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Lieutenant Cherry Corday
Computer Specialist

Sex: Female | Race: Betazoid | Home Planet: Betazed | Age: 26
Height: 5'6" | Weight: 130 lbs. | Eyes: Green | Hair: Brown

Cherry Corday was born a daughter of the Sixth House (Heir to the Divine Scrolls of Betazed, Possessor of the Sacred Urn) on the Daae province on Betazed. Her parents, Sylvan and Challe Corday, were dead set against Cherry's joining Starfleet, but there was little they could do about it. Cherry's godmother is Lwaxana Troi (that explains how Cherry got to be so headstrong), and Deanna was a big influence on Cherry's life.

Cherry grew up with a deep rooted love for writing. As a child she used to write her own "Sacred Scrolls" and put them in a big box she kept in the closet. She never did as well in school as she could have because she was too busy reading everything but her school books. When she was eleven she decided she wanted to know how the replicator in her room worked, so she took it apart. It was the beginning of a lifelong love of technology. But she still writes short stories from time to time.

She entered Starfleet Academy at the age of 18. She ranked 26th of 215 in her graduating class. She could have done better, but she had a burgeoning social life as well.

Shortly after graduation, Cherry was posted to the USS Brightman. She served there for seven months, until the captain of the Brightman was court-martialled for treason. Her telepathy was often misused while she served on the Brightman. Starfleet, uneasy about displeasing a daughter of the Sixth House (not to mention displeasing Lwaxana Troi), let Cherry pick her new assignment. So Cherry chose the Bush. She hopes to be there for a very long time.