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The First and Only Weekly Online Fanzine Devoted to the Life and Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Volume 0371

ECOF 2000 - Clarksville Tennessee - Logo by Jeff Doten
Hosted by Jim Thompson

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"The aim of ECOF ~ The ERB Chain of Friendship ~ is to bring into contact with each other all the devotees of EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS so that each one of us is known to all others. ... to bond ourselves together with the one common denominator, EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS, who holds us all, link by golden link, within the ERB CHAIN OF FRIENDSHIP."
 ~ Frank Paul Shonfeld ~ 1980


Hachland Hall - Bed and Coffee
Southern Rustic EleganceThe elusive Tangor makes a brief appearance
Silks and FursRob Greer - Bobbie Rucker - Sue-On Hillman
George McWhorter and Bruce Wood - Tublat and AbnerLaurence Dunn - Bloody British Hooligan
Abner Perry - von Horst - Tublat - Dejah - BBH - TasorGeorge T. McWhorter
George McWhorter and Bill HillmanGeorge McWhorter and Bob O'Malley

Thursday Dinner
An expeditionary force leaves Hachland Hall in
Tarak's battle-damaged tank and
invades the Green Olive for a late-night supper
Sue-On and David Critchfield (von Horst)Tarak taking shot #72
Pat and Brad VinsonBill Campbell and Tarak
Starved whiplashed barbarian hampered by body cast
Be sure to visit our other ECOF 2000 features in ERBzine:
ERBzine: 0371: ECOF 2000 ~ Arrival
ERBzine: 0372: ECOF 2000 ~ Hucksters & Auctioneers
ERBzine: 0373: ECOF 2000 ~ Comics Panel
ERBzine: 0374: ECOF 2000 ~ Thompson Bar-B-Q
ERBzine: 0375: ECOF 2000 ~ Thompson ERB Collection
ERBzine: 0376: ECOF 2000 ~ Mary Burroughs
ERBzine: 0377: ECOF 2000 ~ Tarak & Predator Battle
ERBzine: 0378: ECOF 2000 ~ Tom Yeates At Work: Dejah & JoN I
ERBzine: 0379: ECOF 2000 ~ Tom Yeates At Work: Dejah & JoN II
ERBzine: 0380: ECOF 2000 ~ Banquet
ERBzine: 0381: ECOF 2000 ~ Group Photos
ERBzine: 0382: ECOF 2000 ~ Jim's Book Signing and Catalogue
ERBzine: 0383: ECOF 2000 ~ Brunch
ERBzine: 0384: ECOF 2000 ~ Farewells
ERBzine: 0385: ECOF 2000 ~ Dejah's Diary - Day I
ERBzine: 0386: ECOF 2000 ~ Dejah's Diary - Day II
ERBzine: 0387: ECOF 2000 ~ Dejah's Diary - Day III
ERBzine: 0388: ECOF 2000 ~ Dejah's Diary - Day IV
ERBzine: 0389: Laurence Dunn: Elvis, Tarzan, Superman…!
ERBzine: 0389: Laurence Dunn: Elvis, Tarzan, Superman…!

Volume 0371

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All Original Work ©1996-2004 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing Authors/Owners
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