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Soda Straw Ceiling

Inner Space Cavern

Flowstone: Still growing

Visited July 2002

Drill Site: Discovery Room

   Inner Space Cavern was discovered in 1963, by construction workers who were drilling for core samples before construction of Interstate Highway 35. The workers punched through the cave and watched as the drill dropped several feet. 
     The hole was enlarged to drop someone in to investigate. It was at this point that the construction company contacted the Austin Spelunker Society to investigate. 

     Once in the cave several fossils were found including that of a saber tooth tiger and other Ice Age mammals. Inside the cave a concrete wall was erected to prevent mudflows through a particular area. The owners decided to take advantage of this space and had an artist come in and paint pictures of the animal remains that were found in the cave. 

Discovery Room

Stalagmites hanging over a Bone Pit

Column in Cave

Visitors start the trip into the cave with a ride on the Scenic Subway into the cave. Once inside the cave the paths are easy to walk. *This cave is 

Scenic Subway trail

Carved ceiling

wheelchair accessible. 

     This cave is still 95% active and has many wondrous formations throughout the cave. The cave also has shows in 

Soda Straw Ceiling

an underground theater for educational programs. 

     Like most caves a temperature of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit makes the

Collection of cave wonders

Yet another photograph of Soda Straw Ceilings

cave a wonderful treat from the summer heat. 

     I really enjoyed this cave! I have been to 5 of the 7 show caves in Texas and must say that the Soda Straw Ceilings is one of the best that I have viewed, thus far.

Carrie and I by the only touchable stone in the cave

Tour length: one mile, round trip; about one hour and fifteen minutes. Tripods allowed.  

To learn more visit Inner space Cavern Official Website  

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