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Fever's site has been temporarily closed down

(for the time being anyway. HA! Thought you could get away, huh?... okay, I'll shut up now)

Anyway. It has recently come to my attention that this site has a shitload of popups, and is crap.

I would like to extend my thanks to the highly articulate Christian Webs for pointing this out. I'd also like to congratulate him on his noticing that my site contained "extreme levels of faggot". What with all the gay anime porn, and the slash fanfiction, and the blatant lesbianism (well, bisexualty), it must have taken a special breed of genius to work that one out.

Anyway. I'm not sure if I'm not sure if I'll ever reopen this website- I'll probably just leave this message up and forget about it- but in the meanwhile, my diary is Right here. Feel free to visit, flame me, etc.

