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Mount Fairview (2744 m)

I did this hike the day before Canada Day, July 30th, 2002. My Dad, my sister Allison and I headed for Lake Louise to try and introduce my sister to the mountains. The plans were to do the Plain of the 6 Glaciers trail to the teahouse, but I had an urge to do something with a tad bit more elevation gain. My Dad said I could go ahead, so I went into the Château to buy a disposable camera. These shots were taken with a disposable. The book said I believe 4.5 and 7 hours round trip, but my Dad said I had to be back at the car in 3 hours! This was my first solo hike ever. There is 1 km of vertical elevation gain involved.

Off I went starting off from the boathouse at Lake Louise. I started hiking up the trail until I came across a sign saying beware of bear activity. Being alone, I got quite paranoid. So off I went running up the trail, clapping and hollering at every corner. People thought I was crazy! I was literally running through this section of the trail! It started snowing 15 minutes into the hike, and it continued all the way to the summit. The higher I got the heavier the snow was, until I entered a short whiteout at the top. It only lasted for 5 minutes or so, and then there was a big blue window over the summit. This is a photo of Aberdeen near the top just before the whiteout.

On the way up, I was zipping by people since I had no watch and I didn't want to be late. When I got to the saddleback there were great views of Temple and Aberdeen. I saw many Japanese groups in the Saddleback which was good to see. On the last portion of the trail I passed 2 groups and met 1 man coming down who said I was 5 minutes from the top and it was 3:40! I made it to the top in 1:15 minutes without even knowing it! This is a photo of the Lake and Mount St. Piran with the Beehives after I crested the summit and after the short storm.

Climbing Fairview puts you right in the middle of some of the Rockies' giants, as this picture shows. Mount Victoria is the imposing peak at the end of the valley. You can now see how Fairview got its name. Lefroy is the other big peak to the left of Victoria. They are both 11,000 foot peaks. A lady from Quebec took this shot for me after I was at the top for about 30 minutes. I left the summit after about 45 minutes.

On the ascent past the Saddleback, I noticed 2 large snow patches stretching from the summit to the Saddleback. 1 of them started at the summit and went halfway down, the other started halfway and went down to the Saddleback. The first one was pleasant glissading on the descent. This is a picture from mid-glissade of Mount Temple, the biggest peak in view. I climbed this mountain 2 years ago. The next snow patch was considerably steeper, and I lost control. Not having an ice-axe, it was painful stopping, and the rocks were not far away at the bottom. I carefully got off the snowpatch and decided to take the scree the rest of the way. I ran down the rest in 25 minutes for an ascent of 1:15 and a descent of 45 minutes for 2 hours round trip, plus a 45 minute summit break! I still don't know how I did it this fast! I got back to the car right at 5:15, but Dad and Allison didn't get back for another 2.5 hours! I guess he ended up taking her up to the Big Beehive as well.

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