Gigi Sinclair

Archer/Reed Star Trek Enterprise slash fan fiction

Stand alone

The Love Ship :: R :: with Tucker/Mayweather :: April 2003

Jon and Malcolm take a cruise; Trip cruises Travis.

Father Figure :: PG-13 :: June 2003

Archer realizes he's in love, and T'Pol helps him deal.

Archer's Reeding Room :: PG :: June 9-13, 2003

Drabble series.

Faith of the Heart :: PG-13 :: June 2003

Archer gets sick. AU, of course, but then isn't everything?

Ma Archer :: PG :: July 2003

A contemplation of the question of Jon's missing mother.

Faint of Heart :: R :: August 2003

Malcolm faints. At an inappropriate moment.

The New Look :: PG-13 :: September 2003

What's with the new look, anyway?

Like They Do on the Discovery Channel :: NC-17 :: October 2003

What really happened on that planet. And how Malcolm spent his day off afterwards.

Insubordinate :: R :: February 2004

Loque'eque aftermath. And Hayes beating.

Horny sequence

Horny :: R :: August 2002

Alien allergens (what else?) turn the Enterprise into a Roman orgy and Captain Archer into Captain Kirk. Only hot. And, you know, in love with Malcolm.

Sexy :: NC-17 :: February 2003

The Trojanians are back, and it's Malcolm's turn.

Gigi Sinclair's Slash Emporium is maintained by Gigi. This is a nonprofit fan site. No copyright infringement is intended or should be inferred.