


Second Chances :: R :: March 2003

"Trip and I have left Ketto Enol, where we had a successful first contact with the Enolians. We even managed to squeeze in a little R and R."

Politically Correct :: NC-17 :: May 2003

Cogenitor: The Aftermath. With sex. And blood soup. And seven-foot-tall chauvinistic aliens.

The Tucker-Archer Nebula :: PG-13 :: May 2003

A "First Flight" postepisodic bit of sappiness.

Sugar Daddy :: NC-17 :: June 2003

Jon and Trip get together. And get it on. Eventually.

By the Rocket's Red Glare :: G :: July 2003

Fourth of July festivities at the NX program.

Waxing Romantic :: PG :: July 2003

A continuation of the "Trip does something stupid and Jon forgives him" series (aka, 'Cogenitor Lite.')

Bouncing Back :: R :: July 2003

Trampoline sex and poor communication.

Driving Captain Archer :: NC-17 :: September 2003


French Kiss :: PG-13 :: September 2003

Visiting aliens test the crew's linguistic abilities.

Releasing Tension :: R :: October 2003

The "neural node stimulation" scene we should have seen.

Lest We Forget :: PG-13 :: October 2003

As a result of the Expanse, Archer is unable to form new long-term memories.

Substitution :: PG-13 :: December 2003

Trip dies, the Sim survives.

Bush-Tucker sequence

Bush Tucker :: R :: March 2003


Only Water :: PG :: May 2004

Trip remembers an important moment in his past with Jon.

Gigi Sinclair's Slash Emporium is maintained by Gigi. This is a nonprofit fan site. No copyright infringement is intended or should be inferred.