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A Spanish Galleon

The West Indies and the Caribbean comprise some of the richest treasure-hunting waters and islands in the world. Notorious pirates,like Blackbeard and Captain Morgan, stole and buried loads of treasure on Providence Island as well as multipule other locations around the region. Countless Spanish galleons bound for Spain were also sunk by these pirates over the centuries, resulting in untold millions dollars of lost and found treasures. Guess where 70% of that treasure originated from? You guessed it; UTAH!

Spanish Erastra: The Spanish used the Erastra, or grinding stone, to crush ore to smaller, more useable pieces. From the center post of the Erastra, a long timber extended to a hitched mule. The mule pulled a large stone over the ore, reducing it to the desired size of 2 inches long. This device was also used to reduce sandstone into sand, which was used for mortar in order to build houses.

This spanish strong box was found somewhere in the southwest. It is dated 1876.

This spur was found in the desert of western Utah in 1998. I would assume that it is spanish.