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   What's on this web-site, and why? . . . . . . . . . . .

First of all, welcome!

What you'll find here, is a collection of my personal impressions of a bunch of places that I have payed visit. It's not a travel guide per se, although you can find a few tips here and there. Instead, I have focused on rendering the sensation of the places, as it appeared to me. I don't claim to tell "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" or anything like that, I just tell things the way I've seen them. It may be simplified, it may be judgemental and it may sometimes be downright wrong, but never the less, it's my impressions.

And what exactley is the purpose with all this? Well, I have both personal reasons and more ideological ones. Personally, I wanted to log some of my thoughts and impressions in this digital scrapbook for future remembrance. It also gives me a definite feeling of having finalized the journeys. Without it, I'd feel a bit like nothing came out of the whole thing. Besides, by sharing my experiences with you all, I hope to promote cultural exchange and mutual understanding across the many borders of this world that we all share.

So go ahead and dig in. Please choose a destination in the  column on the left.