These pictures aren't really in order...

This was the view of Arenal Volcano from the sitting area of our hotel in La Fortuna.

We took a bus to the volcano... this is the view looking away from Arenal.

Another photo of Arenal.

This picture was taken on our way to the volcano, Arenal is in constant activity as you can see from the smoke coming out of it.

The B&B in San Jose is a Diamond in the rough. This is the seating area where you eat your big, homemade, gourmet, made-to-order-omlette buffet breakfast.

Another picture.

While there, Sara and I took a tour of Cafe Britt coffee plantation. These are two of the tour guides, hilarious tour.

The guy in the front owns the plantation.

The gift shop for Cafe Britt.

Mmmmmmmm.....coconut milk.

Downtown San Jose.

This was our hotel just outside of the volcano...

...and this was our hotel at Manuel Antonio.

Back to San Jose real quick... this was a neat place, it was closing when we got there, but this is a former jail that was converted to a children's museum.

...and then to La Fortuna again.

The blue and white building on the right was a neat bar we went to... and by neat I mean it was just benches, old tables, two kinds of beer and absolutely zero aesthetic thought put into it, it was perfect. When it's open, the panels come off the windows and it's all really open.

These next ones are just pictures of the beach near Manuel Antonio.

Apple tree.

A park in San Jose.

Some guy and some girl

San Jose, again.

Uber comfortable.


If I weren't there, Sara would have brought all these little guys home.

It's a tree... on a cliff.

The Street our hotel in Manuel Antonio is on.

Drum practice?

That dude's not me, but this is while we were horseback riding to the waterfall.

Getting there...

Then after horseback riding for about 50 mins, we hiked about another 20 mins down this trail. This is what it looked like the whole way down.

I can smell it...

There was an area where we could go swimming with fish after the hike, very refreshing.

This was just during one of our bus rides.

I have more pictures to come, but I need to finish my film first. They're... I think... canopy tour pictures... and some other stuff, I can't remember.

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