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Constitution Class Cruiser Both Versions by Kt'Hyla


Pre Refit


2 Phasers

2 Photon Torpedoes


2 Phasers

Port and Starboard

2 PhasersCrew: Approximately 450

Length: 289 meters


Other Info

The Constitution Class was the cruiser the Federation fielded between 2245 and 2270. For it's time it was well armed. The vessels were the primary exploration ships of the time. Many of the other ship designs stayed deep within Federation space and were rarely seen out in the frontier. The most famous of these vessels is the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 first commanded by Captain Robert April then by Captain Christopher Pike and finally by Captain James Tiberius Kirk. These ships were involved in many pivotal events in history including first contact with the Romulans in over a hundred years, The Battle of Organia and the test of the M5 multitronic computer. The Constitution's maximum sustainable warp speed was Warp 6. Although the Enterprise on many occasions exceeded that velocity. For their time they were well armed and their weapons were always updated frequently to keep up in the arms race between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. If the Klingons invaded the Constitutions would be the first ships to see action. The ships remained largely in their stock configurations until 2270.


Refit (2270- 2289)

Forward \

8 Phaser Cannons (Pulse Mode)

4 Photon Torpedoes


4 Phaser Cannons (Pulse Mode)

Port and Starboard

4 Phaser Cannons (Pulse Mode)

Crew: Approximately 450

Length: 305 meters

Other Info

In 2270 the Constitution class underwent a massive refit of all systems. The structure of the ship was also changed. The standard beam phasers which at the time were just phase cannons from the 22nd century with increased power were replaced with cannons that shot pulses. These were used for nearly twenty years because of their splash damage effect. Eventually they were improved and at least visually appeared to be beams in 2289 onwards. The ships warp speed was slightly improved. It's maximum sustainable warp speed is Warp 7 although it can go faster for short periods of time. The USS Enterprise NCC-1701 was one of the first ships to be completly refitted. It was rushed out of spacedock to intercept an alien entity known as V'ger. The Enterprise managed to stop V'ger from destroying Earth. The refitted Constitution stayed in service until the early 24th Century when they were retired and replaced with the Constellation class.

Post Refit (2289-2300 approximately)


4 Phasers

4 Photon Torpedoes


2 Phasers

Port and Starboard

2 Phasers

Crew: (See Above)

Length: (See Above)

Other Info: (See Above)