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The First and Only Weekly Online Fanzine Devoted to the Life and Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Volume 0331

ERB-Date: 2000.04.14

CONTENTS: M & Q 2000.04.14
1. Monkeys are Capitalists
2. O. J. Rognat ~ Capitalist Interplanetary Real Estate Magnate
3. Moon Land Registry
4. TARZAN SINGS: Tarzan's Monkey
5. TARZAN SINGS: Tarzan, My Jungle King
6. You'll Be In My Heart: Oscar Winner
7. Cover Gallery
8. Coat of Arms
9. Greystoke Church in East Cumbria
10. Greystoke Pottery
11. Oddities from Darkest Africa
12. ERB Photo
13. Schecky ~ The Monkey King
14. Burroughs Bibliophiles Bulletin Board with Johnny Sheffield Photo
by Neil Maghami
National Post ~ 2000.04.07
How they passed the apple-slice test
A new study [published in the scientific journal, Nature] has found that monkeys have their own form of free enterprise. They co-operate to gain a goal, then share the rewards in a primitive form of capitalism.

Primate experts at Emory University in Atlanta say their study proves that South American capuchin monkeys share and work together in what the researchers call "calculated reciprocity." comparable, in human terms, to "payment for labour and labour for payment." ... Experiments were conducted using a special chamber divided in half by wire mesh. A sliding tray was attached to the chamber with two metal bars. The weighted tray was too heavy for one monkey to pull within reach, but two working together could pull the tray. The trials involved placing randomly selected monkeys of the same sex in a chamber and giving them the task of trying to reach apple slices lying on a tray. Researchers observed that the monkeys cooperated in order to bring the tray closer to the chamber by pulling together on the metal bars. The monkeys that got to the food first consistently gave some to their partners as a reward for helping. The capuchins co-operated only if the monkeys could see each other.

The sliding test was meant to simulate the co-operative aspect of the capuchins' natural hunting habits. In the wild, capuchins chase their prey as a group. The final capture is carried out by just one member of the troop, who then shares the meal with the other monkeys. Researchers point out that the capuchins' economy, like the human one, requires participants to remember that "tit for tat is essential" in order for the system to work. In the capuchins' case, one group is trading its work (by helping pull on the tray) for food. This constitutes a kind of barter economy, far more sophisticated than simple sharing.

The Nature article echoes a 1997 study of chimpanzee behaviour, which showed that those primates rewarded their grooming partners with gifts of food. Capuchin monkeys are not as intelligent as chimpanzees, although they share food, use tools in captivity, hunt co-operatively and can live up to 50 years. "The split between our branch of the evolutionary tree and their is 35 million years ago, whereas a chimpanzee is about five million years ago. Human morality is not a unique or out-of-the-blue phenomenon.

Mr. O.J. Rognat
Successful capitalist real estate agent
The land rush is on. Here's a hot tip from Rognat Land Holdings:
There are prime lots still available -- in one-acre parcels -- on
Vanah, Amtor, Sasoom's Io, and Barsoom
(amazingly there are still good lots available in the Toonolian Marshes)
Get yours today at:
3. Moon Land Registry
Moon Land Registry

YanniWolf Larson and Mrs. RognatFabio
The expert Rognat sales team


4. Tarzan's Monkey

Tarzan's Monkey by The Apes
(written by B. Rosengarden and P. Krause
Jandor and Emarcy Publishing ASCAP)
Mercury Records 72219 - YW1-30783
This April 1964 45 rpm single release is mostly instrumental but is peppered with Tarzan talk.
The flipside is a dance instrumental Don't Monkey With the Pony

5. Tarzan, My Jungle King
Music from the 15 chapter silent serial
The Son of Tarzan
Original Sheet Music from
Tarzan, My Jungle King (1920)

    You'll Be in My Heart
by Phil Collins

 Come stop your crying It will be alright Just take my hand Hold it tight I will protect you from, All around you I will be here  Don't you cry For one so small, You seem so strong My arms will hold you, Keep you safe and warm This bond between us,  can't be broken I will be here, don't you cry Cos you'll be in my heart Yes you'll be in my heart From this day on Now and  forever more You'll be in my heart No matter what they say, You'll be here in my heart Always Why can't they understand the  way we feel They just don't trust, what they can't explain I know we're different, deep inside us We're not that different at all  And you'll be in my heart Yes you'll be in my heart From this day on Now and forever more Don't listen to them Cos do they know We need each other To have to hold They'll see in time I know When destiny calls you, You must be strong I may not be  with you, But you got to hold on They'll see in time I know We'll show them together Cos' you'll be in my heart Believe me you'll be in my heart I'll be there from this day on Now and forever more Oh you'll be in my heart you'll be here in my heart No
  matter what they see I'll be with you here in my heart I'll be there, Always Always I'll be with you I'll be there for you always  Always and always Just look over your shoulder Just look over your shoulder Just look over your shoulder I'll be there for you....


John Carter of Mars: Dell Comic #375 - My intro to Barsoom back in 1952Barsoomian Fanzine #15Library Review #30 with ERB feature

8. Coat of Arms

Castles:  Appleby: just south of the river Tees on the road from Carlisle to York
Arms: barry of six argent and azure, three rings gules
Biography: With the exception of the younger Greystoke, who fought with Richard III at Bosworth, the family fought for the Lancastrians alongside their powerful neighbors, the Percies. ~ 1 Lords Vote ~ 0 Commons Vote


Grid Ref NY 443308
There has been a Church as Greystoke since 1255. The Church at that time was richly endowed. The nobility took a personal interest in their Parish Church, and the 14th Baron Greystoke, who built the first Greystoke Castle, and whose grave is in the chancel, was keen to add chantries, where masses for the dead would be held. Three were built on each side of the nave, with painted oak screens. At the Reformation, the oak screens were removed, leaving a very large nave. The tower was used by villagers seeking refuge from marauding Scots (as a pele tower), and houses four bells from the 15th Century .

for more photos and information about this historical treasure.

The pottery is situated in the hamlet of Greystoke Gill.
They produces a wide range of domestic and individual stoneware,
also raku and porcelain and specialise in individual "castles"
Greystoke Gill Pottery
Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 0UQ


Pics from Lord Greystoke party 1999-02-06

Greystoke, Queen of the Jungle

Welcome to the Jungle: The Story of Tarzan
Jungle News



Schecky the Monkey King in Cho's Liberty Meadows comic strip. 2000.04.09


Hosted by Jim Thompson
Guests: Barry Stubbersfield & Mary Burroughs
MAY 18 - 21, 2000

DUM-DUM 2000
~ The Annual Convention of the Burroughs Bibliophiles ~

The Michigan Chapter of the Burroughs Bibliophiles
(The Mad Kings) will host
Dum-Dum 2000 on July 13-16 2000
at Lands Inn, 3825 28th Street SW, in Grandville, Michigan
(call 1-800-538-LAND or 1-616-531-LAND).

Special guest will be Johnny Sheffield
(boy from Tarzan films w/ Johnny Weismuller).
Room Rates are $49.95 for single or suite.
Registration fees are to be announced soon as they have yet to be determined.

Volume 0331

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