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J.M.Verrill - Afro'd Mystic

The powers possessed by Mr Jon Michael Verrill have so far defied the explanations of the world's scientists and parapsychologists. It is believed that he somehow focuses the latent power of the cosmological fabric with his mighty afro, which actually bends the quantum foam that makes up the universe we know. However he does it, though, Mr Verrill is a valuable member of the Band, chanelling his prodigious power through his pair of Bolt Cutters, Narcarach [Jaws of Flame], using a range of powers from deadly pulses of energy to divining the location of things, for example large buildings. Though a committed foe of all the legions of Bowron, Verrill harbours a special hatred for Baxthor, because of his abuse of the powers available only to these privileged two. Hail to Verrill, Afro'd Mystic!